Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1287 The Captain’s Couple

Hearing that reinforcements were coming, Guantong was overjoyed at first, but then felt unreliable.

As one of the few people who had been to the Mobei Imperial Court, he was well aware of the strength of the small Northern Yuan Dynasty.

First of all, although the princes from all walks of life recognized the Beiyuan Emperor as their co-owner, most of them were just like Naha Chu. They relied on the sky to be high and the emperor was far away and did not listen to the greetings at all.

Therefore, the only troops that the imperial court could really mobilize were Taibao Manzi, Taishi Harazhang's troops, and Wang Bao's retained troops.

Among them, Manzi and Harazhang, two veteran ministers, commanded the Central Guards and had been tasked with protecting the small court of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. After his death, Wang Baobao's army also returned to the Northern Yuan Dynasty and was incorporated into the Forbidden Army, expanding the strength of the Forbidden Army to 100,000.

Mobei is the territory of Ali Buge's descendants. The imperial court is always inseparable from the protection of 100,000 forbidden troops. How can it send them south?

"Hmm." After hearing Guantong's question, Naha nodded and said, "I also have this question, but the land protector is so sure that I will hold on for another month... He will lie about such a big thing. I can’t?”

"I don't know." Nahachu shook his head. The location of the imperial court has always been top secret, and he would not tell Guantong if he knew it. "Anyway, our reinforcements are coming soon. As soon as the reinforcements arrive, everything will be fine."

Although it has to cross mountains and ridges, the original route also has to pass through the more steep and vast Yanshan Mountains, and the distance is several times that of this route. Therefore, once this line was opened, it became the main grain transportation route for the Ming army.

Fortunately, the terrain between the three mountain ranges is flat, and relatively spacious roads were opened during the Liao, Jin, and Yuan dynasties, so it was not too difficult to transport food. At least it's much simpler than the Western Front.

However, there is currently no shortage of food on the front line, so the Ming army transports food once every five days, with 3,000 carts dispatched each time.

The two Mongolian princes received Naha's order to urge them to go to war.

The grain transport route of the Ming army had to cross the corridor and then cross three parallel mountains before reaching Daning.


The Liaoxi Corridor is the road passage from Shanhaiguan to Liaodong. It is named because it has mountains on its back and faces the sea, and the flat land is as narrow as a corridor.

After listening to the scout's report, Hong Boyan said: "It's no different from the previous convoy. Four thousand Ming troops escorted it. The other six thousand were coachmen, and they dispersed as soon as the horses charged."

This baggage force of 3,000 carts, with 6,000 drivers and 4,000 cavalry escorts, totaling 10,000 people, set out from the sea in a mighty manner. When they crossed the Songling Mountains, they were spotted by the Yuan army's scouting horses.

"It doesn't matter whether it succeeds or not. The key is to make a loud noise to let the Ming army know that their rear is not that stable." Naha Chu continued: "Then the princes below should also listen to the noise and shut their mouths. "

“The big flag has the word ‘平’ written on it,” Tan Ma reported.

"Then what's there to worry about? Fuck you!" Hong Boyan laughed ferociously.

Three thousand carts sounds like a lot, but they can only transport 25,000 shi of grain at a time. Five thousand shi of them were rations for the coachmen and escort troops, so in the end only 20,000 shi could be sent to Daning.

And Daqingshan lies across this route, and its location is perfect for roadblocks and robberies. Therefore, thieves have often appeared and robbed people on the road since ancient times, so it is also called the "Broken Relationship Mountain".

"We are starving in the Daqing Mountains. What has the cat been doing these past few months?" Gaobasi Timur said in a muffled voice, "I will feel guilty if I don't fight."

After careful consideration, the two decided to fuck him!

When the two princes announced their decision, all the 20,000 Mongolian soldiers under their command screamed with excitement. I have been holding it in for a long time in the mountains, and my chest is full of depression. Who doesn’t want to vent it out?

After the plan was decided, the two kings quickly sent out the Red Army to investigate, and the rest of the troops also prepared for a big fight.

At that time, the Ming army had to transport food northward from Xifengkou. Daqingshan was far away from the Ming army's food route and completely out of sight of the Ming army. They and their troops hid in the mountain easily.

After a pause, he then ordered: "After setting the fire, retreat. Remember not to be too eager to fight, and don't kill too many people."

"But safety must be ensured. It's not worthwhile to lose yourself." Hong Boyan added.

Twenty thousand stones of military rations are only enough to feed the army for five days... This is after the war horses have sufficient fodder during this season and do not need additional rations. The horror of military attrition is evident.

The same is true for the two Timurs. They feel uncomfortable if they don't grab a piece.

They had already figured out the Ming army's food transportation routes and patterns. If nothing else happens, a grain transport team will pass by here in five days.

"Why is this?" Hong Boyan asked puzzledly: "It's so easy to seize the opportunity, but you don't just kill it, kill it as fast as you can?"

"It must be unremarkable." Hong Boyan finally concluded: "Otherwise, why haven't you heard of this person?"

"Yeah." Hong Boyan also agreed with this. He had to admit that when Naha sent them to Daqing Mountain, it was a brilliant move.

"What should we do?" Hong Boyan Timur asked in a deep voice: "Others are hiding well, are we going to be the one who stands out?"

Gobas nodded slowly and said: "I have never heard of it, at least I have never fought against us."

"That's true." Hong Boyan actually had the same idea.

"Yes." Guantong nodded.

"Of course." Gobas nodded and said: "Fortunately, we are right next to the Ming army's food road. We can catch them by surprise, burn the food and retreat quickly. There should be no danger."

"Did the imperial court also move south?" Guantong thought of a possibility.

"What's the last name of the general who leads the team?" Gobas asked cautiously.

But recently, the Ming army opened another food transportation route. They transported the military rations to Huludao by sea, and then transferred them ashore for 300 miles, so that the military rations could be transported to Daning.

When the Yuan army's scouting horses galloped back to Daqingshan, the Ming army's convoy was still one day away from Daqingshan.


A few days later, in Daqing Mountain.

"Okay." Gao Basi thought about it and found that there was really nothing to worry about, so he said in a deep voice: "Tomorrow we will proceed as planned. You and I will each lead our own troops and attack from the hillsides on the left and right. I will deal with the Ming cavalry. , you are responsible for driving the driver away and setting the car on fire."

"But we can't wait for reinforcements. Now people inside and outside look down on me and think that I don't dare to fight the Ming army." Naha then ordered: "Send an order to Daqingshan and ask the two princes not to just hide. Damn it, let’s take action to attack the Ming army’s supply line.”

It takes one trip from Xifengkou to Daning, but two trips on the east line. If we add the distance from Tongzhou to Xifengkou, it becomes even more incomparable.

"Understood." Guantong responded in a deep voice, turned around and went out of the tent to deliver orders.

"The surname is Ping..." The two kings went through the Ming army generals whose names they had heard of in their minds.

"You are happy this time, but you may not be happy in the future." Gao Basi sighed: "Didn't you hear that the Taiwei has been negotiating with the Ming army? Just let them see how powerful we are. There is no need to tie the knot. Too deep..."

"Oh." Hong Boyan understood. Gao Basi was afraid that the Ming army would bear a grudge. What if they surrendered one day and settle accounts with them again?

Then he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

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