"Are you sure?" Zhu Zhen asked him again, "Do you want to go back and think about it for a few days?"

"No need!" Ma Junze shook his head decisively and said, "Isn't it to follow the prince to Yunnan to do something? How can you be afraid of difficulties when doing business?"

After hearing Ma Junze's answer, Zhu Zhen laughed with satisfaction and said, "Haha, good! I like your fearless spirit!"

As he said that, he patted Ma Junze on the shoulder and gave him a reassurance as usual, saying, "Don't worry, I won't cheat you. I have discussed with Dingbian Hou before, and I plan to build a new city in the center of the mining area and on the banks of the Jinsha River. After it is built, the government will be moved there."

Then Zhu Zhen briefly told Ma Junze the plan agreed with Hu Quan and said, "Remember, everything will be based on this new city. Things will be much easier, and the situation will definitely get better. When you can tackle the two tough tasks of Anning and Dongchuan, you will be able to keep the title of the top official. "

"Okay! I will remember your teachings!" Ma Junze nodded heavily and said, "I will never let you down!"

"I believe you will be fine!" Zhu Zhen patted his shoulder again, and then said to Hu Yan, "You have done a great job in Dali, and even in my opinion, you have done the best!"

After a pause, he said, "It's just that some things can be done but not said, so the ranking is low. It is just as the saying goes, those who are good at fighting have no great achievements. Dali can eliminate the remaining poison of the Duan regime, and you have made great contributions!"

"Your Majesty is too kind." Hu Yan shook his head excitedly. He was not afraid of being ranked low, he was only afraid that the prince would look down on him because of this. But he knew that the more such times, the more modest he should be: "It is mainly because our prefect has delegated power that a minister can do some more outrageous things while serving as a prefect."

"Your prefect Zhou is not delegating power, he just doesn't dare to get involved." Zhu Zhen snorted and said, "If he is irresponsible, I will send him to Pegu later!"


The "more outrageous things" that Hu Yan mentioned are indeed not easy to bring to the table - he mainly did one thing during his time in Dali, burning books.

He collected all the official and private classics and books of Nanzhao and Dali, saying that they would be sent to the provincial capital for printing and preservation. As a result, after the books were collected, the warehouse also caught fire.

And dozens of warehouses caught fire at the same time, burning all the books with words.

Then he dug three feet deep in the ground among the people again, searching for old books from the previous dynasty, on the pretext that the warehouses were burned and needed to be collected again. He collected a batch every once in a while, and then burned them in a fire.

Later, he simply stopped pretending and came clean. He was going to destroy Dali's cultural and historical heritage. What's wrong with that?

He brazenly stipulated that anyone who privately kept books from Nanzhao and Dali would be shackled and exiled. All informants could get half of the other party's property.

He also prohibited the use of Baiman language and Bowen among the people. He stipulated that everyone must speak Chinese and use Chinese characters. Anyone who dared to violate the ban in public would be whipped the first time, do hard labor the second time, and beheaded the third time.

So after a few years, the cultural imprints left by Nanzhao and Dali had been worn away by Hu Yan.

If he only destroyed it, he would not deserve Zhu Zhen's high praise. The key is that he would also create new memories to replace the old memories of the people. This is the real awesomeness of Hu Yan.

After rigorous textual research, Hu Yan personally fabricated a new set of Baiyi history. He said that when Dali was in the Han Dynasty, it was the world of the Han people, and this was the "Han era" of Dali.

Later, the Wuman Meng Dynasty stole Dali and forced the Han people to live according to their customs. As a result, the originally advanced and civilized Han race was forcibly degenerated into barbarians, but they were still better than the Nanzhao people, so the Nanzhao people were called Wuman, and they, the former Han people, were called Baiyi. This was the "barbarian era".

Later, with the support of Baiyi, the Duan family eliminated the Heiyi and established the Dali Kingdom. It is said that they should have recognized their ancestors at this time, but for their own selfish interests, they were afraid that their subjects would submit to the Central Plains Dynasty, so that they could not be the arrogant king of Yelang, so they fabricated various Baiyi histories and changed the Chinese language and Chinese characters they had used for thousands of years to Baiman language and Bowen, in an attempt to sever their ties with their compatriots. In order to maintain the independence of the Dali Kingdom.

This is the "pseudo-history era".

After Dali was destroyed by the Yuan Dynasty, because the Yuan Dynasty was Mongolian, it was even more necessary to prevent the Dali people from recognizing their ancestors. Therefore, there was still no rectification in a hundred years.

But now that the Ming Dynasty has unified the world, the Han people have liberated Dali again, and of course they have to help their compatriots get rid of their barbarian status and become noble Han people again!

Of course, because of the rush of time, the history he knew still has loopholes, but the problem is that no one can refute him.

Because there is no evidence. Even if there is, no one dares to take it out. Possessing banned books means going to jail.

And the most amazing thing about his theory is that it has won the support of the majority of Baiyi people.

As the area most influenced by Han culture, Dali, like the Central Plains, respects Confucius, recites scriptures and worships Buddha, and has similar traditions and concepts. The original Dali royal family Duan family has always claimed to be descendants of the Han people, and these were used by Hu Yan as ironclad evidence of "Baiyi is Han". Naturally, it is very convincing.

And in this era, who doesn't want to be a Han? Now that they are officially certified as Han, who will stick to their original identity except those old-fashioned people? All of them have become supporters of this theory.

In just a few years, most Dali people have firmly believed that they are Han Chinese. Anyone who dares to deny this will inevitably be strongly attacked by them.

Dali also became the first "barbarian area" in Yunnan that was completely assimilated.

It's a pity that the officials who judged him had no idea how great Hu Yan's achievements were and how awesome his methods were, so they only gave him an average rating. But it doesn't matter, Zhu Zhen understands him, and Zhu Zhen understands the value of this ability!

"Dali is on the right track. It will be a waste for you to stay any longer." Zhu Zhen made new arrangements for Hu Yan and said: "Go to Ruili to use your expertise and erase Luchuan Kingdom from the memory of the locals. , making them believe that they are also descendants of Han people..."

"This is a bit difficult." Hu Yan still remained calm and said: "The situation in Dali is relatively simple. The locals are basically no different from the Han people. They just need to make the best of the situation. But over in Ruili, the locals have deep-rooted beliefs that they are not from the same clan as us. Right?"

"Hey, it all depends on people. As long as we don't discriminate or treat differently, who wants to be a Di Yi and not join China?" Zhu Zhen said with confidence: "I don't ask you to achieve immediate results like Dali and be able to use It takes one generation to assimilate them, but it is also the result of a thousand years!”

"Yes, I will do my best for you!" Hu Yan agreed in a deep voice.

"Hahaha, don't worry, I won't let you stay in Ruili for a generation. After a few years to lay the foundation, I will transfer you to other places. There are too many places where you need to use your talents!" Zhu Zhen smiled and said: "I will arrange a few apprentices for you later to carry forward your legacy!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty..." Hu Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Could it be that he would have to do this for the rest of his life?

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