Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 416 Dead Corpses and Dead Soldiers

King Jin and King Chu walked into the air-conditioned autopsy room with solemn expressions. A group of workers were busy. When they saw the two highnesses coming in, they quickly put down their work and knelt on the ground.

The two brothers walked straight to the long table. Under the long table was piled with ice cubes, and lying on top was a fat black man who was already dead. It was Yang Wei, the promotion secretary of Bao Shipyard.

"Have you found out the cause of death?" King Jin asked with a dark face. It doesn't matter if a person is killed during the execution, but the Bao Shipyard case is attracting attention. Jiangyin Hou and his gang are worried that they have no reason to launch an attack. Wouldn't this give them a handle?

The leader quickly raised his head and answered carefully: "Your Highness, the deceased's eyes protruded, his tongue was extended, and his face was ferocious. In addition, his lips were purple-black, and the nails on his hands and feet were blue-black. He must have been poisoned to death."

"Poisoned?" King Jin glanced at Fatty Yang's face in surprise, and it was indeed what he said.

"Have all the instruments of torture been inspected?" King Chu asked from the side.

"Your Highness, it has been tested." Zhang Hu replied hurriedly: "The rice paper stuck on Fatty Yang's face and the water in the bowl are non-toxic. The brothers who executed him have also been interrogated, so there should be no problem."

"That's weird." Lao Liu frowned and asked, "Is it water poisoning?"

"Then he would have died eight lifetimes ago." The third child said angrily: "Go to the cell and take a look."


In order to prevent suspects from colluding in confessions, important figures in the Yiganbao Shipyard were detained separately.

King Jin led several capable spies into Yang Wei's cell and said in a deep voice: "Search carefully!"

"Here!" the spies responded and started searching inch by inch.

After a while, someone found some white fragments from the cracks of the bed board.

Zhang Hu carefully picked up a little bit, rubbed it with his fingertips, smelled it again, and reported: "It's wax, and it still smells very bad."

"Wax seal. Someone gave him a poison pill!" King Jin instantly understood, but his face turned even more ugly, and he growled:

"Arrest all those who can come into contact with him and interrogate them severely! Find out the traitor who is cheating on everyone, I will skin him!"

"Yes!" Zhang Hu hurriedly followed the order.


Lift the Sizheng Yamen.

The King of Chu was urging Teacher Luo to sort out the documents, while the King of Jin was pacing back and forth in the hall with his hands behind his back.

"Third brother, please sit down for a while."

"I'm not tired." The third child said angrily.

"You're not tired, you make me dizzy." Lao Liu said speechlessly.

"That's all if you don't look at me." The third child said as if he had eaten dynamite.

"Your Highness." At this time, Zhang Hu hurriedly walked in and reported with an ugly face: "The old man who poured Yexiang is also dead. He also took poison." As he said that, he spread his hand, showed the white fragment in his palm and said: "Use It’s the same poison pill.”

"Dead warrior..." Lao San sat slumped on the chair. Obviously, the person who carried out the task of extermination also left a poison pill for himself and chose to commit suicide.

In this way, it will be difficult to trace it further.

"Marquis Jiangyin has such a good trick." Zhu Zhen sighed softly and said, "Now I have taken it out."

Through the interrogation of other people at the Bao Shipyard, it was learned that the people above had single-line contact with Yang Wei and gave him face-to-face instructions, and never left any evidence. Now that the clues are gone, it's impossible to follow the clues.

"You all blame me!" The third child wanted to give himself a slap, but he couldn't bear to part with his perfect face, so he slapped his palm on the table and said, "I know that Yang Wei is a key figure, so I should not leave any hidden dangers!"


In fact, Jin Yiwei's supervision of Yang Wei was already in place, and he was all supervised by his own people. Moreover, there are two positions at all times, and no one has the opportunity to contact Yang Wei alone. All meals are also made to the highest safety standards to prevent poisoning.

The old man who poured out the night fragrance was not allowed to approach Yang Wei. It was the Jin Yiwei who came to pass the toilet.

"That's the problem. In this summer, no matter how good your regulations are, don't expect the people below to check the smelly toilet carefully every time." In order to verify his guess, King Jin personally inspected As expected, a small hollow was found at the bottom of the toilet.

When Zhang Hu saw this, he secretly vomited, and said to himself that it was lucky that he only smelled it and did not taste it.

"It's useless to find out." King Chu covered his nose and said in a muffled voice: "You can't pry open Yang Wei's mouth if he crawls out of a pile of dead people."

"Well..." Prince Jin nodded, feeling much better.

"If he doesn't let go, his family will still be alive. If he pulls out Jiangyin Hou's gang, the whole family will definitely die." Even Zhang Hu understood.

"The solitary blade is not bad at all, it can also kill his whole family." King Jin secretly said: "This can serve as a warning to others!"

"Alas." King Chu sighed. Seeing Teacher Luo packing up the documents, he said, "I'm going to report to my elder brother. Do you want to go with me?"

"I'm not going." King Jin felt he was too embarrassed to see others and said, "I'm going to kill Fatty Yang's whole family."

"Eighty percent, his family members are no longer in the country." Based on Lao Liu's knowledge, Fatty Yang is probably a naked official.

"Damn it!" King Jin cursed.


When Lao Liu returned to the Forbidden City, it was already dusk.

After entering the Wenhua Gate, the eunuch told him that the prince was still receiving the ministers.

Zhu Zhen blew the wind under the door for a while. Thinking back on the past few days, good things had so many twists and turns, and he felt tight in his chest.

So he first turned to the entrance of the main hall, blocked Lao Qi after school, and beat him up to vent his anger.

At this time, the officials filed out under the leadership of Hu Weiyong. They saw His Royal Highness the King of Chu beating the King of Qi. They all looked away and hurried away from this place where dragons were fighting each other.

As the eldest cousin, Li Wenzhong couldn't turn a blind eye, so he had to go over and start a fight: "Your Highness, stop fighting. King Qi is not your punching bag."

"He was the one who made the first move." Lao Liu pointed to his own Gun Dragon robe that had been torn off from the front, and then gave Lao Qi the last two kicks and said, "I fought back in self-defense."

"He scolded me..." Lao Qi said with a bruised nose and a swollen face: "He was my mother-in-law's punching bag, saying that I would be beaten by my mother-in-law again tonight."

"Then you couldn't help but beat your sixth brother?" Cao Guogong looked at the thin Lao Qi, then at the huge Lao Liu, and said with a bitter smile: "You will definitely not be able to beat him, don't be stupid next time."

"You're still good, you're already a man who shares the worries of your father and brother," Li Wenzhong unconsciously used honorifics to Lao Liu. "Stop acting like a child."

"We are only half a year apart." Lao Liu said plausibly: "He has bullied me since I was a child, and how many days have I just turned a corner?"

"It's too late for me to hide from him now..." Lao Qi sobbed.

"What's wrong?" At this time, the prince also came out of Wenhua Gate.

"Your Majesty, you came just in time. Your two younger brothers are fighting, so I won't get involved." Li Wenzhong cupped his hands and stepped away. The dignified governor was reduced to trying to fight with a child, and he couldn't afford to humiliate that person.

"You bullied Lao Qi again!" The prince did not listen to Lao Liu's sophistry, and said warmly to Lao Qi first: "Go back first, and big brother will vent your anger."

Then he gave Lao Liu a hard look and said, "Let's see how I deal with you!"

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