Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1186 The aftermath

For the next month, Zhu Zhen stayed in Yanzhou to wipe Lao Shi's butt.

One is to send the children captured by Lao Shi home. This job seems simple, but in fact it is not simple at all.

Because Eunuch Zhou and the others' registration was too careless. The account book that Ma Sanbao found only recorded the day in which town and how many children were taken in, and there was no other information...

The older children are better, they know where they live, what their parents are called, and they can always find their home.

But there are still half of them who are so young that they can’t explain anything they ask, and they don’t know where their home is, so they can only ask adults to claim it.

But a little boy of this age is a hot commodity, and the government also gives each child a compensation of two taels of silver. Naturally, there are many people who want to fish in troubled waters and pretend to get it.

After several situations where the child was almost taken away by strangers, Zhu Zhen had to change his strategy. He did not let the adults speak and let the children recognize the adults. If they recognized their parents, they would follow them. If they could not recognize them, they would not be allowed to take them away. .

In this way, the efficiency is too slow. The Yanzhou government office holds a family recognition meeting from morning to night every day, and can only send away one hundred and eighty children.

But Zhu Zhen insisted that it didn't matter if he was slow, and he couldn't make any mistakes. He couldn't let these poor children get out of the devil's cave and into hell again.

It took twenty days to send all the children home.

At this time, the situation he least expected to see occurred. There were more than a hundred families who had not found their children. They knelt at the yamen gate and cried non-stop, begging the Sixth Prince to make the decision for them.

Zhu Zhen ordered people to investigate the matter thoroughly and personally interrogated Eunuch Zhou. The result was as expected... Eunuch Zhou told him that from the time when the children were taken to the island to the last one month, many children died due to fright, heat, food, etc. Got a bad stomach, or got beaten for crying, got sick and died.

After the child died, they threw it into the lake and that was it.

Even the final death toll was calculated by Zhu Zhen by subtracting the number of rescued children from the number of children they captured.

A total of eighty-three people!

After the numbers came out, Zhu Zhen felt bad and wanted to cut Eunuch Zhou and his group into pieces.

But he had already said it before. As long as they no longer hurt the children, they would forget about it... As a prince, you must mean what you say.

Fortunately, he also promised that he would transfer them to other provinces to start over, so Zhu Zhen sent them all to the newly established Myanmar Central Government with a stroke of his pen.

Myanmar Central Prefecture is located in Ava City, which is the southernmost point of the territory currently controlled by the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Zhen had already ordered that if they died on the way, they would be considered lucky.

If they can reach central Myanmar alive, they will be transferred to the Chief Secretary of Kyushu. If they are still alive, they will be transferred back to Myanmar. Let's see how many rounds they can last...

For those families who lost their children, Zhu Zhen decided to build a tomb for their children at the gate of Prince Lu's Mansion, called the 'Children's Tomb'.

There is an inscription on Xiaoer's tomb written by Zhu Zhen in his capacity as Da Zongzheng, which records the incident in detail and sternly warns the clansmen in the world not to abuse the people, otherwise the heaven will take them, the earth will destroy them, and the national laws will severely punish them!

The inscription also contains Zhu Zhen's sincere apology to all the people of Yanzhou. Although the apology cannot change the outcome, it can at least calm the resentment of the Yanzhou people towards the old Zhu family.

Of course, the best apology is still compensation. Zhu Zhen decided to give a huge compensation of 100 taels of silver to all the families of the victims, as well as dozens of families whose children had been castrated before.

As for the money, it comes from the account of Prince Lu's Mansion.

Although Lao Shi spent a lot of money, he was very good at scraping the land. In just over a year, he saved nearly one million taels of silver. Zhu Zhen took it all out. In addition to compensating the children for their losses, he also paid compensation to the people of Yanzhou who had been forcibly demolished by King Lu, allowing them to return to the original site and rebuild their houses based on the original land deeds.

At this point, the people's hearts, which were almost harmed by the old ten, have finally been restored. It's just that the people no longer want to be ruled by King Lu. Thousands of people wrote a letter asking the Sixth Prince to bring His Royal Highness King Lu back to the capital forever and not to let him come back again.

But Zhu Zhen could not decide the fate of King Lu. He could only accept the people's petitions and forward them to his father on his behalf.

At the same time, he compiled all the verified charges against Lao Shi into memorials and sent them to the capital together with the evidence.

This time, he didn't hide anything from Lao Shi and told his father the truth. It depends on how the old man handles Old Ten...

Zhu Yuanzhang adhered to his usual vigorous and resolute behavior. On the tenth day of August, the eunuch who delivered the order arrived in Yanzhou.

There was an incense table and a red carpet in Prince Lu's palace. The four highnesses Zhu Zhen and Prince Lu and his wife all knelt down to listen to the Holy Instructions:

"Lu, for being so rude, his concubine will be executed at Lingchi. If you do this, the officials will summon Lingchi to the palace in one day! How can the people of ten, seven or eight years old be playing in the palace, and only three to five days will they be killed?" The eunuchs were so angry that they could not escape. They also took the children from the general's camp into the palace, some of them were released, and some were not released, so that the children of the military family were frightened. When the fire goes away, they hide it under the bed. This is so sad. These two couples cannot escape the death penalty. They should be the daughter of Lingchi Xinguo! I admire this!"

Princess Lu fainted on the spot, and King Lu was so frightened that there was a wet patch between his legs...

Eleven Twelve and Xiongying were also frightened. They had never seen Boss Zhu get so angry before. He actually wanted to knock all ten brothers and ten sisters together...

Only Lao Liu sneered secretly. It is true that the old thief was so angry that he could not speak coherently, but his instructions were not chaotic at all. Not only were all the things that should be explained were explained, but the important points were avoided and the priorities were reversed, they were also completely ignored.

You must know that this is the only opportunity for the public, and even most officials, to have access to the inside story of the case, so Boss Zhu’s imperial edict sets the official tone for the case——

First of all, he admitted that he had castrated children and offended the people, but he never said anything about refining elixirs. In this way, apart from the local people, in the eyes of outsiders, the case will not be so big and the nature will not be so bad.

Secondly, although it is clearly stated in the imperial edict, both King Lu and his wife cannot escape. However, at the beginning and end of the imperial edict, it was emphasized that Princess Lu should be executed without delay, and was even referred to as the daughter of Duke Xin, which naturally gave people the feeling that the culprit in this case was Princess Lu, not King Lu.

When his son is sick and his daughter-in-law takes medicine, Boss Zhu makes a clear distinction between internal and external matters.

Fortunately, Lao Liu had predicted his reaction early and erected a monument in Yanzhou City to record the incident. If it had been a few days later, he would not have been able to erect the monument if he waited for the decree.

But Lao Liu didn't know how much effect his little rebellion could have.

It is estimated that most of it will not affect Beijing. It can only be regarded as an explanation to the people of Yanzhou.

But then I thought about it, and it was funny to me. What kind of illusions did I have about a feudal emperor?

Moreover, he was a feudal emperor who killed his whole family when he was young and grew up to conquer the world with his own hands. How could he kill his own son?

In fact, even if Zhu Zhen himself is faced with the crime of his brother, he can have the determination to kill his relatives with justice, but if it is his son who commits the crime in the future, he may not be as determined as he is today...

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