Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1263 Breaking the City

Lan Yu commanded 500 selected forwards. After driving the Yuan army out of the city gate, he immediately divided his troops and 300 people lined up outside the gate to protect the passage.

The other two hundred picks followed the steps and horse paths to the city gate and fought their way up to the city gate tower.

When Zhao Yong arrived with a large group of cavalry, the south gate of Gyeongju was already firmly in the hands of the Ming army.

Ming cavalry rushed into the city continuously, and Yuan soldiers gathered from all directions. Under the command of Pingzhang Guolai, they quickly formed a formation and prepared to retake the city gate.

Lan Yu's fighting style is about speed, surprise, and lightning speed! Where will they be given a chance to prepare?

He remounted his Wuzui horse and appeared in front of his own army. He held the forty-pound Fang Tian painted halberd in one hand, pointed it at the Yuan army opposite, and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

The soldiers of the Ming army also roared in unison:


The generals who rushed to follow them launched a charge towards the Yuan army!

One horse takes the lead, and thousands of horses follow!

Seeing this, Guo Lai quickly asked the three thousand cavalry that had been organized to advance forward to resist the Ming army's charge. Fortunately, this is within the city, not on the vast grassland, and no amount of troops can be deployed at once. Three thousand troops are enough...

The cavalry from both sides launched a charge towards the enemy on this royal road paved for the Jin emperor in the past, and the shouts of killing resounded throughout Qingzhou City!

The tactics of the two armies were exactly the same, they both used cavalry and archery to attack the enemy. After returning to the grassland for so many years, the Mongolians' riding and shooting skills have recovered to about 87%, but there is still a significant gap compared with the elite Ming army under Lan Yu's command.

In this battle, the two armies were hundreds of feet apart, and they were on streets where they could not maneuver. They could only rush straight towards the enemy, so they only had ten breaths before the hand-to-hand combat.

In such a short period of time, the Yuan army's cavalry could shoot two arrows, while the Ming army could shoot three arrows...

I saw the cavalry of both armies loosening their reins with both hands, stretching their bows and setting arrows. The arrows of the cavalry in the front row rose slightly, and the angle of the rise became larger as they went back. When the generals shot the resounding arrows, they released the bow strings one after another. Two bursts of arrows of similar size were thrown at the enemy's head!

The sharp long arrows all over the sky fell from the sky in a blink of an eye, and the arrows hit the flesh with a pop of sound. The cavalry on both sides turned on their backs. After many soldiers fell from their horses, they were trampled to death by their comrades who could not escape...

But if you observe carefully, you can find that the Ming army that fell was far less than the Yuan army. This is not because they are particularly good at dodging. In such a crowded environment, soldiers on both sides have no choice but to resist.

The real reason is that the Ming army's equipment is more sophisticated. They all wear water-milled chain helmets and chain armor. There is also a layer of cotton armor for warmth. As long as it is not a specially made armor-piercing arrow, ordinary bows and arrows cannot penetrate it at all.

This is also the reason why Ma Cheng was severely slashed before, but only suffered some flesh injuries.

Therefore, it can be seen that the Ming army clearly had several arrows stuck in its body, but it could still continue to charge vigorously. Only soldiers who were unfortunately shot in the face, or whose horses were shot in vital parts, would fall from their horses.

And now the Mongols don't even have iron pots, so how can they equip their soldiers with iron armor? Only a few people wear leather armor, and most soldiers have no protection. If they are hit by an arrow, they will basically be injured and fall off their horses...

To make matters worse, before the Mongols had time to draw their bows and arrows, the Ming army's second round of shooting arrived.

This time the distance between the two sides was closer, the arrow rain caused greater damage, and directly interrupted their shooting preparations...

As a result, the Mongols' second round of shooting was sparse and caused minimal damage to the Ming army.

At this time, the third round of shooting by the Ming army began!

Now the two sides were so close that they could even see the pimples on each other's faces.

Different from the previous projectiles that had a rough aim and hit randomly, this time it was within the range of precise shooting. The archers in the front row of the Ming army aimed at the Yuan army's face, even the eyes, throat and other vital parts, and accurately shot the final shot. An arrow.

Almost no arrows were missed, and every arrow killed a Yuan army!

After three rounds of shooting, only half of the three thousand yuan army was left, and the formation became sparse.

At this time, the Ming army hung their bows and arrows back on their saddles, drew out their spears and iron spears, and smashed them into the Yuan army's formation with all their might!

The Yuan army was completely unable to withstand the Ming army's offensive and was defeated in an instant. The soldiers at the front were chopped off melons and vegetables, and dismounted from their horses. Upon seeing this, the soldiers at the back turned their horses' heads one after another and withdrew from the battlefield. Their movements were extremely skillful.

They had been on the run from the Ming army for so many years, and at least this one skill was unrivaled.

No matter how wide the 'Royal Road' is, it is still a street, which does not give them room to retreat from both sides of their own rear formation. As a result, the second line of defense that was finally organized was completely destroyed by the retreating troops.

The Ming army followed behind and took advantage of the situation, completely overwhelming Guolai's defense line.

Knowing that the situation was over, he quickly turned his horse's head and fled towards the north gate in a hurry under the protection of his own soldiers...

This was just a battle on a street. At about the same time, there were several other fierce battles, large or small, going on in Gyeongju City. The results were without exception, the Ming army won.

But the results were not too great, for no other reason than the Mongols loved to escape. Although they still had their main force, seeing that the battle situation was unfavorable, they immediately turned around and ran away, not giving the Ming army a chance to annihilate them.

It's a pity that they forgot that they were in the city now. The tall and solid city wall now became an insurmountable obstacle for them.

And at this time, not only were they running, but the entire city was full of princes, nobles, Mongolian soldiers, men, women, and children, all running towards the nearest city gate.

But due to long-term laziness, except for the South Gate, all other city gates were closed. They had to quickly ask the soldiers to open the city gates.

The Ming army behind them had already chased them, and people, regardless of their status, rushed to the city gates desperately. As a result, when the city gates slowly rose, the city gates were already crowded, and not many people could get out for a long time...

At this time, the Ming soldiers went up to the city wall from the horse path, galloped on the top of the city, swept away the defenders on the city, and successively captured the other three city gate towers.

Although the Ming army could not put down the thousand-pound gate, they could throw stones from above. The watermelon-sized stones fell in the dense crowd, and one stone could knock down a group of people and horses.

The fallen people and horses became stumbling blocks, tripping the people and horses behind them, and the speed of people going out of the city gates was even slower...

In the end, there were 70,000 or 80,000 Mongols in the city, men, women, young and old, but less than half of them ran away. Nearly 10,000 people died under the iron hoofs of the Ming army and in the trampling of each other.

Among them, the latter killed far more people than the former.

The other 30,000 people could not escape, so they could only raise their hands and surrender, becoming prisoners of the Ming army.

Guo Lai was lucky to escape from Qingzhou City. But he waited for a long time, but did not see his son Bu Lanxi.

What made him even more frustrated was that a soldier who escaped told him that they saw that their Taiji was also captured...

If this is true, the king will definitely not let him go, so he should just cut his throat.

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