Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 147 I’ve never seen a gentleman, so I’m worried

On the Wupengsha boat, inside the cabin.

King Ming allowed Zhu to act like he was resigned to his fate, and gave himself a back-up restraint. He looked at Zhu Di and others and said with a smile: "So you are not the sons of Zhang Shicheng and Gao Qi, but the sons of Zhu Yuanzhang."

"Idiot, it took me so long to guess." Zhu laughed and said, "Ping'an and Han Yike missed so many flaws. You can guess that Zhang Shicheng and Gao Qi are also capable."

"Hey, everyone has been misled." Prince Ming sighed and said, "Protector Luo has done a lot of harm to people."

"Who is Protector Luo?" Zhu Di asked.

"A stinky novel writer!" Prince Ming spat harshly. He realized that he had been lied to, so he changed the subject and asked puzzledly: "After receiving the report, I thought I covered it up very well. How did you find the flaw?"

"Prince Ming, you pulled up your pants before wiping your butt." Zhu Di coughed dryly.

"Uh..." Prince Ming wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

"Actually, the difference is not big whether we noticed it or not." Zhu Aoran said: "I can take care of these soft-footed shrimps on your boat by myself."

"Yes, I calculated mentally but not intentionally. I have already miscalculated." Prince Ming nodded in agreement. Seeing that the atmosphere had calmed down, he suggested: "It's not an option to keep going like this. Let's discuss it. If you let me go, I guarantee that you can leave safely."

"The transaction itself is fine, but how can you guarantee that you won't cause trouble in secret?" Zhu said.

"I'll ask them to get out of the way, send you to the shore, and give you four horses." King Ming had already thought of a solution: "How about you let me go after you get the horses?"

"Here, let's have a meeting..." The brothers hurriedly whispered to each other for a while, and then Zhu nodded and said, "Okay."

Prince Ming then stuck his head out of the cabin and loudly gave orders to the other side.

Waiting for the other party to get out of the way, Zhu Di said to Prince Ming: "I really admire you. You are a great person. It's a pity that you were born twenty years too late."

"Haha..." Prince Ming shook his head and said, "I was born twenty years earlier, and I am no match for your father."

"Then you return it?"

"Maybe one day in the future, you will understand." King Ming sighed sadly: "People will take this road if they are forced to a dead end and do not want to die in vain."

"It's a pity that I don't have the chance to understand your mood." Zhu Di said lightly: "Besides, why is the other side still not moving?"

"Eh..." The Ming Dynasty looked outside and was stunned.

I saw no boats moving in all directions on the river...

"It seems that there are people under your command who don't want you to live." Zhu sneered, but cold sweat broke out in the palm of his hand holding the knife.

He knew that his brothers were also in trouble...



Several helmsmen were about to give orders to give way, but they heard an insidious voice say: "Wait a minute."

"Protector Cao." Several people heard the call and went to see Protector Cao, who was supposed to be at the scene of the embankment breach, appearing in front of them in a somewhat embarrassed state. "Why are you back? Where is Protector Thunder?"

"What happened? The embankment was blocked?"

Facing the barrage of questions, Protector Cao sighed and said: "Oh, one general is incompetent and the three armies are exhausted."

Then he put all the responsibilities on King Ming.

"If King Ming hadn't insisted on taking the fake Hong brothers with him as his own soldiers, why would we be here?" He pointed at the awning sand boat and said angrily:

"In the thousand years of our Ming religion, there has never been a Ming King who was so afraid of death! He didn't even think about it. If he made such a big noise, the imperial army would arrive in a moment. If Zhu Yuanzhang's son is let go, how can we protect ourselves?"

"It's really..." All the helmsmen nodded. Then he said worriedly: "Then what should we do? It's not an option to continue doing this?"

"Don't worry, people from the Chaohu Navy will be here soon." Although Protector Cao wanted to take his place, he did not dare to bear the crime of killing King Ming, so he was ready to kill someone with a borrowed knife. "The Marquis of Nan'an will come later, we will find out later!"

"Oh, okay." The helmsmen didn't have any ideas, so they nodded and waited for the arrival of the Chaohu navy. "When will they arrive?"

"Come on, the fireworks just now are the signal." Protector Cao said in a deep voice.


In Garden Lake, dozens of Ming warships have lowered the blue dragon flag and the apricot-yellow flag with the word "Ming" in it.

On the flagship deck, Yu Tongyuan and three others were covered in armor and wore red tasseled phoenix-winged helmets, looking anxiously at the night sky to the west.

At the third watch, the red fireworks bloomed as scheduled...

"Third brother, they sent a signal." Yu Tongjiang pointed excitedly at the fleeting fireworks.

They didn't know that this was actually a distress signal sent by Protector Cao. Because King Ming was a thief, he deliberately arranged the departure signal of the Chaohu Navy to be the same red fireworks.

The purpose is to drag them into the water as soon as possible.

"Once you enter the battlefield, there is no turning back." Yu Tongyuan is very cautious. To put it bluntly, he is indecisive.

This is normal. How many leaders have died in the Chaohu Navy? How can there be so many brave and courageous leaders?

"Third brother, is it too late to talk about this now?" Liao Dingguo said a little speechlessly: "Can we change the things we have agreed on?"

"Yes." Yu Tongjiang also advised: "With such a large fleet of ours sailing past the ancestral mausoleum, the Sizhou guards guarding the tomb cannot fail to notice it. If we turn back now, we will be dead."

"In that case, why don't you die vigorously? What if you find a way out?" Liao Dingguo raised his voice and said with murderous intent: "The men are all ready, give the order quickly, third brother!"

"Oh, okay..." Yu Tongyuan sighed deeply. He knew that after giving this order, he would embark on the road of rebellion again.

But this time, there is no father, no eldest brother or two brothers, and no unparalleled Liao brothers. But what he wants to challenge is Boss Zhu, the murderer who only appears once in a thousand years!

How is it possible to win?

He was just about to break the jar and order the sails to be raised and the anchor to be raised, when he heard the lookout on the mast report: "Master Marquis, an official ship is approaching!"

"How much?" Everyone's hearts tightened.

"Just one."

"Let it come over." Yu Tongyuan's expression changed, but he still ordered in a deep voice: "Let's listen to what they say first."

"I must be here to persuade you to surrender, why don't you see me!" Yu Tongjiang said in a muffled voice.

"Stupid!" Yu Tong shouted: "If the emperor already knows that we are here, is it necessary to let the brothers die?"

"Alas..." Yu Tongjiang lowered his head.

Indeed, their only chance of winning is to calculate mentally but not intentionally. If Boss Zhu had already guessed their whereabouts, there would be absolutely no chance of winning.


After some tea time, several people boarded Yu Tongyuan's boat.

Although both were wearing official robes of the Ming Dynasty, there was strong hostility between the two sides.

"Where is the Marquis of Nan'an? I am Han Yike, the magistrate of Linhuai County, and I have been ordered to deliver the decree!" The person who came was a young official. Although he was only a seventh-rank official, he was very impressive and full of momentum.

"..." All the subordinates looked at Yu Tongyuan.

Yu Tongyuan hesitated for a moment, then bowed his head and slowly knelt down.

"Your Majesty, Yu Tongyuan accepts the order."

"Order: Yu Tongyuan, you are hopelessly stupid! If you don't stay in Huai'an, why come to Linhuai?" Han Yike read unscrupulously, and it sounded as if Boss Zhu was really scolding his mother.

ps. Fourth update, please vote for me!

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