Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1221 The sixth child is coming

It’s almost Chinese New Year, and Zhu Zhen is still in Shandong.

In fact, he originally planned to return to Beijing with the team escorting Lao Qi, but he could not resist the entreaties of Shandong officials, and the old thief also wrote a letter to let him stay in Shandong for a few more months.

It is clear to everyone at the top and bottom that only when he is in Shandong can the Confucius and Meng families be honest and the court's new policy can be implemented smoothly.

Zhu Zhen had no choice but to agree. In fact, he also wanted to compensate Lao Qi and Lao Ten for their debt to the people of Shandong.

Fortunately, the capabilities of the New Deal officials, who were mostly college students, were far from what they were in Jiangxi. Starting after the rebellion was put down in September, they completed the province's compilation of yellow books in just three months.

Of course, this is also related to the small population of Shandong...

Although historically, Shandong has long been the most densely populated, economically developed, and culturally advanced region in the country. In the Western Han Dynasty, it had a population of 3.9 million households, or more than 17 million people, accounting for one-third of the country.

However, after the ravages of the Jin and Yuan dynasties, Shandong was already on its last legs. Especially in the late Yuan Dynasty, Shandong was the main battlefield during clan wars and the Red Turban Uprising. While being ravaged by military disasters, it has also become a yellow flood zone with frequent floods, droughts and locust plagues.

As a result, according to household registration statistics in the early Ming Dynasty, there were only 380,000 households left in Shandong, and 1.26 million people... "Not one out of ten" is not enough to describe the tragedy.

After nearly twenty years of recuperation, Boss Zhu immigrated to Shandong from Shanxi and other places five times. Now the province has recovered to 700,000 households and a population of nearly 5 million.

Moreover, nearly half of them are "people of this dynasty" under the age of eighteen, which shows that Boss Zhu's measures to restore the population are quite effective.

As for the acres of land, most of Shandong was uninhabited land in the early days of the Kingdom. Zhu Yuanzhang vigorously took measures to reward land reclamation, giving seeds to cattle, and whoever planted the land got it.

He also spent huge sums of money to build water conservancy projects. Every year, he opened thousands of ponds and weirs in Shandong, dredged hundreds of rivers, and built hundreds of canal embankments. The amount of engineering work far exceeded that of previous dynasties.

The people of Shandong are industrious and willing to endure hardships. They have caught up with the good times and naturally burst out with infinite power. After nearly two decades of reclamation, they have basically reclaimed all the land that was abandoned due to war and famine.

After preliminary measurements, the province's cultivated land area has reached 60 million acres, twice that of the Song Dynasty, let alone the Yuan Dynasty...

It can be said that it is full of vitality and everything is in full swing!

It’s no wonder that after Boss Zhu heard about the Shandong Civil War, he wasn’t worried about it turning into a rebellion. How could ordinary people let go of their good lives and rebel against others?

Some people say that the two feudal princes tortured the common people terribly, didn't they? But the common people all came from the Yuan Dynasty. Compared with the princes and nobles of the Yuan Dynasty, they can only be regarded as dwarfs...


The New Deal was advancing at a rapid pace, and by the time we entered the twelfth lunar month, the work of compiling the land was completed, leaving only the work of clearing the land to be completed.

Zhu Zhen then ordered everyone to go to the fields to assist Qing Zhang, and the army also went into battle together, striving to complete all field survey work in one go before the Chinese New Year.

As for the follow-up review work and the preparation of the fish scale atlas, we can start it slowly after the year.

Zhu Zhen also reported to Boss Zhu that he and his two brothers planned to end their trip to Shandong after completing the field measurements and try to return to Beijing for the New Year.

Boss Zhu replied quickly and agreed in principle to his request. He just asked him to take a trip to Peiping. Although Peiping is in the northeast of Shandong and Nanjing is in the southeast of Shandong, it is not a convenient way in any case, but Zhu Zhen declined. No.

Because Boss Zhu told Zhu Zhen that his father-in-law Xu Da was seriously ill and ordered him to go to Peking to visit him on his behalf. If possible, he would take Xu Da back to Nanjing for treatment.

How could Zhu Zhen not agree to such a thing?

He asked Eleven and Twelve to return to Beijing first, while he quickly headed north.

Eleven Twelve said that they had been following Sixth Brother before their father asked them to become feudal lords, and they did not want to leave him.

In fact, Zhu Zhen couldn't bear to part with these two boys, so he took them with him to experience the severe cold in the north.

The three of them braved the howling north wind and rode towards Peiping.

The snow never stopped along the way. Sometimes it was scattered and scattered, making it invisible when it fell on the body; The sky and the earth are covered with snow, and the mountains and rivers are indistinguishable, and they all become one unified snowfield.

The group of people trekked hard in this snowy world. Fortunately, the newly built official road was straight and smooth, so that they would not get lost. There were inns every sixty miles for them to rest. They didn't miss their trip and arrived in Tongzhou on the 28th day of the New Year...

The Tongzhou camp was also where the central army of the conquest army was located. After King Yan became a vassal, in order to prevent his son-in-law from living in his shadow, Xu Da moved his general's mansion to Tongzhou.

But after he fell ill, Prince Yan and his wife also moved here.

Princess Yan took care of her father day and night, while Zhu Di sat in the General's Mansion and took care of military affairs for his father-in-law.

After several years of hard work, Zhu Di has grown into a general who can act independently. Since taking up the post of acting general, he has always done things in an orderly manner and is calm about changes, which has won high praise from the officers and soldiers.

But starting from the past few days, he suddenly became a little flustered, and from time to time he would think alone. Zhu Neng and Qiu Fu, a few close friends, could occasionally hear a few words, as if they were self-reflecting on the mistakes they had made over the years...

"What's going on, Your Majesty?" Several people couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "How can I open up all my old scores?"

"I don't know." Everyone shook their heads and said, "The prince asked us to think carefully about what illegal things we have done that day."

"Don't say you didn't do this kind of thing. Even if you did it, you can't admit it."

"It feels like the prince is going to surrender."

"Don't talk nonsense." Qiu Fu had sharp eyes. When he saw the prince coming out of the festival hall with a dark face, he quickly told everyone to shut up.

"Come here." Zhu Di glanced at them coldly, turned around and went in again.

A few people thought something was wrong, and the prince heard it, so he followed in anxiously.

After entering the festival hall, Zhu Di signaled to close the door, and then said angrily to everyone: "I have been telling you for several days, why doesn't anyone come to me to surrender? You must let me go back to my old business and investigate you one by one. ?!"

"Your Majesty, what is going on? Why don't you tell us everything and let us surrender without saying anything?" Zhu Nengqiufu and others said with a sad face:

"We don't even know what to do?"

"I have said this a long time ago! After following me to Peking, you have done all the illegal things!" Zhu Di glared.

"No, no..." Everyone shook their heads and said, "How can we dare to act recklessly under the eyes of the prince and the general?"

Zhu Di didn't believe it and said sternly:

"I tell you, my sixth brother will be here in two days! Don't harm me! Now that you admit it, I can help you wipe your butts. If you wait for him to come, don't blame me for being ruthless with you. I will never I will protect you!”

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