Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 159 Autumn overnight

Boss Zhu always acted vigorously and resolutely, and the next day he issued a decree, appointing Han Yike, the magistrate of Linhuai County, as the imperial envoy to inspect the imperial censor, to patrol the central capital on behalf of the sky, and to rectify all lawlessness!

In this sternly worded imperial edict, it is clarified that the censor can interrogate criminals and record cases, and officials must not shirk their responsibilities. Otherwise, they will be punished for deceiving the emperor, and the censor can be beheaded with the emperor's sword. All the servants of the officials and servants must cooperate with the summons of the patrol censor. No one can refuse to evade, otherwise he will be punished for deceiving the emperor, and the patrol guard can be killed with the emperor's sword!

Anyone who is on trial or interrogated must not conceal anything, deceive, make false accusations, or take the blame. Otherwise, he will be punished for deceiving the emperor, and the patrol officer can kill him with the emperor's sword!

With this decree, which was full of killing and killing, Zhongdu City, which was originally celebrating the emperor's return home with joy and looking forward to moving the capital, suddenly turned from the hot summer to autumn overnight.

Han Yike took office amidst this massacre. His patrol office was set up outside Hongwu Gate, inside the office building built for the Ministry of Punishments.

As soon as he took office, Han Yike issued a notice, announcing that from now on, he would release complaints and collect them for one month consecutively. Anyone with grievances could file a complaint in the government office. It doesn't matter if there is no petition paper, as long as the people come, the yamen has special scribes to write the petition papers for the people.

But what is embarrassing is that no one dared to complain after two days of listing.

Although Han Yushi and his subordinate officials were already very busy just interrogating prisoners, filing case files, dealing with these old cases, and handling Shen Liu Niang's case. However, the delay in seeing the victim come to complain still made the subordinates feel great pressure.

But Han Yike didn't panic at all, at least he didn't seem to panic at all. He told his men not to worry, the fun would come later.

As expected, the show soon unfolded. That morning, the officials patrolling the Yamen discovered that an official had set up a high swing in front of the Hongwu Gate not far away. There are also circles of charcoal pots placed around the swing frame, as many as two to three thousand.

There are also officers and soldiers beating gongs and walking through the streets, loudly announcing that the emperor is inviting the people to eat chicken and watch a show. The banquet will be held on time at noon tomorrow, and all the villagers are invited to come and enjoy the feast.

As soon as the common people heard that the emperor was inviting them to a banquet, they were naturally extremely enthusiastic.

Not all people were kept in the dark. Many people already knew where the swing came from and what it was used for. But instead of pretending not to know, they were even more scrambling. In order to get a seat, many people lined up outside Hongwu Gate as soon as they heard the news.

They don't dare to file a lawsuit, but why don't they dare to eat chicken and watch a show?

The nobles knew very well that this was the emperor's plan to "roast chicken to scare the monkeys." But they dare to stop the people from complaining, but they don't dare to stop the people from going to the banquet. Otherwise, if no one comes to invite them to dinner, Boss Zhu will definitely get angry...


The male monkeys didn't dare to say anything, but Li Cunyi was going crazy...

"Brother, the emperor is going to roast Li You!" He shouted at Li Shanchang with disheveled hair and red and swollen eyes in the flower hall of the Korean government.

"I heard." Li Shanchang's condition was not much better. After returning from the imperial mausoleum, he had been suffering from insomnia, with dark circles under his eyes and bags under his eyes as big as His Royal Highness the King of Chu's chin.

"Brother, you have to do something!" Li Cunyi grabbed Li Shanchang's lapel and shook him hard.

"What can I do?" Li Shanchang gave up his usual toughness and let Li Cunyi shake him like a noodle. "It's been three days since I submitted the apology form, and the Emperor has yet to express his condolences. The Emperor dislikes me..."

"Then you can't just watch Li You being roasted by the emperor!" Li Cunyi was heartbroken and burst into tears. "Even if he dies, he can't die in such a brutal way. It's really terrible!"

"Who told him to stop doing human affairs?" Li Shanchang looked up to the sky and sighed: "Second brother, you don't know the temper of the superior? No one can protect the person he decides to kill... Well, the queen can, but the queen It's impossible to plead for Li You, you just have to give up."

"How can you know if you don't try, brother?" Li Cunyi knelt down and cried, holding Li Shan's long legs and begging. "Li You is my lifeblood. Without him, I won't be able to live anymore. Wuwuwu..."

Seeing that Li Shanchang was still indifferent, he became cruel and hit the pillar on the side.

Li Shanchang didn't hold him back, and with a bang, Li Cunyi was hit hard. His head was broken and blood flowed, and he fainted from the pain.

Lao Li felt distressed and angry, and quickly called the doctor to treat him. After the doctor bandaged up, he injected another needle, and Li Cunyi woke up slowly. The first thing he said after waking up was to beg his elder brother: "Save the child..."

"Oh, okay. Anyway, my old face has already embarrassed you all..." Li Shanchang sighed helplessly, stood up slowly while holding on to the coffee table, and said, "I will follow your orders to embarrass you again..." "

"Thank you, brother." Li Cunyi sobbed miserably as the gauze on his head oozed blood, "I'm sure you can do it..."

"Fart." Li Shanchang spat, hunched over and walked out without looking back.


Li Shanchang came to the outside of Xingfu Palace in a carriage and handed over his book to request an audience.

After a while, Eunuch Wu came out and said with an apologetic smile: "I'm sorry, Mr. Han, the emperor is slightly ill and has to rest for a few days. Please come back."

"Oh, is it okay, Your Majesty?" Li Shanchang looked concerned and cursed in his heart. You, Lao Zhu, are as strong as a buffalo. Are you using illness as an excuse to avoid seeing me? It's better to say that you are going to be in confinement!

"It doesn't matter, I'm just tired from running around for days." Eunuch Wu shook his head and smiled and said, "If Mr. Han has anything to say, we can convey it to you."

"I have something to say to the superior, but now I only hope that the superior will be well soon and everything else is not important." Duke Han shook his head and smiled. He still maintained his demeanor as the First Duke of the Ming Dynasty.

"Okay, we will definitely bring it to you." Eunuch Wu smiled, nodded, stretched out his hand and said, "Please come back."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Old Wu. Let's have tea another day." Li Shanchang also smiled and nodded, turned around and got on the carriage.

After getting in the car, he seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He leaned against the wall of the car and looked out the window at the Zhongdu City he had built little by little.

In the past, whenever I saw these, a strong sense of pride and solidity would arise spontaneously.

But today, these magnificent buildings and exquisite pavilions only made him feel illusion and fear...

Since becoming Zhu Yuanzhang's right-hand man, he has not had this feeling of powerlessness that he can't do anything for many, many years.

Could it be that everything I have really comes from someone above? Without the trust of superiors, I can't do anything?

"All appearances are false. If you see all appearances that are not appearances, then you will see the Tathagata..." After all, Li Shanchang has experienced the most dangerous storms in the world. He silently recited a passage from the Diamond Sutra, prepared to look at his eyes and nose, and his nose and heart, so that he could Calm down.

Li Shanchang was about to look away, but suddenly he was stunned.

He saw a familiar figure under the high swing in front of Hongwu Gate, his nephew Li You, who was stacking firewood under the supervision of officers and soldiers...

ps. First update.

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