Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 13 I admit that I am gambling

This morning, Zhu Zhen taught King Qi to write the word "一"...

Liu Ji held the imperial ruler in his hand and took His Royal Highness the King of Chu to the library and to the duty room at the east end of the room.

Due to his status as a prince, even if the emperor gave permission to hit him casually, he had to explain his fault first, and only after repeated reprimands failed, he could only be punished in a quiet room.

This cumbersome and pretentious regulation fully reflects Boss Zhu's ambivalent mentality of fearing that he will not be able to teach his son well, but also fearing that his son will suffer.

"Your Highness, this is the second time I have warned you. Please respect the teacher and obey the rules, and don't say that you are unprepared!" So at first, Liu Bowen only planned to scare the little fat man and make him be more honest.

"Sir, Lao Qi has admitted that he pushed me into the water." Zhu Zhen said reluctantly.

"Children don't keep their words." Liu Bowen was not surprised. Only in this way could there be a reasonable explanation for His Highness King Qi's floor calligraphy. "Go back and copy the school rules ten times and hand them in tomorrow morning!"

"With your wisdom, sir, you know it's him." Zhu Zhen pouted. He knew that Liu Bowen's words would be equally effective on him, so convincing the other party to testify against him was the key to everything.

"I'm confused and don't know." Liu Bowen did not continue. "Twenty times."

"Student, please." Zhu Zhen cupped his little hands and said pitifully: "I am not doing it for the seventh child, but to save my mother and concubine. My husband taught me that 'filial piety comes first', student An can sit back and watch his mother and concubine in the cold palace. suffer?"

"First, I have never taught His Highness this sentence." Liu Bowen said unmoved: "Second, His Highness King Qi is also my student. I cannot ignore His Highness King Qi's life and death just to fulfill His Highness's filial piety. Third, Ten times.”

"Look what Mr. said. He is also my younger brother. Can I still kill him?" Zhu Zhen shook his thick eyebrows and said seductively: "My father asked me to ask me, but I didn't even confess him, let alone Make it difficult for you sir.”

"Then you are..." Liu Bowen said: "Forty times."

"I just want to make an exchange with Concubine Ding so that I can save my mother-in-law. But she definitely doesn't take my words seriously, so I have to use my husband to calm her down." Zhu Zhenyan said concisely and comprehensively. It won’t work like this. If you say one more sentence, add it ten times.

"That's it..." Liu Bowen nodded slightly.

Zhu Zhen was secretly happy, it seemed like there was a way.

But he was too happy too early. Liu Bowen immediately said with a straight face: "But why should I help you? This is not good for me. Fifty times."

"Of course the benefits are huge." Zhu Zhen knew that Liu Bowen didn't like him, so it was useless to just talk. He came prepared. "Sir, save my mother-in-law once, and I'll save your husband once, isn't it a loss?"

"You save me?" Liu Bowen couldn't help laughing, and even forgot to add more money. "By the time His Highness grows up, I will be nothing but dirt."

"I'm talking about the present, not the future." Zhu Zhen stared at his big round eyes with a 'trust me, that's right' expression.

"Right now?" Liu Bowen said amusedly, "I would like to ask Your Highness, why is my life in danger?"

"If there is no danger of life, why would Uncle Chengyi hide in this palace?" Zhu Zhen said in a deep voice: "I have heard that Uncle Chengyi is not in the court. Since the first year of Hongwu, he has been frequently begging for bones. A few years ago I once fulfilled my wish to become an official and return to my hometown with honor. Who would have thought that in a blink of an eye I would return to the capital in embarrassment and still dare not step out of the capital again? Isn’t it because I am worried about my own life?”

"Is this what the emperor taught you?" Liu Bowen frowned when he heard this, and a familiar feeling came to his heart.

"Sir is here again." Zhu Zhen said with a bitter smile: "Would my father say this to a ten-year-old child?"

"Is this what a ten-year-old child can say?" Liu Bowen sneered. "Sixty times."

"Xiang Huisheng became a teacher of Confucius at the age of seven, and Ban Zhao was able to write history at the age of eight. When he was eight years old, he read seven lines in one glance, and he became a recital after reading. At the age of twelve, he was a scholar, and at the age of fourteen, he started to explain things in subtle ways, and before speaking. It’s something no one has ever said. I’m a world-famous child prodigy, why would I think others can’t do it?”

In order to prepare for this speech, His Royal Highness King Chu spent the entire night preparing. It was only after I consulted my fifth brother this morning that I found out how to pronounce the word ‘槧’ in Xiang Hui.

"Oh hahaha..." Liu Ji couldn't help but laugh, completely interested. "Your Highness is really eloquent. Okay, please tell me who wants to kill me. I would like to hear the details."

He put down his ruler and looked at Zhu Zhen, as if he was listening attentively.

"Hu Weiyong." Zhu Zhen replied confidently. He has seen countless versions of Liu Bowen in TV series. In the end, the person who killed this reincarnated Zhuge, without exception, was the man named Hu!

"It's not surprising that Your Highness knows this. The conflict between me and Prime Minister Hu, or the 'Huaixi' and 'Zhedong' parties, is not a secret." Liu Ji took out a small gourd from his sleeve. , pulled out the plug, and the strong smell of medicinal wine came to my nose.

He raised his neck and took a big gulp, his old and slender face wearing a mask of pain. I don’t know if it’s because the medicinal wine is hard to drink, or because it has triggered something sad.

Zhu Zhen stood quietly aside, waiting for Liu Bowen to calm down.

He knew that the "Huaixi Party" Liu Bowen referred to was the group of Huaixi heroes who followed Boss Zhu to conquer the world. The "Eastern Zhejiang One Party" is a group of intellectuals from East Zhejiang recruited by Boss Zhu after occupying Yingtian.

The former is headed by Li Shanchang, while the latter is headed by Liu Bowen. After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, under the deliberate manipulation of Boss Zhu, the latter rose sharply, seized a large number of key official positions, and had a fierce struggle with the former.

Although the East Zhejiang Party once took the initiative, it ultimately had a shallow foundation and was ultimately defeated. Li Shanchang and Liu Ji also retired and returned home, bringing an end to the first party struggle in the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

However, Hu Weiyong, who succeeded Li Shanchang, refused to give up. He had always held a grudge against Liu Bowen, who had repeatedly undermined his Prime Ministership, and wanted to get rid of him as soon as he got the chance.

It was precisely because he was framed by Hu Weiyong's Ma Zai in his hometown in Qingtian that Liu Bowen had no choice but to go to Beijing to apologize.

Although Boss Zhu did not accuse Liu Ji, he deprived him of his salary.

Liu Bowen now fully understood that he would die if he left Zhu Yuanzhang's sight, so he did not dare to return to his hometown.

At the same time, in order to dispel Boss Zhu's suspicion, he took a teaching job at the main hall and hid in the library all day without contacting anyone...


After a long time, Liu Jifang said sadly: "The so-called 'Eastern Zhejiang Party' no longer exists, and I have become an old tortoise. Do they still need to kill them all?"

"Does it really cease to exist?" Zhu Zhen asked back, and Liu Ji was speechless for a moment.

Fortunately, His Highness the King of Chu did not embarrass the teacher, and continued: "Besides, Mr. Hu will not understand the principle of eradicating the roots. Sir, you are the foundation of the East Zhejiang Party. As long as you are here, there will be no hope of the East Zhejiang Party's comeback." will disappear.”

"Your Highness really thinks too highly of old age. If a tiger stops biting people when it is old, I am no longer the same person as before." Liu Bowen shook his head.

"Who dares to despise Liu Bowen? As long as you live for one day..." Zhu Zhen said solemnly.

"Haha, according to His Highness, Hu Xiang still has to kill me." Liu Bowen laughed out loud and said lightly: "But now that I can't go out or take a step forward, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to do so."

"Creating opportunities when there are no opportunities is Hu Xiang's specialty." Zhu Zhen raised his thick eyebrows and said leisurely: "What Xiang Hu is busy with recently, sir, should you know better than me, right?"

"I don't know very well." Liu Bowen didn't want to be fooled.

"Then let me give you a heads up, sir." Zhu Zhen said in a deep voice, "My father has a knot in his heart that cannot be solved."

"This..." Liu Bowen's expression became serious, and he looked at Zhu Zhen seriously for the first time and said, "Marquis Deqing?"

"Yes." Zhu Zhen nodded, with no hint of guilt on his harmless face.

In fact, he has no idea who Marquis Deqing is...

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