Fortunately, forty miles after leaving Xifengkou, the mountains became gentler and gentler, the roads became wider, and the large traffic jam finally disappeared.

According to the plan, Fu Youde set up the first military station in a flat valley sixty miles away from Xifengkou to transport grain and grass, and stationed 10,000 soldiers and civilians each there.

The 20,000 soldiers and civilians also have an important task, which is to build the first castle outside the mouth - Kuanhe City.

When Zhu Zhen and his party arrived in Kuanhe, they were deeply attracted by this paradise with beautiful mountains and clear waters and flat land.

"How come no one lives in such a nice place?" Lao Twelve asked strangely.

"Someone lived there." Lao Shiyi pointed to the ruins beside the road and said, "It should have been abandoned during the war in the late Yuan Dynasty."

"It's really not the end of the Yuan Dynasty." Zhu Di shook his head and said: "This is the location of the Kuanhe Post Station in the Yuan Dynasty. It was the only way in and out of the Great Wall. It was once very prosperous. And because it was in a ravine, there were no military disasters in the late Yuan Dynasty. The country At the beginning, there were more than 20,000 households and more than 100,000 people living here.”

"But later, Naha became interested in the people here and sent troops to relocate the people to the northeast, preventing them from living so close to the Ming Dynasty. When we saw it, we couldn't let the Tatars take away all the people. They started to move people, but in the end, you moved and I moved, and the place became a no-man’s land.” He continued:

"This is also the case in Huizhou, Fuyu, and Daning in the north. No one lives in them anymore."

"Why would Wang Baobao do such a thing?" Old Eleven asked strangely: "There is no shortage of people on the grassland, right?"

"They have no shortage of people, but they are extremely short of craftsmen and farmers who can farm." Lao Si explained: "This is a mountainous area and there are no herdsmen. Although it is a mixture of Mongolian and Han people, they have basically been Chineseized and focus on farming, industry and commerce. Karma, in Naha Chu’s eyes, is naturally a piece of cake.”

"That's it." Eleven suddenly realized.


What we saw during the march in the next few days was just as Lao Si said, there were abandoned villages and towns along the way. Fu Youde still followed the plan and set up military stations at regular intervals. Three military stations were built in Huizhou, Fuyu and Daning in turn, and soldiers and civilians were left to build cities.

When arriving in Daning, the army finally left the Yanshan Mountains and entered the snow-capped grasslands.

After leaving the protection of the majestic Yanshan Mountain and facing the boundless snowfield, the Ming army soldiers finally lost the relaxation they felt when they went on the expedition and became involuntarily nervous.

This is the blood reaction of a farming people entering the territory of feudal society. Since the birth of the Chinese nation, the battle with the northern nomads has begun. It has been going on for thousands of years and it has not stopped yet...

Fu Youde finally summoned the main generals and held a military meeting after leaving the fortress.

"Everyone, today is February 22nd, and it has been twenty days since we set out on the expedition." He said to the generals with a serious expression: "We have traveled less than seven hundred miles in twenty days. It is really ridiculously slow."

"There is no way, Fu Shuai." The generals said one after another: "We also want to go fast, but most of the journey is in the mountains, so we can't go fast even if we want to."

"That's right, this damn weather, it's still snowing in February." Chang Mao complained: "I almost fell to death."

"But now that we have entered the grassland, we can speed up." Fu Youde said solemnly: "The scouts sent out earlier reported that Naha Chu indeed had heavy troops in Qingzhou and Tongliao Tun. This commander discussed with Marquis Yongchang and decided to first Send 40,000 elite troops to Qingzhou and Tongliao, and take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, marching under the stars and night, to capture them!"

When the generals heard this, they immediately became energetic. They shouted loudly and asked for battle, almost overturning the Chinese army's tent.

Zhu Zhen frowned when he saw it. When Xu Da was in the meeting, no one dared to say anything. If you leave it to Fu Youde, it becomes a vegetable market, one by one, it’s really up to people to order their food.

He coughed heavily, and when the generals heard the sound and looked around, they saw that the Sixth Prince looked unkind, and the tent immediately became silent.

Zhu Zhen didn't expect that he could be so intimidating. It seemed that notoriety was useful.

Fu Youde glanced at the Sixth Prince gratefully, and then said: "I will lead the remaining army and civilians to continue heading north as planned. If everything goes well, we will build the city all the way to Qingzhou."

The generals didn't care about building the city at all. They all looked at him eagerly, expecting him to point at them.

"Now I have ordered that 20,000 elite troops be sent to the left, led by Marquis Yongchang and assisted by Marquis Nanxiong, to take Qingzhou directly!" Fu Youde said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Lan Yu and Zhao Yong responded loudly.

"Twenty thousand elite troops on the right, led by Marquis Dingyuan, assisted by Marquis Wuding, march directly to Tongliao!" Fu Youde ordered again in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Wang Bi and Guo Ying also came out to take orders amidst the envy and jealous eyes of the generals.

Fu Youde looked at the four generals with bright eyes and said: "Before leaving, the general repeatedly warned that the key to this battle lies in these two battles. If these two battles are fought, all subsequent arrangements will fall into place. If these two battles are Being turned into a squib...the consequences will be disastrous."

After a pause, he said word by word: "So the four of you must win a complete victory!"

"As ordered!" The four generals clasped their fists and said decisively at the same time: "If you don't win completely, come and see me with your head raised!"


Lan Yu walked out of the central military tent with her head held high, taking a deep breath of the cold air, her heart filled with excitement.

‘I have finally waited for this moment, my moment has finally arrived! ’

After taking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and waved his fist in the southwest direction. The generals behind him looked puzzled.

Only Zhu Zhen understood what he meant. He was demonstrating to Mu Ying who was far away in Yunnan.

During the Battle of Dingbian, Mu Ying showed great power and became famous throughout the country, which almost made Lan Yu go crazy with jealousy. If she hadn't helped him win the position of right deputy general this time, Lan Yu would have had to break up with him.

Therefore, no one can take the task of attacking Qingzhou, it must belong to Lan Yu.

And it is true that no one is better at this kind of long-distance attack and thunder strike tactics than Lan Yu!

Lan Yu is the true successor of her brother-in-law, and her fighting style is in the same vein as Chang Yuchun's. It mainly focuses on large-scale assaults by elite cavalry. It is about a man who moves like thunder and is as fast as lightning. Often the enemy is defeated before they can react. .

As far as cavalry combat is concerned, no one in the world can surpass it, not even the Mongols.


So Zhu Zhen is not worried about Lan Yu at all, he is worried about the other one.

"Oh, father-in-law, do you have to go alone?" Zhu Zhen said helplessly to his other father-in-law: "You are still very competitive at your age."

"I'm not even fifty yet." Wang Bi said, dumbfounded: "Isn't it too early to go home and pick up your grandson?"

Then he lowered his voice and said: "The emperor intends to make me a duke. I have to perform well, otherwise people will definitely say that I became the king through nepotism."

"Isn't it?" Zhu Zhen touched his nose. The eldest brother said in the letter that because he had suffered great grievances in Shandong, his father, in order to comfort him, decided to give Wang Bi a non-hereditary title... In fact, it was more appropriate to give him the title of uncle, but Hu Quan had just been made a prince, so he couldn't immediately He was granted a public title again, so his father-in-law was given an advantage.

"Yes, it can't be all true." Wang Bi said with a red face, "I have to live up to my expectations, right?"

"Oh, okay. Be careful." Zhu Zhen thought about it. My father-in-law was also a founding figure who fought with real swords and guns. He would definitely not be able to accept being said to be purely dependent on his son-in-law.

Of course, with Wang Bi's character, the old thief would never refuse to make him a duke.

So we can only fight...

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