Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1271: The brave one wins when we meet on a narrow road

However, not all battles of the Ming army were so smooth. The enemy was outnumbered, and it was inevitable that some teams would be in danger.

For example, the thousand cavalry led by Wang Bi himself...

His "king" banner was too eye-catching, and he was targeted by Tuolu Huchaer from the beginning.

After ordering the Uliangha tribe to charge, Tuolu Huchaer led his own troops to attack Wang Bi's banner.

The other Uliangha cavalry had long been accustomed to following their own families, so they also followed Tuolu Huchaer to pursue Wang Bi.

Wang Bi looked back and said, "Good fellow, there are at least seven or eight thousand pursuers..."

"General, we have stung a hornet's nest!" Guo Ying's eldest son Guo Zhen turned around to shoot arrows while observing the situation of the pursuing troops. Seeing more and more Yuan troops behind him, his scalp became numb.

According to the unwritten rules within the Ming army, fathers, sons or brothers should not go to the battlefield in the same army, lest they both die. So Wang Bi's son Wang De followed Guo Ying, and he took Guo Ying's son with him.

Wang Bi also took off a hard bow from the saddle, drew out a long arrow, easily bent the bow and nocked the arrow, saying: "That's right. The more Yuan troops we attract, the easier it will be for our brothers."

After finishing speaking, he loosened the string, and an arrow with carved feathers flew out with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, piercing the chest of a Yuan army member in a blink of an eye.


Wang Bi led a thousand cavalrymen to retreat and shoot at the same time.

When the sun turned to the west, all the arrow pots were empty, and there were still two to three thousand Mongolian soldiers chasing behind.

Obviously, most of Tolu Huchaer's soldiers were of the first type. Moreover, Tulu Huchaer's own bravery and stamina will also greatly inspire the soldiers around him, causing those soldiers who are between the first and second categories to burst out with extraordinary courage, allowing them to also face the Arrows rained in hot pursuit of the Ming army.

Tuolu Huchaer felt at the first moment that the rain of arrows fired by the Ming army was sparse, so he loudly said to his subordinates: "The arrows from the Han people have all been shot!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaed" ​​the Mongolian cavalry cheered with relief. After chasing for a long time, they saw one after another their comrades were hit by arrows and fell from their horses. They were lying if they said they were not afraid. Now they finally came to an end.

However, the number of arrows in their arrow pots was much less than that of the Ming army, and they had all shot out long ago.

"Charge forward!" Tolu Huchaer drew his sword, pointed at the Ming army in front, and roared: "Kill them all and capture their general alive!"

"Hoo ho!" the Mongolian cavalry shouted in response, urging their horses to charge at full speed towards the Ming army.

Although their horses were inferior to those of the Ming army, they had less armor carrying weight of dozens of kilograms. You can't tell the difference in a short distance, but after running at full speed for most of the day, the condition of the Yuan army's horses was obviously much better than that of the Ming army.

As long as there are no terrible returning arrows, it will be a matter of minutes to catch up with the Ming army.

The Ming army on the opposite side also knew this, so they did not retreat. They followed Wang Bi and turned their horses' heads, hung their bows back on their saddles, drew out their weapons, and prepared to face the enemy.

Wang Bi also drew his sword and said to the soldiers in a deep voice: "In the past, Zhang Wenyuan defeated Sun Quan's 100,000 Wu army at Xiaoyaojin with 800 warriors! Today, I, Wang Dingyuan, have more brothers than Zhang Wenyuan, and the Yuan army opposite is only two or three thousand. We can’t embarrass Daming!”

"Brothers, follow me! Capture the thief first and capture the king first!" Before Wang Bi finished speaking, he suddenly clamped his horse's belly and rushed towards the oncoming Yuan army.

"Broken thief!" The soldiers also roared in unison, urging their horses together, followed by Dingyuan Marquis and launched a charge towards the Yuan army!


The afternoon sun was still bright, shining particularly dazzlingly on the vast snowfield.

The iron hooves of the cavalry of both armies crushed the jade-like snow, raising snow foam all over the sky, and swept towards each other like giant waves.

The cavalry, with its men and horses, was originally larger than the infantry, and it was a snow-covered assault. Although the strength of both sides was not too large, and the Ming army only had a thousand cavalry, they both rushed out with an overwhelming momentum!

This is why cavalry will be the king of war in the cold weapon era.

It seemed that in an instant, the distance between the two parties was so close that they could see each other's eyebrows clearly. In the eyes of the Ming army officers and soldiers, these Uuliangha people were indeed different from the Mongolians with big faces, narrow eyes, and high cheekbones. Their faces were smaller, their necks seemed thicker than their heads, and they generally had aquiline noses. More ferocious than the Mongols.

Both sides pushed the speed of their war horses to the extreme, holding their weapons tightly. The difference is that the Yuan army generally used short weapons such as scimitars and hand axes. They held the sword in their right hand, stretched their right arm as flat as possible, and even leaned their body as far to the right as possible.

This is the most commonly used charging posture of the Mongolian light cavalry. It can kill and injure the enemy while avoiding the opponent's attack and protecting itself to the maximum extent.

On the Ming army's side, they mainly used long weapons such as horse spears. They held the spear poles with both hands and took advantage of the momentum of the horses to aim at the oncoming Yuan army and hit them at full speed!

There is no more temptation, no more pulling. The moment we fight, we are fighting to the death!

The war horses neighed and snorted, the horses' heads crossed, the cavalry's swords met, gold and iron collided, and sparks flew everywhere!

The cavalrymen who were unfortunate enough to be recruited screamed and fell off their horses, becoming victims of the first round of assault.

The cavalrymen on both sides were busy with their hands, and their feet were not idle either. They used their legs to direct their horses to seize the outer circle. There are light cavalry on both sides, and the most important thing is mobility and flexibility. Naturally, the further you go, the greater the space for maneuver.

The more they are forced in, they can only gather together. Not only can they not use it, they don't even have room to escape, and they can only be slaughtered by others.

Therefore, against light cavalry, even if it enters the melee stage, quick and maneuverable movement is still important. Whoever can occupy the outer circle and force the opponent into a group will win the battle!

This is another time when the Ming army's equipment advantage played a key role. As long as the Yuan army's sabers did not hit their faces, hands, ribs and other areas without armor protection, they were basically unable to cause harm.

The poles of the Ming army's horses were about five feet, and the heads of the poles made of fine iron were edged on both sides. With the strong momentum, the Yuan army's leather armor would instantly look like paper when it was scratched by the Ming army's iron poles. It is as cracked as it is, and it cannot provide effective protection for the owner at all. Not to mention the flesh and blood under the leather armor.

Relying on the advantages of armor and weapons, the Ming army forcibly displayed the majesty of the heavy cavalry and defeated the Yi with thousands of troops. They wiped out all the Yuan troops who tried to compete with them in the outer circle and occupied the outer circle forcefully!

Then, they circled around the Yuan army, killing and injuring them layer by layer.

The formation of the Yuan army was squeezed tighter and tighter, and they were directly squeezed into a ball. Not only did they lose the space to sprint, but a large number of troops were blocked in front by their own people. They could only watch and worry in the inner circle, and there was no use for them.

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