On the elephant carriage of King Lu.

Zhu Zhen didn't look outside the car, but on the way from Nanyang, he kept sending people to inquire about the situation along the way to see how many boys had been kidnapped.

The results were shocking. A large number of civilian and military children were kidnapped in various places, causing panic among the people in the domain. When the common people saw his men, they mistakenly thought that they were also from Prince Lu's palace. Just like seeing an evil ghost, they would avoid it, just like the people in Nanyang Town had the same reaction.

The public dissatisfaction is really boiling to the extreme.

And this is only the ‘masterpiece’ of Lao Shijuan in just one year. If I give him another two years, I don’t know what he can do...

He was still in a hurry to save the child, but he really didn't have the time or the mood to go around in circles with this guy anymore.

Then he asked King Lu straightforwardly:

"I discovered a strange phenomenon along the way. I saw so many men, women, and children, but not a single little boy. Do the people of Yanzhou not have sons?"

"This..." Lao Shi didn't expect that he would be more direct than him, and the corners of his mouth immediately twitched.

"Brother Six, have you heard any rumors?"

Zhu Zhen nodded: "I heard that Prince Lu's palace is still arresting boys everywhere, so the common people are hiding the boys."

"There is such a rumor." Lao Shi nodded and said:

"But it was a trivial matter like a needle's nose that made people spread the word like rain. A few months ago, my house was short of manpower, and the princess didn't understand the rules. She didn't discuss it with me, so she just wanted to Recruit a group of children to serve in the palace."

"Brother, I am inexperienced and didn't stop me. I didn't expect to cause such an uproar. And the rumors are getting more and more evil. They say that we are perverts and like little boys; we even say that we want to cut off the child's body to make medicine and make elixirs. ...Don’t you think this is nonsense?”

"But the common people didn't have the ability to distinguish, so they actually believed it. They were so frightened that they hid all the boys at home and sent them out." Lao Shi slapped his face in grievance and explained:

"The trouble got bigger and bigger, and many officials got involved in impeaching me. My father was furious and sent people to scold me. At that time, I let everyone go. , also announced that they would no longer castrate boys into the palace. Who knows, they are still worried, and they still dare not let boys take to the streets."

"..." Zhu Zhen listened patiently to what he said, then looked at Lao Shi and asked in a deep voice: "You mean, all the boys have been released? No more boys have been captured?" "

"Yes." Lao Shi nodded without hesitation, his eyes extremely candid.

"Then last night, when we were in Nanyang Town, why did we encounter the eunuchs of your palace arresting children again? And they almost arrested Xiongying?" Zhu Zhen asked coldly.

"Ah..." Lao Shi was surprised at first. Unexpectedly, those idiots actually decided to target the emperor's grandson. No wonder Zhu Xiongying’s nose was not a nose and his face was not a face.

He rolled his eyes and was about to answer when he heard Sixth Brother say in a deep voice:

"You should think it through before answering. Although I have the responsibility to investigate the problems in Prince Lu's Mansion, I am still your brother. If you don't tell the truth to me, I won't be able to help you!"

"Yes, Brother Six." Lao Shi didn't dare to deny it. He lowered his head and wiped his sweat, slapped his face several times, and then stammered:

"Is there still such a thing? Could it be that the people below are messing around under my banner? Brother Six, don't worry, I will definitely find out about this matter and give you and Xiongying an explanation!"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhen had a look of disappointment on his face, and his voice turned cold: "Is this your answer? I'll give you one last chance - you might as well speak more clearly. What happened with Lao Ba just now, I am I came to Yanzhou with the intention of calming down troubles!"

He stared at Lao Shi intently and said earnestly: "Hurry up and release the kid I arrested. We still have to discuss the matter! Otherwise, I will be accused of being ruthless and senseless. I will also punish him." Investigate the case to the end!”

Lao Shi was so overwhelmed by Zhu Zhen's powerful aura that he could hardly breathe. The whole person was about to collapse before his eyes, but he suddenly remembered the words of the immortal, and he regained the courage to resist. He shook his head and said:

"I really didn't do it. Sixth Brother, would you rather believe what outsiders say than your own brother?"

"You!" Zhu Zhen saw that he was still tough at this point, and he grabbed Lao Shi's collar with hatred, but then let go again, and said to Lao Shi word by word:

"Okay, let's get down to business."

"You go check it out..." At that moment, Old Ten felt that he was about to be strangled to death by Old Six, and now he became angry: "If you really find out something, you can kill or behead him as you please, I won't say anything!"

Zhu Zhen was really convinced. From the eighth to the tenth child, everyone was as tough as a diamond.

But it's nothing special. It's just that because of their special status, they couldn't be tortured to extract confessions, otherwise it would just be a matter of a few wet rice papers.

Now the rescue matters can only be decided by Ma Sanbao...


The days are already shorter in this season, and it starts to get dark after dinner.

Ma Sanbao finally waited until it was completely dark and the children were asleep. The lights in those shacks were still on, and the sounds of sergeants and eunuchs eating, drinking, and fisting could be heard from inside.

He had no choice but to continue waiting. It was not until the second watch that the lights in the shack were turned off, and soon snoring broke out.

When the defenders were all asleep, Ma Sanbao got up from the ground and quietly walked to the shack, away from the sleeping children.

Then he took out the firework hidden on his body and held the firework in his other hand. He tore off the oil paper wrapped around the fireworks, blew out the fuse, and then without hesitation lit the red light on the fuse of the fireworks.

After a brief burst of smoke, the fireworks shot into the sky with a whoosh. Then there was an explosion, and a dazzling bright white flower bloomed in the night sky!

"What's the noise?!" It was quiet on the sandbank, but suddenly the sound of firecrackers exploded, waking everyone up.

The sergeants and eunuchs rushed out of the shack to check. Even many children were woken up, rubbing their sleepy eyes and looking around to see the fireworks that were still blooming in the night sky, which was more dazzling than all the stars put together!

This is not an ordinary firework, but a new type of flare developed by students from the Academy of Sciences of Guozi University in a science competition.

In order to make it bloom longer in the sky and play a better role, college students worked hard and used the knowledge they learned to not only install a small parachute on it, but also used low-charge fuses and segmented Explosive design, so the fireworks float in the sky and explode continuously.

Although the duration of each one varies, most last for over a minute.

The children cheered in surprise, but the sergeant and eunuch were furious. Eunuch Zhou's sharp voice echoed through Shazhou: "Who the hell released this?! Catch me!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the shack behind him was set on fire again. It hasn't rained for a long time at this time of year, and the reeds used to build the shack are extremely dry. As soon as they catch fire, they burst into flames, illuminating the entire sandbank as bright as day.

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