Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1365 Zhu Ke Arthur

"Okay, I won't be disappointed." Zhu Zhen smiled and asked him to sit down, and then began to test the school: "How is the current situation in Jiuzhou?"

Yang Shiqi then introduced: "The situation in Kyushu is very good. The Shimadzu family has been eliminated internally, the threat from the Northern Dynasties has been eliminated externally, and the economy has recovered quickly. In accordance with our requirements, the people now mainly plant cash crops and eat The rice imported from China is much better than before. Everyone praises our benevolent government!"

"Those big names and lords are now rich and have begun to pursue silks, jewelery and jades. The trade volume of the Shishi Shipping Department has increased year by year." Yang Shiqi said, reporting various data to Zhu Zhen to support his conclusion.

He has a superb memory and administrative talent. He quoted from many sources and rigorously argued the report. Zhu Zhen was full of praise: "Not bad, not bad. I really saw the right person."

Zhu Zhen's requirements for Kyushu are not high, as long as he can make a small profit without losing money and not rely on mainland China for bleeding. This is also his minimum requirement for Han Yike and others.

But he estimated that in Yang Shiqi's hands, Kyushu could become a cash cow.

"Let's talk about other aspects." Zhu Zhen is more concerned about the naturalization situation of Kyushu, or whether the gap with the Southern Dynasties continues to deepen?

"In other aspects, according to the prince's arrangement, we have established Confucianism and promoted Buddhism in Jiuzhou." Yang Shiqi said: "We have invited hundreds of well-known Confucian scholars from China to give lectures in Jiuzhou. As expected, they are highly sought after by all walks of life, even Changqing The king was obsessed with Confucianism and often sent people to copy the lectures of the great Confucianists. He was especially interested in Lu Jiuyuan's theory of 'knowing one's nature' and 'the heart is reason'."

"Okay, you can like whoever you like. The key is to only talk about philosophy and not about reality. The more imaginative the better." Zhu Zhen said with a smile: "I think they praise the style of the Tang Dynasty, but what they really like is the style of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, so then Follow their preferences and lead them to the tune of the Wei and Jin Dynasties."

"Your Majesty is really hitting the nail on the head." Yang Shiqi said with deep approval: "This is also what students have seen. The mentality of the Japanese nobles is very similar to that of the scholar-bureaucrats in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The mentality introduced in the Wei and Jin Dynasties should not be acclimatized."

"That's right, everything about metaphysics and five-stone powder has been arranged for them!" When talking about how to deceive little Japan, Zhu Zhen's eyes lit up and said: "What about religions? Have Buddhism, Lamaism, and Brahmanism been arranged? ?”

"This has to be done bit by bit," Yang Shiqi coughed lightly, thinking to himself, how much hatred does the prince have? He quickly replied seriously:

"Right now, Buddhism is the main focus. In the past five years, we have introduced thousands of monks from China and built hundreds of temples in various prefectures and counties in Kyushu, including more than ten yellow temples. As for the Brahmanism that the prince mentioned, we also started from Champa invited several Brahmin priests, but the effect was not very good and almost no one recognized them."

"Why?" Zhu Zhen asked.

"The Japanese know the Ming Dynasty very well. They know that none of us believe in this stuff, so they look down on it." Yang Shiqi smiled bitterly: "It has to be something we believe in, then they will regard it as a good thing. We don't believe it." "It's hard to get them to believe it."

"Then you and my second uncle should sacrifice themselves and convert to Brahmanism." Zhu Zhen said: "Just say that Buddhism is defeated by Brahmanism. Believe in Shiva, practice yoga, and start a beautiful new life."

"..." Yang Shiqi asked with a black line on his forehead: "Is the prince serious?"

"Of course I am serious." Zhu Zhen nodded heavily and said: "As I said again, if you can make the caste system take root in Japan, then you will be our national hero!"

"They are already very hierarchical..." Yang Shiqi said softly: "I think they are similar to the Brahmin caste."

"It's not enough, we must increase our efforts!" Zhu Zhen said solemnly: "The soil here is very suitable for the development and growth of the caste system. As long as you cultivate it patiently, you can definitely turn this place into a small India!"

"Yes." Seeing that the prince valued this matter so much, Yang Shiqi hurriedly nodded and said, "Since the prince thinks it is necessary, then the student is a Brahmin!"

"Hahaha, don't think it's a big sacrifice." Zhu Zhen laughed loudly and said, "Brahmins are very happy!"


Zhu Zhen's arrangement was by no means a whim, but was carefully considered.

Everyone in later generations knows that the biggest obstacle to India's industrialization and expansion is its deep-rooted caste system.

The reason is very simple. In a country where class status will not change no matter how hard we try, in the eyes of the lower class people, the so-called reform and strengthening the country are matters for the upper class and have nothing to do with them. It will not give rise to the sense of ownership that "everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world."

Without the participation of the broad masses of the people, no matter how wise the ruling class is, what is the use?

Insightful people in India have long seen this and have abolished the caste system in law. However, Hinduism still dominates all classes in India, and its deep-rooted influence cannot be changed by a piece of paper. Although the Indian government has been working hard to eliminate barriers between castes, it has achieved little success.

Therefore, as long as Hinduism remains dominant in India, untouchables will remain untouchables and Brahmins will remain Brahmins. India's huge population will be a burden rather than an aid to its development. There is no way to make the country truly strong.

This is a cliché, but what many people don’t know is that a similar caste system once existed in Japan.

During the Edo period, in order to consolidate its rule, the Tokugawa shogunate also fixed the social classes, which were already strictly hierarchical, in law. It was also divided into five levels - the royal family, the nobility, the common people, the non-humans and the eda. This is the so-called family system.

Under the family system, everyone's social class is hereditary and fixed, and it is forbidden to move from the bottom to the top. Therefore, everyone's future has long been determined. Only the nobility are qualified to be officials, and it is useless for the common people to work hard.

Not to mention the non-humans and eda of the fourth and fifth classes. They are suppressed at the lowest level of society, subjected to insults, and their lives are not guaranteed. When the samurai get a new sword and want to test the sharpness of the sword, they can just find a "non-human" to kill, and there will be no consequences.

Unfortunately, Japan's family system has no religious blessing, and it has not been around for a long time. It cannot be as deeply rooted as the caste system in India, so it was basically abolished during the Meiji Restoration. Although the society is still strictly hierarchical, at least it has opened up a channel for class advancement, giving the common people hope. With the same desire, the country will naturally become strong.

Zhu Zhen now wants to see, if the caste system was introduced to Japan a few hundred years in advance, and then added with Brahmanism, whether the knowledgeable people in Japan in the future could break through this cage and make the flowers of evil bloom on this sinful land.

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