Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 319 It’s not that simple

It’s normal for Lao Liu not to support Lao Liu’s ‘great plan’, because this plan, which is full of whimsical ideas, is too exaggerated. Even the foreign policy of ‘separating the Chinese from the barbarians’ that he and Boss Zhu set was completely inconsistent with each other.

According to the understanding of Boss Zhu and other founders of the Ming Dynasty, 'all the overseas barbarian countries, such as Annam, Champa, Korea, Siam, Ryukyu, Xiyang, Dongyang and Nanman small countries, are limited to mountains and seas, and are isolated in a corner; The land is not enough to provide supplies, and the people are not enough to command. ’

‘If he comes to disturb me without thinking about himself, then he is unlucky. He is not a threat to China, and it is also unlucky for me to raise an army and attack lightly. ’

Therefore, Boss Zhu was worried and said: 'I am afraid that future generations will rely on China's prosperity, be greedy for temporary military success, raise armies for no reason, and cause harm to human lives. Please remember not to do this. ’

Of course, there is the only exception, 'but the Hu Rong are approaching northwest China, and they are a border threat, so they must select generals to train their troops, and be prepared at all times. ’

In other words, in the understanding of Boss Zhu, Liu Ji, Li Shanchang and others, these "barbarian countries" with remote geographical locations and barbaric people cannot bring any real benefits to "China" if they are captured. So if he dares to attack you, of course he must resolutely fight back, but he should not take the initiative to attack.

This is the summary of the lessons learned from the demise of the Yuan Dynasty by the founders of the Ming Dynasty. They believed that the Mongols' militaristic expansion did not bring much benefit to the country. Instead, it emptied the country's power and caused huge disasters to the people.

Therefore, we should not use weapons rashly and force the tributary countries to be directly subordinate to the Ming Dynasty. It is enough to establish a tribute system for vassal states outside of China and make them submit to the Ming Dynasty.

Under such a national policy, Zhu Zhen's "great plan" to expand territory and entrust overseas territories was naturally no more than the ravings of a madman. It was difficult for the empire's decision-makers to accept it, let alone complete the difficult national policy change.

Even if what he said was ridiculous, Liu Bowen still believed him. But before seeing real evidence, Lao Liu still couldn't easily make up his mind to help him realize this 'far-fetched' plan.


"If I can earn endless wealth through overseas trade, it will prove that those overseas barbarian countries are all fertile lands flowing with milk and honey, right?" Zhu Zhen stared at Liu Bowen persistently.

"It seems that Your Highness is really serious this time." Liu Bowen nodded and said, "It can be proved."

"Then you can support me?" Zhu Zhen asked.

"Yes." Liu Bowen nodded with a smile and said: "It is really a great thing for the country and the people to be able to successfully entrust your brothers overseas. How could I not support it? As long as Your Highness proves the value of overseas barbarian countries, I will definitely Support you."

"Okay, it's settled." After high-fiving Lao Liu, Lao Liu said calmly: "I have already persuaded my father to let me reopen the shipping company."

"Oh." Liu Bowen said with a smile: "Shibo Company has not made money for decades. Are you confident that it can be brought back to life?"

"Yes." Zhu Zhen nodded and said, "Because I know that maritime merchants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang have made a lot of money from overseas trade."

"I heard that Shen Wansan, Gu Yuanchen, Yin Shaozong and others did become extremely rich by relying on sea trade." Liu Bowen said slowly.

"Then why can't the Shibo Division collect their taxes?" Zhu Zhen asked. Liu Bowen was born a landlord in eastern Zhejiang. Although most maritime merchants came from western Zhejiang, he should have some understanding of their activities.

"The root of the problem probably lies in the Yuan Dynasty." Liu Bowen indeed knew the truth. "The Yuan Dynasty first inherited the already mature shipping system of the Southern Song Dynasty, allowing the Han people to manage the shipping department by themselves. They only collected taxes on time. After more than ten years of peace and harmony, in the 22nd year of the Yuan Dynasty, due to the lack of money from the national treasury, As a result, the Yuan Dynasty accepted the suggestion of Zhongshu Youcheng Lu Shirong and implemented the official-based ship system of 'official-based commercial management'."

"Official ship?" Zhu Zhen repeated softly.

"To put it simply, the imperial court paid for shipbuilding, paid back the capital, and recruited merchants to go to sea to do business. Seventy percent of the trading house's profits were owned by the state and thirty percent belonged to the merchants." Liu Bowen explained:

"Moreover, in order to monopolize the benefits of maritime trade, the Yuan Dynasty only allowed official ships to go overseas for business, and prohibited private persons from going overseas. Anyone who violated this rule would have their homes confiscated."

"To put it bluntly, the Mongols were jealous when they saw the astonishing profits made by the Han maritime merchants. They were going to live alone." Zhu Zhen understood. "The results of it?"

"The result was just like other things the Mongols interfered with. As expected, they messed up maritime trade. The 'official ship' system had to come to an end after less than ten years." Liu Bowen sighed.

"Why is that?" Lao Liu asked.

"First, their management level is too poor and various expenses have increased sharply; second, they exploit the merchants who board the ship too much; third, they cannot compete with private merchants." Liu Bowen said.

"Private traders? Are they just smuggling merchants?"

"That's right. Although the Yuan Dynasty has repeatedly issued orders prohibiting private travel to the sea, and there have been several sea bans for this reason. But with the roughness of their coastal defense and the corruption of officials, it is completely impossible to prohibit them." Liu Ji said with a bitter smile:

"Moreover, the original maritime merchants discovered that they did not have to pay taxes as private traders, nor were they forced to sell goods at low prices. They could earn much more than before, so they all bypassed the shipping department and started private business. The so-called The 'Maritime Business Group' was gradually formed at this time."

"As the maritime business group grows stronger, its impulse and ability to monopolize maritime trade interests continues to increase, so it uses various means to squeeze official ships out of the overseas market. This is not difficult." Liu Bowen continued:

"Later, Yuan Ting discovered that the tax revenue from commercial ships had dried up and the official ships had begun to lose money. They finally canceled the official ships and wanted to restore the original system. But the Maritime Group had already tasted the sweetness of smuggling, and it was impossible to pay taxes anymore. At that time, the Yuan Dynasty had been established for decades, and the emperor and ministers were all reduced to useless people. How could they have the ability to correct the chaos?

"The Yuan court sent several ministers to rectify the shipping industry, but they were either bribed or assassinated. In short, no one could do anything to the Maritime Group. After that, no one dared to touch this fatal mess again."

"Yes." Zhu Zhen nodded, which explained the reason why the income from shipping companies dried up in the late Yuan Dynasty.

"What about this dynasty?"

"This dynasty, haha. Those maritime merchants were in the wrong team. They all supported Zhang Shicheng, and they lost the bet." Liu Bowen said with a complicated expression:

"After Zhang Shicheng's defeat, some of the merchants and his remnants retreated to the sea and became pirates. Some of them surrendered to the imperial court and were moved to Zhongdu by your father."

"The situation at sea is now complicated. Japanese pirates, pirates, merchants and rebels who have retreated to the sea are occupying coastal islands and plundering ships. Except for their own smuggling ships, none of the ships that normally go to sea can return safely. ." Liu Bowen said: "So the Shipping Department of this dynasty also has no income."

ps. My stomach hurt all night last night. I didn’t eat much today and I won’t drink anymore...

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