Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 26 Death of the Imperial Concubine

Zhu Yuanzhang always acted vigorously and resolutely, so he issued an edict the next day, ordering Yousi to recruit highly skilled female doctors, and the Tai Hospital would select the best ones. Those who are willing to enter the palace will be granted official status, and those who are unwilling to enter the palace can also be recorded in the official register to prepare for summons.

However, the poor concubine Sun died in a cold and icy rainy night before the female medical officer selected for her entered the palace.

After hearing the bad news, Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely sad and couldn't sleep for three days and three nights.

Unlike Concubine Da Ding, a coquettish bitch, and Concubine Hu Chong, a tomboy, Concubine Sun is a serious lady.

Not only was she born with a beautiful country, she was also very noble in character, and her words and deeds were all etiquette, just like those famous virtuous women in ancient times. As the second in command of the harem, she has been cautious and careful for many years, assisting Queen Ma in keeping the harem harmonious and orderly.

Zhu Yuanzhang was able to avoid being distracted by the family affairs in the harem and concentrate on handling national affairs, which was indispensable to her.

It was precisely because of her presence that Empress Ma could safely return to her hometown to build a temple and move tombs for her parents. Unexpectedly, she fell ill, which led to the subsequent troubles...

It is no exaggeration to say that her weight in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart is very heavy.

In order to express his grief for Concubine Sun, Zhu Yuanzhang personally wrote a memorial text and decided to give her a grand funeral.

However, when the dynasty was first established, many ritual systems were still blank. No concubine had ever died before, and officials didn't know which dynasty or generation's funeral rites to follow.

Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the Ministry of Rites to consider the ancient rituals and draft a mourning system, and then submitted it to the princes for deliberation in the court.

He also specially summoned Niu Liang, the Minister of Etiquette, and ordered him to formulate the etiquette with reference to the highest standards, so that Concubine Sun must be mourned and honored.

The first problem that Niu Shangshu faced was that Concubine Sun only had two daughters and no sons. According to Zhou rites, there was no one to throw a pot in mourning for her.

This made Zhu Yuanzhang even more heartbroken, so he ordered his fifth son, King Wu, to perform maternal robes on Concubine Sun and perform the funeral as a dutiful son.


Three days later, on the first day of October, the day of the New Year's Day.

This was also the first time Zhu Zhen went to court after his rebirth.

It was dark in the early morning, and the wind was freezing at Fengtianmen.

Wearing a nine-slit leather bean hat and white clothes, he stood under the curtains of the golden platform with his brothers, each of them as cold as a grandson.

But the princes all knew that their father was in a bad mood, and no one dared to get into trouble. Even Lao Qi, who was still recovering from his injuries, came limping...

However, Zhu Zhen still looked at his fifth brother with concern from time to time. This brother who was so silent that people always ignored him had a very strong presence today.

Because he is the only one who wears hemp and mourns.

But Zhu Tie would rather everyone forget about him than be the center of attention.

He had been crying silently, and the fourth brother beside him also had red eyes, his lips were bitten, and a trace of blood was really eye-catching.

Zhu Zhen knew that the tears of the fourth and fifth brothers were not for Sun Guifei, but for themselves.

In fact, since he knew that Concubine Sun would be mourned as a dutiful son, Fifth Brother's tears had not stopped. The fourth brother once wanted to argue with his father, so as to spare the fifth brother from being a loving mother.

Because the so-called loving mother's clothes are a kind of funeral ceremony for the concubine who raised oneself.

And they grew up beside Queen Ma and were not raised by Concubine Sun for a day.

The fourth brother was stopped by the eldest brother...

Zhu Zhen felt that since the fourth and fifth brothers had been wronged, he should stand with them.

But he didn't know anything about these etiquette aspects. He really couldn't figure out how to help, so he had to provide spiritual support first.


At three quarters of the Yin hour, the Jingyang bell rang, the Meridian Gate slowly opened, and all civil and military officials filed in, and quickly completed their duties in front of the Fengtian Gate.

After three whips were fired, Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang ascended to his throne in the curtains of the Golden Platform, and the ministers, led by the salute officer, congratulated him.

Throughout the dynasties, all the ministers and ministers in the dynasty would salute with three cheers. But when I got to Boss Zhu, things changed.

He thought the word "Long Live" was nonsense. Those who lived for a hundred years were considered auspicious, and those who lived for ten thousand years were considered old turtles.

Therefore, during the court meeting held in the second year of Hongwu's reign, he discussed with the ministers that the words "long live" were empty words, and words of praise should be replaced.

He said, "On the day of congratulations, the saluting officer will praise you, and all the ministers will shout, 'May you be wise'!" When he praised again, all the ministers shouted "peace to the world"! What do you think? "

Li Shanchang then said: "Two calls are lacking, so we should still call three." As for the words of praise, it is the sincerity of the minister praying to the king. Or the words can be changed to: The first call is for heaven to help you be virtuous, the second call is for Haiyu Xianning, and the third call is for holy bows and long blessings. ’

Zhu Yuanzhang thought it was very good and agreed.

From then on, the court meeting did not shout long live. Instead, he used the words of praise that the Korean public used.

After Bai Guanping died, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't wait to ask the Minister of Rites: "Has the posthumous title of Concubine Sun been decided?"

Niu Shangshu hurriedly left work, holding a wat tablet in hand to report:

"Replying to your majesty, the Ministry of Rites believes that the noble concubine Sun Shi has a prudent talent and a pure and virtuous conduct... When the country was first founded, we prepared a way to be vigilant and complementary. Virtue and practicality are crowned by the imperial concubines, and merit is helpful to the central government... It should be added The posthumous title is increased to show admiration, and the posthumous title can be called Cheng Mu."

"Cheng Mu?" Although Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know much about the posthumous title, he also knew that it was a high-class posthumous title. He nodded with satisfaction and said: "Okay, then I will posthumously call you Concubine Cheng Mu."

"According to the decree." Niu Shangshu responded hurriedly and loudly.

"Has Concubine Cheng Mu's funeral been planned?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked again.

"Back to Your Majesty, I have consulted the Zhou rites and the funeral rites of noble concubines in the Han, Tang and Song Dynasties, and drafted the "Notes on the Funeral Etiquette of Imperial Concubines" of this dynasty." Niu Liang took out a white leather memorial from his sleeve and presented it to the eunuch for the imperial review.

Zhu Yuanzhang put on his reading glasses and looked through them carefully.

As he watched, his face gradually darkened. After patiently reading the "Notes on Funeral Etiquette", he asked coldly: "Niu Liang, when I summoned you the day before yesterday, I made it very clear to you that King Wu will preside over the funeral and serve as a loving mother for three years. The prince and all the kings have all served the Qiwanzhi for one year, so how come the rituals are not all in order?"

"Reporting to your majesty, the "Da Ming Order" issued last year clearly states, 'It will take three years for my father to be cut off, my mother to be dead for three years, and my concubine to be dead for three months.'" Niu Liang hurriedly explained:

"In addition, I have consulted "The Rites of Zhou" and the rites of the past dynasties, and they all say, 'When the father is alive, the son will serve as his mother for one year, but if he is a concubine, he will not serve.' Therefore, the maximum term for King Wu Xing's loving mother is one year, His Royal Highness With all the kings and royal highnesses, there is no service period, and the maximum service period is three months. Therefore, I... dare not obey the imperial edict, so please think again, Your Majesty."

"No, that's too light!" Zhu Yuanzhang said categorically: "The kindness of parents is more important than Mount Tai, how can we be kind to our father and not our mother? It is precisely because the ancient etiquette is too light that I asked your etiquette department to modify it, not only for the imperial concubine , and even more so for the sake of eternity!”

"Your Majesty, this is a matter of ethics and etiquette must not be abolished!" Niu Liang knelt down to remonstrate, and a group of officials from the Ministry of Rites also knelt down to remonstrate.

"The etiquette cannot be revoked, Your Majesty!"

"My son didn't say anything, you guys are just fooling around!" Although Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely powerful, he still had a headache for these civil servants who accepted death, so he was going to use his son as a shield.

"Isn't that right, Prince?" He looked at Zhu Biao standing aside, ready to let him share the pressure.

"Father, my son and I also don't agree with the etiquette proposed by the Ministry of Rites." His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said in a deep voice.

Zhu Yuanzhang was deeply gratified. Sure enough, it was father and son who went into battle, or the son knew about me.

Unexpectedly, before he could boast, the prince changed the topic and said: "According to the etiquette, only a scholar will serve as a concubine for his concubine, but no one above the official level will do so."

Zhu Biao looked at his brothers and contradicted his father for the first time: "So, the sons of princes do not mourn for their concubines, let alone the sons of the emperor?!"

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