Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 377 Only I can bully my son

Morning next day.

Zhu Yuanzhang announced the appointment of Deng Yu as the general for the expedition to the west, and Mu Ying as the deputy general for the expedition to the west. King Qin went out with the army and led the army into three groups to enter Sichuan and Tibet to pacify Tubo!

The bureaucracy in the early days of the country may not be good at running the country, but it was an extremely good war machine. Boss Zhu only had to issue an order, and Prime Minister Hu would lead Zhongshu Province and complete the war preparations in an orderly manner without him having to worry about it.

Then, there was the discussion of wasting money.

Because the Baobao Promotion Department was affiliated to Zhongshu Province, Boss Zhu asked Hu Weiyong for his opinion.

Hu Weiyong has long been eyeing the labor and ink fees collected by counterfeiting money. This is not only a huge amount of money, but also easy to make mistakes. It is perfect to use it to expand the small treasury of Zhongshu Province.

But he didn't want to offend the prince head-on, so he cunningly brought out the prince's opinion first. On the surface, I respect the prince's opinion, but in fact, I want to wait for Boss Zhu to veto it, and then follow the trend and propose the cost of work and ink... the best of both worlds.

But what he didn't expect was that Boss Zhu, who always loved money as much as his life, actually agreed to the prince's suggestion...

"The prince is right. Our Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes are used to help the court and the people, not to exploit the people." Zhu Yuanzhang said now:

"Whether it is a treasure banknote or a copper coin, they all use the same means of circulation. Therefore, after a hundred years, a copper coin is still a thousand coins; a treasure banknote after a hundred years, it must be a thousand coins!"

The ministers were overjoyed when they heard this and shouted, 'Your Majesty! ’ ‘The prince is benevolent! ’

This is a sincere cheer, not an arrogant hymn! Because the ministers' monthly salary is half in rice and half in banknotes. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want treasure money.

Two years after the issuance of Baobao, the money began to fade. Everyone is worried, what if the court refuses to accept old banknotes, or charges exchange fees like the previous dynasty? That will definitely cause the banknotes to depreciate...

The emperor's statement now has undoubtedly given everyone reassurance. Since the treasure banknotes can be redeemed for free, you won't have to worry about passing out. Then everyone will dare to save the treasure banknotes after receiving them, so there is no need to rush to spend them.

The prince felt secretly ashamed. If Lao Liu hadn't been beaten last night to help his father change his mind, all this work and ink would have been unavoidable.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty." Hu Weiyong also took advantage of the situation. Although his heart was bleeding, he still agreed with a smile on his face.

"It's just your Majesty. If this happens, the cost of printing money will be too high..." However, he tried hard and asked, "Should we increase the allocation for the Banknote Bureau?"

"The Central Secretariat does not have to deal with the matter of printing banknotes." Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and said: "From now on, the Baochao Bureau will be subordinated to the inner court, and all banknote printing expenses will be borne by internal funds."

"..." Hu Weiyong couldn't help but shrink his pupils, wishing he could scratch his big ears. It had only been one night, so why had the emperor completely changed his gender?

"Yes." Hu Xiang stole the chicken but lost the rice.


Finally, as expected, some officials mentioned Lu Zhonghe's suicide case again...

"Your Majesty, the impact of this case is extremely bad, not only in Suzhou, but also in the whole Jiangnan. The gentry and the common people are extremely angry about the death of Lu Zhonghe. People from all walks of life come to Beijing to complain. Although the government tries its best to suppress it, it will only intensify the resentment in the hearts of the people.

"Besides, His Royal Highness the King of Chu has committed such shocking evil deeds before he is weak. If the Emperor does not strictly discipline him, he will not know what he will do in the future..."

Before the censor named Zhang Shen finished speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang snatched Eunuch Wu's fly whisk and threw it at him, hitting him in the face.

One end of the fly whisk was purple gold. Zhang Shen groaned, his face was covered in blood after being hit, and he looked up at Zhu Yuanzhang in shock.

Only then did I realize that Boss Zhu, who was sitting on the dragon throne, had a face that had turned the color of a pig's kidney.

Although the ministers didn't understand why Boss Zhu was so angry, they were all deeply shocked.

Then Zhu Yuanzhang was heard shouting angrily on the spot: "You dare to slander the prince of Ming Dynasty on the spot. Do you still care about the laws of the country?!"

"Your Majesty, I don't dare. Everything I said is true..." Zhang Shen hurriedly called out to Tianqu.

"Is every word true? You keep saying that Lu Zhonghe was forced to death by the King of Chu. Did the King of Chu order him to commit suicide?!" Zhu Yuanzhang asked harshly.

"Although not, that's because Lu Zhonghe was humiliated by the King of Chu at the Laba Banquet in Zhenjiang." Zhang Shen argued: "A scholar can be killed, but not humiliated. If it wasn't the King of Chu who ruined Lu Zhonghe's dignity, how could he be good? Are you committing suicide?"

"Do you only have one fucking eye? How come you only saw King Chu humiliating Lu Zhonghe, but you didn't say that Lu Zhonghe humiliated King Chu first?!" Zhu Yuanzhang said angrily: "You have gone to grandma's house with your ass crooked! "

"This...I have never heard that Lu Zhonghe has said or done anything to humiliate His Royal Highness the King of Chu."

"We personally interrogated the King of Chu last night. He told us that Lu Zhonghe repeatedly denied that he had anything to do with maritime merchants. But when the King of Chu ordered him to write a letter of guarantee, Lu Zhonghe not only refused, but actually dropped his pen , leave on your own!" Zhu Yuanzhang said solemnly:

"Does such an arrogant and rebellious person still have the prince of the Ming Dynasty in his eyes? Does he still have the laws and regulations of the court?"

"If the King of Chu does not punish such a person who does not know the dignity of superiors and inferiors, how can the majesty of the Tian family exist? Who will treat him as a prince?

Take it seriously? !

"In the Yuan Dynasty, anyone who dared to humiliate the prince like this would be cut into pieces, but no one dared to say that the prince of the Yuan Dynasty was cruel. The King of Chu only intimidated him and did not hurt him even a hair, but you are here to refuse mercy. , we must punish him." Zhu Yuanzhang said, his cold and sharp eyes swept across the ministers under the golden stage. Youyou said:

"Is it because we can't afford to use the knife anymore, or you guys are too lazy? You actually think that our men are easier to bully than those from the Yuan Dynasty?!"

"I dare not, I am wrong, I should not just listen to one side of the story..." Zhang Shen felt the threat of death, remained silent, and refused to accuse him.

Those colleagues who had agreed to second the proposal all shrank their heads.

"Huh, idiot. Others just treat you as a gunman..." Zhu Yuanzhang snorted and said: "If we hadn't set a rule for ourselves not to kill anyone who speaks out, I would have skinned you long ago. "

"Yes, I know I was wrong..." Zhang Shen said with wet clothes behind his back, "I thank the emperor for not killing me."

"The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped. First, the imperial staff is forty, and then go and kowtow a hundred times to the King of Chu. He will forgive you later." Zhu Yuanzhang waved his sleeves, and two soldiers with swords dragged Zhang Shen down.

Then Zhu Yuanzhang said murderously to the ministers:

"We didn't say it before, but now we have made a rule - even if you are a high-ranking official, you are not allowed to play the prince or the king easily. From now on, all official officials who report Wang Xiaoguo and alienate relatives will be killed!

"It has been rumored that the king has a great cause, but there is no real evidence to verify it. Anyone who hears about it will be guilty of the same crime..."

"In addition, any common people who dare to criticize the king's details or commit treachery will be killed. Their families belong to the border! I admire this!"

"Yes, I obey the order." The ministers hurriedly knelt down to accept the order.

Then Zhu Yuanzhang said word by word to the ministers who had their own thoughts:

"Let me emphasize one last time, the prince of the Ming Dynasty must not be insulted lightly! Otherwise, you will definitely pay the most painful price!"

ps. I went out to celebrate the festival at noon today. I may have been exposed to the sun. I have a headache all the time and it’s not good for anything. I originally wanted to take a day off. It's Father's Day. Fathers should be understanding. But I didn’t update much yesterday. I feel so sorry for the fathers when I ask for leave today. So I still wrote it... there will be another update...

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