Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1277 Stealing the Camp

The level of the Mongols' camp was really unflattering. The camp where so many troops were stationed only had a trench dug to block the horses, and not even a fence was erected.

Moreover, the ditch could block the horses, but not the people. Instead, it became the trench where the Ming army soldiers took off their snow palms and took off their cloaks.

Then you pulled me and climbed up the trench silently.

Seeing everyone in their positions, Guo Ying took a deep breath, waved his hand heavily, and gave the order to attack.

The soldiers of the Ming army rushed towards the Yuan army camp like tigers coming out of the gate, killing everyone they saw and setting fire to the tents they saw.

Only then did the Yuan army on guard at night react and sound the gong urgently to warn!

When the clanging gong sounded, the camp was already in chaos, with Ming troops killing people and setting fires everywhere. Using small flags as units, they ran rampant in the Yuan army camp in groups of ten. When they saw the Yuan army's tents, they rushed in and chopped melons and vegetables. Many Yuan soldiers were killed in their sleep, and the injured screamed and wailed. Rolling on the ground. The survivors were so panicked that they just ran out of the camp holding their heads. They didn't even have weapons, let alone resist.

Guo Ying asked the officers to blow their bronze whistles continuously. When the Yuan army heard a whistle blowing around them, they subconsciously thought that a large group of Ming army was coming to kill them. They didn't dare to stay where they were, so they quickly ran away.

The Ming army also found several horse stables. They untied the reins, lit the horse tails, and let the frightened horses run wild in the camp. They knocked down and trampled many Mongolian soldiers to death.

Under the continuous burning, killing and intimidation of the Ming army, the Yuan army was completely confused. The soldiers could not find the generals, and the generals could not find the soldiers. Everyone was running around like headless flies.

Even those places where the Ming army had not had time to attack were also in chaos. They did not want to organize a defense, but took the time to mount their horses and escape directly from the camp, saving their lives first.

Even if someone wants to resist, what can they do if they see everyone around them running away?


In the king's tent of the Chinese army.

Azashili heard the sounds of fighting and chaos outside, and before his mind could react, his body had already jumped out of the bed. Without anyone's help, he directly put the armor on his head. He didn't bother to put on boots and rushed out of the tent barefoot. outside.

According to his regulations, a neatly saddled war horse must be parked outside his tent at all times to guard against moments like this.

Azasili untied the reins, stepped on the stirrups, jumped on the horse's back, clamped the horse's belly hard, and the horse ran away from the camp... This set of movements was very smooth, and it was obvious that he had practiced it countless times.

After escaping the camp in one breath, Azashili breathed a sigh of relief. He took out a pair of boots from the baggage on his horse and put them on his feet one by one.

Escape without boots was also part of the plan, which would save a lot of time.

As soon as he put on his boots, his soldiers chased him out one after another, and then Tajim Timur also escaped.

So what kind of leader you have can bring out what kind of subordinates you have. Leaders like Azasili and Tamerlane naturally bring their own subordinates to put their own safety first at all times.

Seeing that Azasili had come out first and was dressed neatly, Ta and Timur, who had discarded his helmet and armor, felt ashamed and said: "You are truly worthy of being a king."

"What's so flattering about this?" Azasili scolded with a dark face. Looking at the camp that had turned into a sea of ​​fire, he really couldn't feel happy.

"Didn't you say that the army will definitely not come?!" He became angry and vented all his anger on Taji Timur.

"I, I..." Taji Timur said in confusion: "I don't know, where did they come from?"

Then he quickly threw the blame away and said: "Damn Tarim, he brought so many red troops with him, but he was able to miss so many Ming troops. We must kill him!"

"How many Ming troops have come?" Azashili asked again.

"I...I don't know either." Tabi Timur said that again. He looked at the camp that was on fire everywhere and listened to the whistles ringing everywhere in the camp. He guessed: "There must be no less."

"But don't worry, Your Majesty, I will gather my troops and launch a counterattack against them." In order to offset his merits, he quickly volunteered and said: "Our troops should be more than theirs, and we will definitely be able to reverse the defeat!"

"Forget it. The losses tonight are already big enough..." Azashi shook his head in pain: "This is just the forward of the Ming army. What's the use of killing them all?"

"I understand." Tabi Timur nodded in agreement. In fact, he also meant the same thing.


At dawn, the Yuan army camp was in ruins, with dead people and horses everywhere, as well as scimitars, helmets, bows and arrows missing...

Guo Ying led his 4,000 warriors to attack the enemy camp at night and achieved great success. In one battle, 3,000 enemies were killed. The rest, including the captive chiefs Azasili and Tabin Timur, fled in panic.

Guo Ying and the others were all infantrymen, so naturally they were unable to pursue them, so they could not expand the results of the battle.

He used the trenches dug by the Wengniutes as a barrier and quickly built fortifications to prevent the opponent from counterattacking.

In Guo Ying's view, as long as Azashili can collect the defeated troops and fight back, there is still a chance to turn defeat into victory. After all, the opponent has huge advantages in terms of types of troops and strength.

Although the possibility is unlikely, as long as there is a slight risk, you must be fully vigilant. It wasn't until Wang De led a large force back to join them that Guo Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Marquis, what's wrong with you?" Wang De was frightened when he saw the thick bandage on Guo Ying's arm and hurriedly asked with concern.

"It's okay, just a little skin injury." Guo Ying said nonchalantly. He has experienced hundreds of battles and suffered more than seventy injuries all over his body, so he has long been used to it.

He asked Wang Dedao again: "Brothers, after traveling all night, do you still have the strength to kill the enemy?"

"Of course!" Wang De and others suddenly became more energetic and said: "Master Hou, you can't be partial. It's time to give us a chance to show our faces!"

"Okay, but there's one thing, you can't show your butt!" Guo Ying had a great victory in hand and was in a good mood. He didn't have the habit of giving up when he was good, so he loudly said to the soldiers:

"The general and Duke Ying ordered us to completely frighten the enemy in one battle so that they will never dare to be our enemy again! Therefore, the victory of annihilating four thousand enemies is not enough!"

"I predict that the enemy will not go far, because their tribe is still nearby!" He got on his horse and waved forward again: "Follow me in pursuit and go north. We must not let them escape across the Liaohe River!"

"Here!" the soldiers responded enthusiastically. It doesn't look like he hasn't rested all day and night. They mounted their horses one after another and followed Wu Dinghou in the direction of the retreat of the Yuan army.

In the hearts of the soldiers of the Ming Army, there was no concept of not pursuing the enemy. They just wanted a complete victory!

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