Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1260 Tragedy caused by an iron pot

"I'm really not being clever. Barbecued meat is so delicious if you don't eat it often. I can't bear to eat it every day." Lai Tu quickly explained: "I'm getting angry, I have big bumps all over my face, I'm also constipated, and my stomach is as hard as a rock. Yes, it’s very uncomfortable.”

"You don't know how to cook it? Such good mutton is also delicious when boiled." Zhao Yong said.

"We would like to cook it, but we don't have a pot. How can we cook it?" Lai Tu said with a bitter face. As he spoke, he pointed to the leather pot at their feet and said: "After our only pot broke, we can only use this thing to fill it with water, put in red-hot stones to heat it, and then cook the meat."

"Can this be cooked?" Zhao Yong looked at the pot of half-cooked stuff and felt like gagging.

"It's not cooked well. It may cause diarrhea after eating, but it's better than constipation..." Lai Tu said, vomiting bitterness, and all the difficulties in the future on the grassland.

"I have thought about it for a long time. It is better to go back to the Ming Dynasty and be a common citizen than to live on the grassland as a deputy of a thousand households, having nothing to do and eating sand every day." Lai Tu pointed to the sky and swore: "Just before you guys showed up, I They are still telling us, Qianhu, that they will go south in the spring. If they are even half-hearted, they will tell me to cook meat in a leather pot for the rest of my life."

"This poisonous oath is cruel enough. It seems that he is not lying." Zhao Yong said.

"It's not that easy for you to surrender." Lan Yu said calmly: "Although the imperial court accepts annexation, it is all done with tribes and entire clans. The imperial court will not accept surrender like you alone."

"Ah? Why?" Lai Tu asked anxiously.

"Because a single person can easily be a spy," Zhao Yong replied, "unless there is a certificate of surrender."

"What is the name certificate?" Lai Tu asked.

"Help me capture Qingzhou, and I will make you the deputy Qianhu of the Ming Dynasty." Lan Yu said word by word.

"You have the final say?" Lai Tu looked at Lan Yu in disbelief.

"Presumptuous!" Zhao Yong scolded: "This is the deputy commander of our conquest army, Marquis Yongchang. Do you think his words are effective?!"

"Oh..." Lai Tu obviously had never heard of Lan Yu's name, but he still chose to believe him and said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Let's talk about the situation in Qingzhou City first. How many strongholds are there along the way to Qingzhou City?" Lan Yu asked in a deep voice.

"There are two more outposts, twenty miles apart." Lai Tu quickly replied: "But they are not as big as this one. There are only about ten people inside. After seeing the fire here, they will also light the fire to report to Qingzhou City. "

"How many troops are there in Qingzhou City now? Is Naha here?" Lan Yu asked again.

"There are 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers and horses in Qingzhou City. Naha should not be in the city when he comes out." Lai Tu replied.

Lan Yu's face turned ugly when he heard this. Although they did not intend to capture Naha during this raid, who didn't want to capture the thief first and capture the king first?

"How do you, a deputy Qianhu, know that?" Zhao Yong frowned and yelled, "You lied to us and you were roasted on the fire!"

"Don't you dare..." Lai Tu waved his hands repeatedly and hurriedly explained: "Thousands of us families have been running to Qingzhou City recently in order to get iron pots, so we know that the one in charge of the city now is King Kaiyuan's Dadai Ji. , but this Da Taiji only knows how to drink and doesn’t care about anything, leaving everything to Ping Zhangguo.”

"This means that not only King Kaiyuan is not here, but also several prime ministers and princes. Otherwise, it would not be Guo Lai's turn to show off his power." Lai Tu gritted his teeth when he mentioned Guo Lai: "He actually asked us to bribe him with a hundred sheep before he would agree. Give us an iron pot!”

Lan Yu and Zhao Yong couldn't help but glance at each other, thinking that the resentment caused by this pot was really not small.

"Although these prominent figures are not here in the city, their families and tribes are definitely here." Lai Tu said with certainty.

"You know again?" Zhao Yong rolled his eyes at him.

"Yes, because this Qingzhou City was a palace built by the emperor of the Jin Dynasty. It is backed by Fuhei Mountain and cannot be blown by the north wind, so it is very comfortable to live there." Lai Tu explained: "It's so cold this year, it's already February. It’s snowing heavily, and those noble people will definitely not want to go anywhere else.”

"That makes sense." Zhao Yong couldn't help but tear off a leg of lamb and eat it.

"How big is Qingzhou City? How many gates are there? How many defenders are there in each? Please explain it to me in detail." Lan Yu asked again in a deep voice.

"Then the Marquis has asked the right person. Before I was sent here, I had guarded the gate in Gyeongju City." Lai Tu said as if he was pouring beans out of a bamboo tube:

"Gyeongju City is square, about two miles long and wide. The city is one foot and a half tall. It was originally a brick city, but it fell into disrepair and has now become an earthen city. There are four gates in the city, one each in the east, west, north and south. There is a thousand-household station near the city gate, but the daily defense of the city is only a hundred-household team. "

Otherwise, the leading party is the most hateful. Lai Tu sold Gyeongju City cleanly and said: "And the defense is very lax. This winter's heavy snow, no one went out at all. When I was guarding the city, I opened the door and closed it. , some days no one comes in or out..."

After a pause, he said defensively: "Besides, no one would have thought that you would come at this time, otherwise we wouldn't be so lax."

"She's pretty good at finding excuses." Zhao Yong scolded with a smile. "I quite like hearing it."

But Lan Yu still asked expressionlessly: "Is there a timetable for opening and closing the city gate?"

"How can there be a timetable?" Lai Tu shook his head and said: "When King Kaiyuan is here, everyone will be more nervous. At least they open and close the city gate every day. As soon as he leaves, those lazy people will probably not even bother to open the city gate, so they will have to call the door now. That’s it.”

"..." Zhao Yong stopped laughing immediately and muttered in a low voice: "Now we are in trouble."

Their original plan was to march overnight and use the cover of darkness to reach the vicinity of Gyeongju City. Then he sent five hundred warriors, put on white cloaks, to ambush at the gate of the city. When the city gate was opened, they suddenly launched an attack to seize the city gate and led the army into the city.

As a result, Lai Tu said that the city gate might not be opened, and Zhao Yong was dumbfounded.

"How about we learn from Li Su and dig a hole in the city wall and climb up?" Zhao Yong said.

"..." Lan Yu glanced at him like an idiot, and then asked Na Lai Tu: "Can you open the door?"

"Ordinarily, you can't open the door if you shout." Lai Tu said: "I, the deputy Qianhu, can't speak well, so if something happens, we, Qianhu, will go back to the city."

"What do you mean by theory?" Lan Yu asked with a frown.

"It just means that with a bribe, you can get it opened." Lai Tu said quickly.

"That's enough." Lan Yu said in a deep voice: "You help me open the city gate, and I will promote you to Qianhu."

"This..." Lai Tu hesitated and did not dare to agree. After all, it was too dangerous.

"I will reward you with another thousand iron pots." Lan Yu said again.

"Okay!" Lai Tu immediately got excited.

Zhao Yong couldn't help but chuckle. This kid definitely hasn't figured it out. The value of the iron pot is on the grassland. When he became a member of Qianhu in the Ming Dynasty, why would he care about broken iron pots anymore?

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