Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 389 Prime Minister Hu’s biggest backer

Nanjing, Forbidden City, Wenhua Palace.

The prince has been meeting with ministers and handling government affairs every day for almost a month.

In the past half month, his greatest realization was that being a king is not easy. Not only do he have to worry about so many important military and political affairs every day, but he also has to be wary of his officials playing tricks on him at all times. If you are not careful, you will be fooled by these smartest people in the world.

It’s really tiring.

That afternoon, Yushi Zhongcheng Tujie openly impeached the King of Jin...

The prince was immediately displeased and said: "Father, the emperor just issued an edict before. Anyone who has heard of Wang Xiaoguo and alienated relatives will be killed! It is rumored that the king has a serious reason, but there is no real evidence to prove it. Anyone who hears it will be above." , the crime is also the same..."

"Going back to Your Highness, Your Highness the King of Jin did indeed make a big mistake - as soon as he arrived in Suzhou, he arrested all the gentry in the city and tortured them severely. Then he took them to the entrance of the downtown area and beheaded them. Thousands of pairs of eyes were watching, so naturally he couldn't say There is no real evidence to prove it!" Tu Jiesheng had a broad mouth and an upright face, and he was born to look like a censor.

"As the censor, I have my responsibilities. I can't just know it and not say anything just because I am worried that I will encounter disaster!"

The high-sounding words made the prince reluctant to have another attack, so he said patiently: "But according to the situation that I know, King Jin is still very measured. He only killed some local ruffians and did not use the knife on the Suzhou gentry. .”

"His Royal Highness the King of Jin did not chop off the heads of the gentry, but he cut off the gentry's dignity, decency and image in the hearts of the elders in the city with a sharp knife!" Tu Jie said sadly: "Seniors can be killed, but not humiliated. It’s better to just kill them…”

"Oh? Tu Zhongcheng took it for granted." The prince pointed to the thick pile of envelopes on the table and said: "These are the letters of apology submitted by the Suzhou gentry. They have a profound understanding of past mistakes and they all expressed their intention to change their past mistakes. "

"..." Hu Weiyong on the side felt his heart bleed after hearing the prince's words. He has been operating in Suzhou for many years, and the Suzhou gentry is all his capital, so he just let Lao San take over...

Although those wealthy people are still there, they would not dare to wade into this muddy water again even if they were killed. To Hu Xiang, it was no different than death.


The third and sixth sons would report to him alone without going through Zhongshu Sheng, so the prince had something in his hands that the ministers had never seen.

This made Tu Jie a little passive, and he could only bite the bullet and said: "They were forced."

"So they are not worthy of the saying 'Seniors can be killed, but not humiliated'." The prince said calmly: "They are just ordinary people who are lost in the crowd."

After a pause, the prince said in a more serious tone:

"And according to the reports from all parties, the Suzhou civil uprising was completely a show for the emperor. Since the gentry played the first show, they can't blame the Jin king for giving them the second show. They frightened the court. King Jin should also scare them, it is fair and reasonable. There is no reason that they can only act as monsters, King Jin is not allowed to pretend to be ghosts, right?"

"Yes..." Tu Jie had no choice but to retreat.

"What do you think of Hu Xiangyi?" Zhu Biao glanced at Hu Weiyong. He has discovered that Tu Jie, who was supposed to check and balance Prime Minister Hu, might just be the mouthpiece of 'Old Chen Hu'.

"Back to Your Highness, the old minister also feels that His Highness the King of Jin has dealt with it quite appropriately. Although there are suspicions of excessive punishment, it is understandable to use heavy laws to deal with chaos." Hu Weiyong said in an old-fashioned manner: "The King of Jin is only young and weak, so he can do this This level is already commendable.”

"Yes." The prince couldn't help but smile proudly, but silently said in his heart, 'But'... Hu Weiyong's use of these two words almost tortured him to the point of losing his temper.

Sure enough, Hu Weiyong changed the subject and said: "However, as the saying goes, it is better to block than to open up. Although some people are instigating this civil uprising, in the final analysis, it is caused by the poor livelihood of the people of Suzhou and their resentment.

"So coercion alone is not enough. We must quickly solve the problem of people's livelihood. People have jobs and food to eat, so they will naturally not follow the chaos again." Prime Minister Hu said with an old look on his face:

"There is no room for error in this matter. I am afraid that the two highnesses are too young to be thorough. And Li Heng, the governor of Suzhou, cannot escape the responsibility for this civil uprising. Therefore, the veteran asked to send a capable minister to take over as the governor of Suzhou to assist the two highnesses!"

"Hu Xiang is right." The prince smiled and said: "But Li Heng just took office after the empty seal case last year, so why not change him immediately? Otherwise, in the ten years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Suzhou will have nine prefects. It's like a revolving lantern. If you keep changing, you can't do anything well. It's better to give Li Heng a chance to make up for his mistakes."

"Yes..." Hu Weiyong had no choice but to press the matter aside and wait until this period of time had passed before adjusting the appointment of Suzhou officials.


Night, Kunning Palace.

After the prince left the court, he came to have dinner with his father as usual.

While eating, the father and son reviewed the contents of the afternoon Hajj. Boss Zhu would make comments one by one and answer the prince's questions personally, so the prince would naturally make rapid progress.

The focus of the topic tonight is naturally that thing in Suzhou.

"Humph, your son is amazing." Zhu Yuanzhang said to Queen Ma angrily: "In the hearts of his brothers, his words are more effective than mine."

"Really?" Queen Ma said with a smile. The sons all obeyed the boss, and it was too late for her to be happy.

"Dad, you are exaggerating." The prince naturally refused to admit it. "How can I keep up with Yubi?"

"Fake modesty." Boss Zhu pretended to be disdainful and said: "This time the third child is in Suzhou, he obviously listened to your words. If he follows his father's path, he should kill all the big businessmen who are unkind for the sake of wealth."

"Dad, it's easy to kill them all." The prince said with a bitter smile: "But their influence on Suzhou is too deep. All walks of life are in their hands. If they rush to take over everything, Suzhou will be in chaos for a long time."

"You worry about this and that all day long. In fact, you don't have to worry at all." Zhu Yuanzhang sneered: "Actually, it's the same for everyone in this world. It doesn't matter if you kill all the big players in Suzhou City. The market will be chaotic for a while at most. It’s back to normal again.”

"That's alright. What nonsense are you teaching your son all day long?" Empress Ma couldn't stand listening any more and said angrily to Lao Zhu: "How many times have I advised you, don't kill people randomly unless you have to. Boss, I can help my younger brothers kill less people. , this is kindness; sons can solve problems without killing people randomly, this is wisdom.

"Okay, okay, we are cruel and we are stupid." Boss Zhu quickly surrendered and said in a way that Queen Ma liked to hear: "But this time, the two brothers are really worthy of praise for being able to find out the cause of Lu Zhonghe's death. There is no one here now I can slander Lao Liu again."

"Who is it that forced Lu Zhonghe to death?" The prince couldn't help but ask. Although Lu Zhonghe was undoubtedly killed by his son and brother, the first evil was intentional, and the person who wrote the letter asking Lu Zhonghe to die was the chief culprit.

"Who else could it be?" Zhu Yuanzhang snorted. He had obviously guessed it a long time ago, but he did not let the prince go into details and said: "Now is not the time to pursue this matter. The right thing to do is to let Lao Liu deal with the aftermath quickly."

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