Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 120 Just a small commotion

Fortunately, in this era, the noble family did not have food and wine bags, so their children rushed forward with their servants and helped the officers and soldiers stabilize their positions.

"Prime Minister, please retreat to the Meridian Gate. This outer imperial city is too big and we can't guard it at all!" Seeing this, Xue Xiang quickly asked for instructions.

"No!" Li Shanchang said flatly: "Even if we die, we can't let those untouchables defile the Forbidden City!"

As he spoke, he pulled out his sword, cut off a section of his beard and said, "Anyone who dares to retreat will have such a beard!"

"Here!" A group of officers, soldiers, distinguished disciples and servants responded loudly, and their pupils were immediately filled with blood!

The Ming Dynasty's military orders were like a mountain, and those who retreated would surely die, and their family would suffer an indelible shame.

Better to fight and die!

Then fight to the death!

The two sides fought furiously at the top of the city, with shouts of killing, screams, the sound of metal hitting, and the sound of sharp knives piercing flesh. Blood and flesh foam flew everywhere, and broken corpses continued to fall inside and outside the Chengtian Gate...


At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and the two sides were still fighting.

Suddenly, the rumble of horse hooves was heard in the distance, and a large group of cavalry swept up along Tianjie.

Those thousands of horsemen were very fast and were approaching in a blink of an eye. Both warring parties quickly saw their flags clearly.

"It's Fengyang Zuowei who's back!"

"And the right back!" The morale of the defensive side was immediately boosted, and all the fatigue was gone!

But the offensive on the offensive side also became more fierce. Seeing that they had no way to survive, the peasants gave up completely.

I only deserve to die if I die. On the opposite side, everyone's lives and gold are very important. If we all die together, we will not lose. If we kill one of them, we will make a lot of money.

They had no regard for their own life or death, and even took the initiative to use their own sharp blades in exchange for the opportunity to hug the enemy and jump off the city wall. Even if we can't die together, we must kill them with a knife! Without weapons, I still have to bite off a piece of meat with my mouth!

As a result, the battle on the city became more intense...

Outside the imperial city was a different scene. The cavalry on Fengyang's left and right guards were elite divisions capable of driving the Mongols back to Mobei. They rode tall horses and charged into the sheep herd. They wielded their long knives fiercely and skillfully harvested the heads of the 'rioters', a complete one-sided massacre.

In the blink of an eye, the streets were filled with corpses of Red Scarf soldiers and civilians. Blood flowed everywhere, gathered into a river, and flowed into the deep moat...

Under this brutal unilateral massacre, the rebellious people finally couldn't hold on any longer, collapsed and fled...

The official cavalry did not stop them, but only charged back and forth along the moat to relieve the pressure on the defenders on the city top.

Without a steady stream of follow-up support, the rebels on the top of the city gradually became unable to hold on. They were quickly divided and surrounded, and then disappeared from the top of the city like boiling water and snow...

The battle to defend the Forbidden City finally came to an end as the last Red Scarf soldier was carried off the city wall by Jiang Xiahou's son Zhou Ji with a spear.

Cheers erupted all over the imperial city.

Li Shanchang was shocked to see the bloodstains all over the imperial city under the rising red sun.

"Oh, I'm so lucky. I thought I could just sit back and relax with the Forbidden City." He sighed, feeling exhausted.

At the most dangerous moment, the Ming Cultist was only three feet away from him, and blood was splattered on his face.

"The prime minister had a clever plan. He first lured the snake out of its hole with a move, and then killed it with a carbine, thus annihilating the Mingjiao rebellion." Xue Xiang quickly supported him.

"Remember, it's not a rebellion, it's a riot!" Li Shanchang said sternly: "We must also explain to them that this is just a small riot, and everything is under control!"

"Yes, yes." Xue Xiang nodded hurriedly, but looking at the scene of rivers of blood and dead and injured people lying on the square in front of the Meridian Gate, he felt that his conscience was condemned.

"Prime Minister." At this time, Zhu Xiang, the prefect of Fengyang, came up panting and reported: "The riot in the city has basically been controlled, but it is really impossible to capture all the rebels with only three guards."

"They're not rebels, they're rebels!" Xue Xiang quickly corrected him.

"What's the difference?" Zhu Xiang asked confused.

"Don't worry so much." Li Shanchang interrupted him: "Instruct Ding Bin and the others to control the city gate first, protect the important construction sites and the minister's mansion, and wait until the Huaiyuan Guards and Changhuai Guards arrive before arresting people... They should be arriving soon."

"Yes!" Zhu Xiang responded and asked: "Are you going to arrest them all when the time comes?"

"Yes, are they all arrested?" Xue Xiang also asked.

This was a migrant workers' riot. I don't know how many craftsmen and peasants participated in it, and I couldn't tell who participated and who didn't.

If they were all arrested, the Zhongdu Project would definitely be shut down. Besides, he didn't have that many manpower to review them one by one.

"What do you think?" Li Shanchang threw the question back to Xue Xiang.

"To say that everyone participated, there must be someone unjust." Xue Xiang then considered: "But there must be two or three... no, one or two percent of the people involved."

In order to kill as few people as possible, he added: "The key is, killing too many people will delay the progress of the project!"

"Hmm." Li Shan twirled his beard and nodded, then ordered: "Then kill 10% first to shock them."

"Yes. This..." Zhu Xiang said with a bitter face: "Who should I kill or not?"

"I don't care, whether it's drawing lots or counting, you can decide for yourself." Li Shanchang said coldly: "Then tell the remaining people that the progress of the project cannot be delayed, otherwise they will also die."

"This will inevitably allow the real traitor to escape." Xue Xiang is a scholar after all and cannot accept this barbaric random killing method.

"That's right, we can't let the real traitors escape." Li Shanchang said with a cruel smile: "Then just wait until the construction of the Central Capital is completed and kill them all..."

"This..." Xue Xiang's hair stood up when he heard this, but he didn't expect that his good intentions would actually harm those people.

"Hurry up and send someone to clean this place up. Wipe off all the blood stains. There are still places that need to be repaired and they must be intact!" Li Shanchang stopped talking nonsense to him and gave orders directly.

Then he said to Zhu Xiang: "Prefect Zhu, Shangshu Xue has suffered a lot of losses this time. You must replenish his manpower as soon as possible."

"Yes, but Fengyang Mansion has recruited all the civilians that can be recruited." Zhu Xiang was in trouble.

"Stupid!" Li Shanchang glanced at him depressedly. If he hadn't pointed this guy at the top of the cylinder in the future, he would have kicked him as far as he could.

"The Ming Cult caused such a big mess in Zhongdu City. Are you, Fengyang Mansion, indifferent? Shouldn't you order the counties to arrest their followers? If that's not enough, wouldn't there be tens of thousands of people watching the theater in Yuanqiu that day? It doesn’t hurt to count them all!”

Seeing Li Shanchang, he still used the simple and crude methods of the war years. Xue Xiang shook his head secretly, and really wanted to say, Sir, times have changed.

It's a pity that he didn't dare to say it.


In Jinqiaokan, the fields have begun to turn yellow and the rice has entered the grain-filling stage.

"It doesn't matter if there is less water in the field at ordinary times, but the water level must be kept within an inch during grouting!" Chief Tang Jia stood in the field, holding a hoe in his hand, and passed on his experience to the Hong brothers who were working nearby:

“If the grain is filled well, the rice grains will be full, and the yield will naturally be high. You can tell whether the rice ears are big, whether the knots are strong, and whether the grain deflation rate is high.

Zhu Zhu and Zhu Zheng worked together to carry a bucket and draw water from the river nearby to the fields. They worked even harder after hearing this.

Their field is good, but the terrain is a bit high, making it inconvenient to divert water for irrigation.

Just as they were working hard, they saw Zhu Zhen and Zhu Di driving an ox cart to the edge of the field.

"Fourth, please stop messing around with Sixth. If you have the time, you might as well help me carry a few buckets of water." The third child couldn't help himself when he saw the fourth child.

"Hey, let's see what happens this time." Zhu Di smiled proudly, and he and Lao Liu lifted the big guy off the bullock cart.

ps. The seventh update, 16500 additional updates, please vote for me~~~

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