Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1268 Whoever runs away is a dog

Early the next morning, the heavy snow began to clear up, and the long-lost sunshine shone on the snow-capped fields. It was so bright and so comfortable.

"It's a rare good weather." Wang Bi looked at the bright sunshine outside the tent and asked his soldiers to help him put on body armor, arm coverings, lower skirts, and foot guards, and then put on a collar, a heart protector, and an iron waistband. Well worn.

Finally, he put on the golden helmet with red tassel on top. The helmet and the helmet together are called a helmet, which can provide strong protection for the head, neck and shoulders.

Wearing this outfit weighs forty or fifty pounds. If it were an ordinary person, he would be exhausted and out of breath just walking two steps in this outfit. Even a general like Wang Bi, who was born with divine power, would not dress so neatly unless he was on the battlefield.

"It's really disappointing to go to the battlefield in such good weather..." Wang Bi straightened the red tassel on his head, revealing eight white teeth. "So happy!"

After saying that, he strode out of the camp.


Wang Bi's army arrived by the Liao River yesterday and camped five miles away from the Yuan army.

Before the tent was pitched, King Azashili of Liao sent someone to declare a war.

Zhan's writing was eloquent and brilliant, and he was on par with the scribes of the Ming army who were scholars.

The general idea is, 'We, the three tribes of Wuliangha, have always been on the same page as the Daming wells, but you have invaded my territory, destroyed my camps, and killed my people. It is really unjust. I, the king, have a heavenly mind, and wanted to take a step back to calm things down, but you are pressing forward step by step, forcing us to the Liao River. Is it tolerable, which one is intolerable? ’

‘Don’t think that I am easy to bully. I have 80,000 soldiers under my command. Each one of them is good at riding and shooting, and is not afraid of death. Now that we have gathered here to fight against the odds, with only 20,000 of your troops, it is like hitting an egg against a stone. ’

‘So I advise you to pull back from the brink and turn around quickly, so that both sides can still coexist peacefully. If you are still stubborn, then tomorrow each will lead an army and fight to the death in front of the camp! ’

After Wang Bi finished reading, he wrote down five words as a reply:

‘Whoever runs is the dog! ’


Outside the tent, 20,000 cavalry soldiers were also neatly dressed, waiting for the general to lead them onto the battlefield.

"Follow me and kill the enemy!" Wang Bi cherished his words like gold and only said six words before the war.

Because he, the king of double swords, always takes the lead in every battle and charges forward, there is no need to talk nonsense to the soldiers.

After Wang Bi finished speaking, he led his maroon war horse and walked calmly outside the camp gate.

"Here!" What kind of general leads what kind of soldiers? The soldiers responded without any nonsense and followed their generals, leading their horses out of the camp.

They weighed nearly two hundred kilograms each with their armor, and the horses themselves had dozens of kilograms of vests. In order to save horsepower, they would not mount their horses until the moment of charge.

After leaving the camp, Wang Bi and Guo Ying each led 10,000 cavalry in formation on the left and right.

Formation is equally important for cavalry, especially cavalry versus cavalry. When both sides have equal mobility, whoever has a more reasonable formation will be able to better preserve themselves and kill the enemy.

In fact, whoever can maintain a more complete formation until the stage of close combat will be the final winner.

However, it is very difficult for cavalry to make large-scale array adjustments during combat, so it also needs to be arranged in advance like infantry.

Of course, in order to prevent unnecessary collisions among one's own people during the charge, the cavalry formation is simpler and looser than the strict and compact infantry formation.

The left and right cavalry of the Ming army were divided into three formations: front, middle and back.

To put it simply, the front army is responsible for charging, and the middle army is responsible for trapping. The rear army is always ready to support.

Regarding the specific distribution of military strength, the front army, the middle army, and the rear army were each composed of three thousand households. There is also a thousand households station directly under the two generals, which serves as a reserve team.

These Senhu were also the actual commanders on the battlefield. They may lead a thousand of their own cavalry to carry out the plan they made before the war. Or according to the flag and drum signals of the Chinese army, the commander's real-time orders can be executed. It is the key to the implementation of the coach's intentions.


At the same time, the Mongols on the opposite side were also setting up their formation.

They were all taught by the same master, and the formations of both sides were pretty much the same. It was just that the generals would make some fine adjustments based on their own styles and the characteristics of the army.

This time Azasili went all out and brought all the troops he could send onto the battlefield. He gathered a total of 40,000 cavalry and the front stretched for several miles!

Looking at the Mongolian cavalry under his command all over the mountains and plains, Azasili suddenly felt heroic. He imitated the actions of his ancestors before the war and rode his horse to patrol in front of the formation. Wherever he went, warriors from the Ulyanha and Wengniute tribes Then he raised his scimitar and shouted "ho!"

The sound of "ho-hu" became more and more uniform and louder, and the morale of the soldiers of the Yuan army became higher and higher.

When Azasili pulled out his scimitar and raised it high above his head, the roar of the Yuan army shook the heaven and the earth, and their morale reached its peak!

Azashili swung his scimitar forward, and with the sound of trumpets, the Yuan army took the lead in attacking.

Wang Bi, who was on the opposite side of the battlefield, saw this and ordered the drums to be beaten to advance.

But unlike people's imagination of the cavalry of the two armies advancing at full speed and fierce confrontation, neither the Ming army nor the Yuan army urged their horses to charge, but just maintained their formation and moved forward slowly.

During the advance, both sides spread their cavalry into a relatively wide formation, and the forwards of the two armies were almost in a straight line.

When they were about fifty feet apart, the lines of both sides stopped at the same time. The cavalrymen drew their bows and arrows, prepared to shoot, and then followed their respective Qianhu, moving forward slowly.

Once within range, Chihu stopped advancing and ordered free fire.

It's called free shooting, but it doesn't mean you can shoot wherever you want. From such a long distance, you can only shoot at a large elevation angle. No matter how good the shooter is, you can't guarantee the landing point. If you shoot purely freely, you won't be able to hit the target.

Instead, Baihu chose a shooting direction on his own, and his one hundred cavalrymen fired in that direction together.

Under the rain of arrows, there must be dead souls...

The cavalry from both sides shot each other at extreme distances. While shooting, of course you can't stand motionless as a target, you have to move to avoid the incoming arrows.

However, the lines of the two armies did not move forward, but moved left and right, always shooting at each other at an arrow's distance. Like two parallel lines, moving back and forth on the grassland, but never getting closer.

Moreover, the translation speed is also very slow. The reason is very simple. The faster the speed, the more crooked the shot will be. If you want to maintain the damage, you have to slow down...

In fact, soldiers who can keep moving forward slowly despite the rain of arrows without panicking and dodging are already at the elite level.

From this point of view, the three Uliangha tribes are indeed much better than the purebred Mongolian cavalry of this era.

It's just that the Mongolian cavalry's "Mangujie" archery technique, which was so terrifying back then, was used by both armies at the same time, and it turned out to be so abstract and ridiculous.

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