Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 286 A toad marries a frog

"This matter has to start from the beginning." Jin Tao sighed and said:

"Last time we talked about the death of Princess Lu, our king became increasingly depressed and was no longer as determined to rule as before. But it was not only because of the Princess of Lu, but also because of the two hundred and eighty-year wars that had taken place over the years. In order to thank them for protecting the country, the king had to reward them with most of the country's land and population.

"This has led to the expansion of the power of heroes, especially the warrior group, and the power of the capital has become able to compete with the royal power. This makes the king very wary of ministers who come from aristocratic families, thinking that they are intertwined and cover each other; and 'Kusano Shinjin' Confucian scholars are still young and cling to powerful people, so they are not useful."

The brothers looked at each other in confusion after hearing this, "Hey guys, how come this is so similar to our own family." There really is nothing new under the sun.

"At this time, the king made a decision that went against his ancestors. He worshiped Xin Min, a monk with a pariah background, as his disciple, and entrusted Xin Min with all military and political power. Xin Min then used the eunuchs and ministers as his minions to start vigorously cutting off A large number of military officials in the capital, including Cui Yuanjun, were demoted, exiled, and stripped of their titles."

"Toilet." Three, four, and six said in unison.

"As expected of an envoy from heaven, he could see through the king's intention at a glance." Jin Tao was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded: "The king was indeed using Xin Min to eliminate military officials, and finally killed him in order to calm the public anger. To Now, Xin Min’s head is still hanging high at the east gate of the capital.”

"What a disdain king." The brothers spat disdainfully. The fourth child asked impatiently: "What does this have to do with your king's death?"

"The relationship is too big. Although the king killed Xin Min, the relationship with the military officials in the capital can no longer be healed. After Xin Min was executed, the king was forced to recall the exiled and imprisoned military officials, and prohibited the internal eunuchs from intervening in politics. This The power of Xiadutang expanded again, completely overwhelming the king.

"In order to protect himself, the king also established a 'disciple guard', selecting young and beautiful people from famous noble families to serve as servants, and giving them great power in order to make them compete with the capital.

"However, they were a bunch of useless dandies. They completely failed to live up to the king's expectations and eventually killed the king!" When he said this, Jin Tao looked embarrassed and sighed repeatedly:

"Those things that have brought shame to our ancestors should not be revealed even at death. But since I have sworn to tell everything, I can only tell everything - when our king was young, he served as the crown prince's lover in Yuan Shang. The guardian of Youshili Dara was played by inhumane people, lost her fertility, and her gender concept was also distorted.

"When he was in the palace, he often put on makeup and women's clothes. He didn't like women, but only liked handsome and strong men. He often dressed up as a woman, and then let his male favorites have sex with his concubines, while he dug holes in the room next to them and watched. When the mood strikes, he invites his male darlings to have fun with him, replacing dozens of them in one night..."

"Fuck..." The brothers were really shocked when they heard this. Even the well-informed Lao San didn't expect to play like this.

Zhu Zhen was even more moved with emotion, "Shuanghua Shop" is sincere and I can't be fooled. But it's still Bangzi's old problem, he likes to beautify himself too much. He is obviously a promiscuous big O, how can there be any poignant love story?

"Then how did Princess Lu get pregnant..." the third child suddenly asked.

Jin Tao responded with silence. He felt that he had spoken frankly enough.

"Okay, needless to say." The third child chuckled and asked a question that made Jin Tao even more embarrassed: "Didn't you say that your king has a ten-year-old son? Where did that boy come from? "

"..." Jin Tao blushed for a while, but this time he chose to answer:

"Seven days after Xin Min was killed, the king suddenly brought one of his sons into the palace. The child was called Muninu. The king explained to Empress Dowager Mingde and the guard Li Renren: 'I have taken a liking to Xin Min's family. A maidservant heard that she could give birth to a son, so I blessed her and gave birth to the child. But this was indecent. I didn’t know how to explain it to my mother and my subjects, so I kept him in Xin Min’s house. Now Xin Min If he dies, I will take him back to the palace and raise him.'"

"You, our late king, do one trick after another." Lao Liu couldn't help but laugh and said, "You just like to treat others as fools."

"No." The third child also smiled and said: "He is already in his forties, he has never had any heirs, and he was almost deposed for this reason. The reason why he did not extend his royal power in the later period was directly related to the lack of heirs. Not to mention having a son, even if a woman becomes pregnant, he will definitely expose that woman to the public to dispel the doubts of his subjects."

"That's right." The fourth child nodded and said, "How can there be any reason to raise your only heir in someone else's family? Isn't he Xin Min's son?"

"Isn't Xin Min a monk?" Honest Lao Wu couldn't help but ask.

"He has long since returned to the secular world. Xin Min is his secular name." Jin Tao sighed: "So there is also a saying that Xin Min is the king's beloved. Although the king was forced to kill Xin Min under pressure, he wanted to pass the throne to him. Xin Min’s son, as compensation.”

"This is true love..." The brothers praised it one after another.

"Empress Dowager Mingde, the king's mother, thought so, so she always hated this child. Not long after he brought him into the palace, the king wanted Muninu to enroll in school, but the queen mother was unwilling, so she excused her age. You refused."

"The king also knew that the child he suddenly brought back was not enough to convince the public. So he thought of a way to make the male favorites of his disciple Wei have fun with his concubine. When the concubine becomes pregnant, he will say that it is his child. .

"After the unremitting efforts of the male favorites, a concubine finally became pregnant. The king was very happy. However, in order to keep this secret, he ordered his servant Cui Wansheng to kill Hong Lun, the leader of the guard, who made the concubine pregnant, with poison and wine. Tell Cui Wansheng that everyone who knows about this must die, including the concubine, and they will be executed after giving birth to the child."

"How stupid..." The brothers couldn't help but sigh: "If even the mother of the child has to be silenced, then the person who carries out the silence mission will also know that he will definitely die, right?"

"It's a pity that the king was drunk and his mind was completely confused. He didn't think of such a simple truth." Jin Tao wiped his tears and said: "Cui Wansheng thought of it. Naturally, he was very frightened, so he joined Hong Lun and other disciples Wei and entered the dormitory in the early morning of the next day. , while the king was drunk, he hacked him to death with swords, and his brains were splashed on the wall."

"Then the next day, Li Renren led the princes of the capital to rebel, and all participants were executed." Jin Tao lowered his voice and said: "The princes of the capital also took the opportunity to purge the ministers and the disciples Wei. From then on, the capital was completely dominated by one family. In Goryeo, there is no longer any force that can compete with them.

"After Mr. Li Yuan took control of the situation, the first thing he did was to invite Mr. Huang into the palace, hoping that he could conceal the cause of the king's death, support Muni Nu's succession, and request for canonization from the Ming Dynasty."

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