Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1416 Difficult? Then don’t do it!

"Okay, stop arguing!" Seeing that Du Ziman was about to roll up his sleeves and beat the bald donkey, Hu Quan coughed and asked him, "What are you here to do?"

"Uh..." Du Ziman thought for a moment and hurriedly smiled and said: "I am asking the Marquis to withdraw his troops. Of course, our Pingzhang will not let our brothers go in vain. The city is already preparing generous gifts and will deliver them soon. "

"Well, what should I say to you? Say you don't know etiquette, but you still know how to give gifts. Say you know etiquette. I've come all the way here, and you don't even know how to invite me to the city."

"Of course we should invite the Marquis into the city." Du Ziman wondered: "It's just that the city has just gone through a battle, and there are dead bodies all over the ground. There are also many rebels hiding among the people. Pingzhang is also afraid of bumping into the Marquis. ”

As he spoke, he stretched out two fingers and gestured to Hu Quan: "Isn't it better to prepare a double gift for the Marquis than to go to the city on this hot day?"

"No." Hu Quan said flatly: "I will not leave until I see King Annan and confirm Annan's situation in person!"

"But now the throne is vacant..." Du Ziman said with a bitter face, "Isn't it difficult for the Marquis to force others?"

"A country cannot be without an owner for a day, and the same is true for small countries. If you don't have one, quickly choose one and I will complete the process." Hu Quan impatiently pointed at the black-faced Qianhu next to him and said: "If you can't choose, let him be the one. ”

"Haha, He really knows how to joke. Even though the Annan Kingdom is small, not just anyone can be the king, right?" Du Ziman couldn't help laughing, thinking who is this? almost.

Zhu Di felt his contempt and couldn't help snorting: "Then I have to be the king."

"Haha, one day, Du will definitely lead the whole clan to welcome you." Du Ziman thought to himself, why are these Ming people so crazy? Then he cupped his fists and said to Hu Quan: "I understand the request of Lord Marquis. For such a big matter, I need to report it to Pingzhang first and ask him to make a decision."

"Then why are you still talking nonsense? Seeing off guests!" Hu Quan waved his hand and said angrily. I thought to myself that these Kou Boyi guys had the nerve to come and leave empty-handed, how fucking shameless.


Du Ziman returned to Shenglong City and came to the Qianyuan Hall in the palace.

The Annan people were as dishonest as the Korean people. The king only called himself king to the Ming Dynasty, and always regarded himself as the emperor. Therefore, the palace in Shenglong was completely modeled after the palace in the Central Plains. However, because they were too short in stature, they were all built in miniature.

The Qianyuan Palace in Annan is equivalent to the Fengtian Palace in the Ming Dynasty.

At this time, Hu Jisao could not wait to sit on the 'Emperor's Throne', but there were only about twenty civil and military personnel scattered under the steps, half of whom were his descendants and relatives, and the other half were his best friends and cronies.

It's not that Annan officials are all so loyal, but Hu Jiya committed a big taboo by committing regicide.

Chen Yizong was the uncle who was killed by Chen Riwei in the previous episode. When he came to power in a coup, his nature was much lighter than that of "Hu Ji Feo". When he applied for a title from the Celestial Empire, he was scolded by Boss Zhu and said: "Annan Chen Shuming was treacherous and deceitful, and destroyed his king in order to gain wealth and honor. This is so unjust, how can I do it?" This is to appease the rebellious ministers and get along with the thieves! ’

After forcing him to give up the throne to his younger brother, the matter came to an end.

Now Hu Ji Yao is a regicide, and he still has a foreign surname, and his nature is so bad that no one is optimistic that he will be canonized by the Celestial Dynasty.

Now that the Chinese army is approaching the city so quickly, it confirms everyone's point of view. Therefore, all the Chen Dynasty officials had no idea where they were hiding, and they would not show up again until the dust settled.

After hearing Du Ziman's report, Hu Jiyou said with a gloomy expression: "What do they mean? Why do they have to see the king?"

"I heard that the prince of the Ming Dynasty was so powerful that the people below him probably didn't dare to deal with it carelessly and had to find a way to communicate with him." Fan Fan, his close confidant, guessed based on his own experience.

"Really?" Hu Jisao looked at the others.

"It makes sense." Most people agreed, but some people guessed: "Isn't he trying to delay time?"

"What does he have to hold off for?" Hu Jipai, Hu Jiya's younger brother, asked, "You don't really think that you can capture Shenglong City with just those 20,000 soldiers, do you?"

"Haha, that's such a wishful thinking!" There was a burst of laughter in the hall, and the civil and military officials said: "Kublai Khan's 200,000-strong army did not capture Thang Long. What can the Ming army do with only 20,000 men?"

Thang Long City was built by Li Gongyun, the founder of the Li Dynasty, after he made Thang Long his capital and pooled all the assets from across the country. Extraordinarily tall and sturdy, at least in the eyes of the Annamites.

After subsequent repairs and additions in successive dynasties, Thang Long City is now a fortress with complete defense facilities and has never been breached from the outside.

Moreover, the Ming army came in civilian boats or even fishing boats. It seemed that they had not made preparations to attack the city, so no one was worried.

"In any case, the demands of the people of the Celestial Dynasty must still be taken seriously." At this time, Fan Julun, Hu Jiya's mastermind, said slowly: "I think it's better for my lord to take this opportunity and directly ascend the throne, right? This will be easier to block." Stop the mouths of those ministers."

"What a great idea!" Everyone in the palace became excited. They were all waiting for the day when Hu Ji Yao ascended the throne, so that everyone could follow the chickens and dogs to heaven!

"Hmm..." Hu Ji Ya nodded and sighed: "Well, when the late king was there, he once said to me: 'The country is weak now, and I am an old man. After this world, the officials and the family can assist me, but I can't help it." Then take it for yourself. 'It's just that the Chen family has been enjoying the country for a long time. If I replace him rashly, I'm afraid the world will be shocked and infamy will come."

"My lord, those who accomplish great things do not care about trivial matters!" Fan Julun hurriedly advised: "The most important thing now is to let that marquis recognize that my lord is the King of Dai Viet. It is said that he is also the uncle of the king. If he has already recognized that my lord is the King of Dai Viet on behalf of the Celestial Empire, the emperor of the Celestial Empire will not be likely to slap himself in the face."

After a pause, he said: "As long as you get the recognition of the Celestial Empire, my lord can sit firmly on the throne. It will only take a few strokes to deal with those noisy people. Why worry about the instability of the country?"

"Hmm." Hu Jinyi nodded, convinced. "Then do as Mr. Fan said."

"My Lord, no, Your Majesty, there is one more thing to note," Du Ziman said at this time: "The Ming army was brought by the evil monk Daoyan, so it is inevitable that he will interfere."

"It doesn't matter, money makes the devil work." Fan Julun said lightly: "Give Dingbian Marquis and his people generous gifts, Daoyan is nothing."


As a result, Du Ziman really said it. When the Ming Marquis heard that Hu Jinyi was going to ascend the throne, he was furious on the spot and said that the Ming Dynasty would never allow traitors to take the throne. Only the royal family of the Chen Dynasty can inherit the throne of Annan!

After Hu Jinyi learned about it, he immediately sent people to search the imperial city again and killed all the royal family members. Many people were not royal family members at all, but were just surnamed Chen, and were massacred.

The Annan minister who escaped from the city reported this to the Ming army. Hu Quan was furious and ordered Hu Jijie to surrender before dawn the next day, otherwise he would attack Thang Long City and bring him and his son back to the capital to be punished!

Seeing the Ming army's ultimatum, Hu Jijie was also furious. He was originally a rebellious person in Thang Long, but he had to bow his head under the eaves. Now the people in the house are going to chop off his head, why is he still pretending? !

So he ordered the defenders to strengthen their vigilance and strictly guard the city walls. Let's see how the Ming army can capture the impregnable Thang Long City? !

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