Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1335: On the shore of Lake Baikal

The Tula River originates from the Kent Mountain, the hometown of Genghis Khan, and flows northwards, eventually merging into Lake Baikal.

Ever since he encountered an ambush by the Oirat people in the area of ​​Hulanhushiwen that day, Toghon Temur fled northwards along the Tula River in a hurry.

How could Yesudiel and the Oirat people let go of this God-given opportunity that they had been waiting for a hundred years? That would really be chasing Toghon Temur and his son to the horizon, and they must catch him!

For this reason, Yesudiel brazenly announced that whoever could capture Toghon Temur and his prince alive would be granted a title of 10,000 households!

This was a pursuit of a stray dog ​​without any danger. Yesudiel actually offered such an outrageous reward, which shows how much he hated the Northern Yuan emperor and his son, and how happy he was at this moment?

It was purely to set up a big prize to add luster to the historical moment when he and the Oirat people were finally going to the fore.

By the way, let the lucky ones experience the happiness of pie in the sky.

Therefore, the enthusiasm of the Wala people can be imagined. Moreover, even if there is no such exaggerated reward, who would not want to become a hero in Wala history who personally captured the descendants of Kublai Khan and avenged his ancestors?

They chased the Northern Yuan emperor madly, even to the point of sleepless perversion.

Toghon Temur and his son finally made it until dark, but every time they stopped to take a breath and apply some medicine to their buttocks, they heard the numbing sound of horse hooves and the terrible roar of the Wala people in the distance...

The father and son had to pull up their pants and get on the horse to escape, not daring to delay for a moment.

In order to get rid of these lingering Wala people, Toghon Temur had to use the last Tiannv Sanhua. But the tried and tested trick of saving his life failed this time.

The reason is very simple. The number of people on both sides was too different. Even if he divided more than a hundred people into more than a dozen groups to escape, there were still thousands of people following him.

Toghon Temur had no choice but to continue to flee north in embarrassment.

In fact, if Yesudiel had not ordered the capture of his father and son alive, they would have died under the arrows of the Oirat people.

And because Yesudiel's reward was too outrageous, there was inevitably a fight among the Oirat people. Several times, a group of people were about to catch up with him and his father, and the lasso was ready, but they were forcibly disrupted by another group of people.

If I can't catch one, you can't either.

It was thanks to Yesudiel that Toghus Temur and his son were able to escape from the fingers of the Oirat people several times and were not caught for several days in a row.

But today, their good luck seems to have finally come to an end.

Because Toghus Temur's warhorse was tired and fell down, no matter how Toghus Temur whipped it, it snorted and refused to get up.

Even though he was riding a BMW horse that was picked out of thousands of miles, he finally couldn't stand this high-intensity running without breathing for days.

And at this time, Tianbao Nu was the only one left by his side.

"Father, you ride my horse!" Fortunately, Tianbaonu was a filial son and did not abandon him and run away.

The relationship between him and his son has always been very good, otherwise Toghon Temur would not have kept the prince by his side several times.

"Forget it, run away quickly." Toghon Temur smiled bitterly and waved his hand, saying, "You are still young, pass on the blood of the Golden Family well."

"I won't leave unless my father leaves!" Tianbaonu, who had always been obedient, actually got off the horse stubbornly and sat cross-legged beside him. No matter how Toghon Temur beat and scolded him, he refused to leave.

The long-term escape has made their senses very sensitive, and they can even feel the slight tremor of the ground, which means that the Wala people are close at hand.

"Oh, forget it." Seeing this, Toghon Temur stopped beating his son, but smiled and kissed him and said, "It seems that although I am a failed emperor, I am not a failed father."

"Father was just born at the wrong time. The fate of the Yuan Dynasty has run out, and even the gods can't save it." Tianbaonu said in tears.

"Alas, your uncle always said that my father is the king who lost his country." Toghon Temur laughed again, "Just like a person can only die once, a country cannot be destroyed twice, so I am not the king who lost his country."

"..." Tianbaonu's expression froze, thinking that you are open-minded.

"But we can't die in the hands of the traitor." Toghon Temur pulled his son up and said, "Ahead is the small sea where Genghis Khan and the founding princes swore an oath. Isn't it better for us father and son to ride on the waves and be buried in the small sea than to be caught by the traitor and humiliated in every way?"

"Father is right." Tianbaonu also laughed.

After that, the father and son rode on a horse together and ran towards the vast lake in the north.

That is the North Sea where Su Wu grazed sheep, the Hanhai where Huo Qubing drank water from his horse, the Suiye where Li Bai was born, and the Xiaohai where Genghis Khan swore an oath with his men...

When the father and son came to the Hanhai Lake, although they were already strangers, they were deeply shocked by the beautiful scenery of the forests in front of them and the blue sky and lake.

"This place is very good as the mausoleum of my father and son." Toghon Temur was very satisfied.

"Yeah." Tianbaonu also agreed, but he was still shaking with tears. Finally, he couldn't help asking: "Father, can I not die?"

"Alas, I don't want to die either." Toghon Temur smiled bitterly and pointed to the Wala soldiers who surrounded him in a fan shape and said: "But do you want to fall into their hands?"

"No." Tianbaonu shook his head vigorously.

"Then there is only this way." Toghon Temur touched his son's head and said: "Don't be afraid, father will accompany you."

After that, he pulled the horse's buttocks hard, and the warhorse felt pain and had to start wading.

The Wala people couldn't help shouting when they saw this.

"Catch them!"

"Don't let them drown, the king must live!"

"My Wanhuhou!" The Wala people were like a group of demons dancing wildly, shouting and chasing them.

"Hurry up!" Toghon Temur desperately urged his warhorse. But the horse didn't want to be drowned, and when the lake water flooded the horse's back, no matter how he whipped it, it refused to move forward.

Toghon Temur had no choice but to get off the horse with his son and walk to the deep water area on their own.

The Wala people surrounded the desperate father and son in a fan shape, throwing out the lasso like a cat playing with a mouse, watching the two people dodge in a panic, and couldn't help laughing.

People move slowly when wading in the water, and Tianbao Nu was finally caught by the lasso.

Toghon Temur turned around to help his son untie the lasso, and then he was also caught...

After succeeding, the Wala people laughed wildly, dragging two precious trophies, and turned their horses to the shore.

The father and son were dragged and staggered, and fell into the cold lake water, becoming two drowned rats.

The Oirat people were playing with the emperor and the prince of the Yuan Dynasty, but suddenly heard a scream of people and horses behind them!

They looked back in shock, and saw a cavalry suddenly rushed out from the hillside and attacked their large army from behind.

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