While His Royal Highness the King of Chu was repairing ships, building artillery, and engaging in armaments, His Highness the King of Qin followed Deng Yu's Western Expedition and finally entered the vast Kunlun.

Duke Wei was hesitant about whether to enter this dangerous and difficult restricted area of ​​life. When their army arrived in Hezhou, the Tubo tribes had already heard the news and hid in the Kunlun Mountains first.

The Tubo people's plan was very clear, which was to use the Kunlun Mountains to make the Ming army retreat in the face of difficulties.

But the Ming army mobilized troops and came from afar, how could they just return without success? The emperor couldn't accept it, the court couldn't accept it, and even the soldiers couldn't accept it.

Of course, he, the commander-in-chief, couldn't accept it. This was Deng Yu's first military expedition as a general. How long would it take for him to make great achievements?

But Deng Yu also had serious concerns. Going deep alone has been a taboo for military strategists since ancient times. What's more, the harsh climate, steep mountain roads, and unfamiliar environment of Kunlun Mountain all pose a great threat to the army.

Moreover, His Royal Highness King Qin and the Emperor's favorite adopted son Mu Ying are still in the army. If something goes wrong, how will I explain it to the Emperor?

When he was undecided, he summoned the main generals to his commander's tent for discussion. When he was soliciting opinions on whether to retreat or advance next, all the generals, including King Qin and Mu Ying, said in unison:

"Pursue! I swear I won't return it until Loulan is broken!"

"..." Although Deng Yu was very pleased to see the generals' high morale, he still had to put difficulties ahead.

"It's very cold in the Kunlun Mountains, and it will freeze in June and July." Deng Yu said.

"But now is the warmest season of the year. If it were any other season, we would be frozen to death and there would be no way to advance the troops!" Mu Yinglang said: "General, now is the only season when we can pursue the Kunlun Mountains. , this is an opportunity not to be missed!”

"Yes, General. If we retreat here, the Tubo tribes will have no fear from now on. If they are not afraid of the heavenly soldiers, they will definitely kick their noses in the face and cause chaos!" Another general also said loudly.

"After we enter the mountain, we will become a lone army with no logistics and no backup. It is too dangerous." Deng Yu said again.

"The same is true for the Tubo tribes. They also have no logistics or support, and they also support the old and the young, as well as animals. The situation is even more difficult than ours." Another general analyzed:

"All they rely on is patience. If they can endure it, can't we?"

"That's right, 70,000 to 80,000 people from Tibet entered the mountains, and they won't be able to go very far. Such a large number of people will definitely leave traces. We will follow them closely. We will surely catch up with them!"

"Okay, what everyone said makes sense." Deng Yu finally nodded, as if he was convinced, and said solemnly: "I have made up my mind, let's go into the mountain to pursue him!"

"As ordered!" The generals clasped their fists excitedly and responded loudly.

"Let's go down first." Deng Yu waved his hand and followed the second son who went down: "Hong Hao, please stay for a while."

"Yeah." The second brother stopped, and after the generals retreated, he asked in a muffled voice: "What are you doing?"

"I'll give you an important task." Deng Yu said in a deep voice.

"Okay, please, please give me the general's orders. Finally, I will ensure that the mission is completed." The second brother became more energetic after hearing this.

"When the army enters Kunlun, it's okay to eat horse chews. The most important thing is to have enough cotton clothes, otherwise the low temperature at night will kill the soldiers." Deng Yu said: "So, I ordered you to leave for Lanzhou immediately. Recruit 20,000 cotton-padded clothes!"

"Follow, obey!" The second child suddenly felt the great responsibility.

Deng Yu took out another letter sealed with fire paint, handed it to Zhu Ping and said, "Give this to Song Sheng, and he will know what to do!"

"Yes!" King Qin took the envelope with both hands, hid it close to his body, and resigned.

Looking at his unusually tall back, Deng Yu sighed softly: "Your Highness, I'm offended."


After deciding to march, the soldiers of the Western Expedition Army began intensive preparations. Everyone knew that there were many difficulties and dangers ahead. The more fully prepared they were, the more likely they were to survive.

Deng Yu was not in a hurry to march into the army, and asked the cooks to steam steamed buns for the soldiers every day. One is to wait for cotton-padded clothes. The second is to let the soldiers gain as much fat as possible. He has rich experience and knows that they will definitely starve in the end. If you gain more weight now, you will be able to endure hunger for a while longer in the future.

Finally, there is a sinister idea, which is to let the Tibetan tribes hiding in Kunlun Mountain consume themselves first. By the time the army marches in, they may have started to starve.

We waited like this until the end of June, when 20,000 pieces of cotton-padded clothes from the rear were delivered, and it was time for the army to set off.

Seeing King Qin returning to his life with a silly smile on his face, Deng Yu's eyes almost fell down, and he couldn't help but said loudly: "Why are you back again?"

"I, shouldn't I come back?" the second child said with a naive smile.

"Didn't you give that letter to Song Sheng?" Deng Yu asked.

"Here, here it is." The second child said with a hint of slyness in his silly smile, "No, but he didn't see the content of the letter."

"Why?" Deng Yu asked confused. His letter ordered Song Sheng not to allow King Qin to return to the front line, whether under house arrest or forced imprisonment, otherwise military law would be required.

"Soaked, soaked in water. Rotten into paste." The second child said seriously: "I, I just conveyed the commander's intention. Song, Song Sheng still gave me face, no, he didn't embarrass me."

"Fuck..." Duke Wei used a rare curse word.

So careless, so careless. If I had known this, I should have sent someone else to deliver the message.

But who would have thought that this big black guy with a dull face could actually have hidden agendas?

"Yue, father-in-law, I know what you want to do." A determined expression appeared on Zhu Fangfang's face. "But, the prince of the Ming Dynasty, no, cannot be a deserter!"

"Alas..." Deng Yu waved his hands helplessly and said, "That's all. If you make a mistake, I'll wipe your neck and return to the team."

"Hey!" Zhu Yule Dian'er said: "Yue, father-in-law, don't worry, my father said that I have a long life and I will be fine."

"Ah? Did the emperor say that again?" Deng Yu asked in confusion.

"Yes, that's right. When my father beat me, he always said that it would be a disaster for thousands of years..." Zhu Feng said proudly and turned away, leaving Deng Yu messy in the wind.


Hongwu tenth year, June 29th. It was the day when Deng Yu's army set out again.

Outside Hezhou City, 20,000 carefully selected and recharged soldiers lined up in strict formation, ready to go.

Deng Yu, the Duke of Wei and General of the Western Expedition, who was dressed in military uniform, was surrounded by generals. He stepped onto the general stand and gave a brief swearing-in speech to the soldiers:

"Soldiers, we traveled three thousand miles to Hezhou, but we didn't fire an arrow or make any achievements. Are you willing to do that?"

"I'm not willing to give in!" the soldiers roared.

"Our enemies are hiding in the vast Kunlun Mountains," Deng Yu said, pointing to the towering mountains in the west: "They want us to retreat in spite of difficulties. Can we let them succeed?"


"Okay, I will lead you to pursue them into the Kunlun Mountains. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are, we will find them and eliminate them! Let Tubo surrender to the Celestial Empire forever! Do you want to go with us?!"

"Go together! Go together!" The roar of the soldiers was earth-shattering.

"The Han Dynasty had Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, the Tang Dynasty had Li Jing and Xu Shiji, and the Song Dynasty... Now it's my turn to make the Ming Dynasty. Don't let the previous dynasty be the only one beautiful!" Deng Yu drew out his sword, pointed to the west, and roared: "Soldiers, if you make great achievements, your merits are better than those of the Han Dynasty. Don’s opportunity is right in front of you, let’s go!”

"Go! Go! Go!" The soldiers roared with enthusiasm. Under the command of the officers, they all headed west towards the vast Kunlun.

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