Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 441 Shang Hai is not a vegetarian either

Chen Shanghai's eyes were splitting as he sat on the Daguang boat with the flag with the word "Chen" on the black background.

He did not expect that the Ming army in front of him was completely different from a few months ago. Not only were the ships strong and powerful, but they also showed extremely high tactical literacy - the ten ships advanced and retreated together, forming a whole, like a long snake weaving back and forth among the pirates who sounded like a swarm but were actually a scattered pile of sand.

While always keeping a distance from their large ships, they have sunk more than twenty small ships!

"We can't continue like this, they will eat up all our clippers." Chen Shanghai said immediately: "Issue an order to have the clippers withdraw from the battlefield!"

Soon, the whining sound of the conch horn sounded. After hearing the order, the pirate speedboats of Chen's tribe, as if they had been granted amnesty, stopped their pursuit and withdrew from the battlefield.

Fang Datong on the other side saw this and understood it, and ordered his clippers to withdraw.

As the large and small speedboats withdrew from the battlefield, the previously crowded sea suddenly became clear. Only ten battleships of the Ming army were left, facing each other at a distance from fourteen pirate ships with 2,000 pieces of material.

"Come on!" This time it was finally out of the way. Following Chen Shanghai's order, the horn of attack sounded again. Fourteen pirate ships formed a team, hung full sails, and charged towards the Ming army.

"Hahaha, they think we can only fight while floating? That's a big mistake!" Yu Tongyuan saw through the pirates' thoughts at a glance, drew out his sword, pointed at the oncoming pirates and roared: "Face the enemy. , catch each other and fight!"

Previous battles have proven that long-range bombardment is of little use against large ships. If you want to destroy them, you have to stick to your face and deal damage like you did with those ten big ships before!

The messenger passed the commander's order to one ship through the semaphore, and each ship immediately followed the flagship's turn and adjusted its bow to meet the enemy.

Seeing the posture of the Ming army, it was obvious that they were about to face the enemy. The pirates were all filled with blood. Fourteen warships were arranged in a crescent formation, with the wings forward and the center behind, and they charged forward without hesitation.

The two fleets running in both directions quickly approached, one hundred feet, fifty feet, twenty feet, ten feet... until the Ming army's "snake head" fiercely penetrated into the center of the pirates' formation!

Even though the flagships of both sides were only five feet apart, they still did not dodge, and the bows of the ships were almost brushing against each other as they passed each other.

At this time, the sailors on both ships could see each other's nose hairs clearly, and the Ming army's cannons finally began to roar!

At such a close distance, whether it is a solid bullet or a shotgun, the damage caused will be doubled. The Daguang ship, flying the flag with the word Chen on the black background, was instantly riddled with holes and broken wood flying everywhere. The pirates on the deck were crawling on the ground and could not survive the damage.

Chen Shanghai was also stabbed in the left eyeball by a sharp piece of wood. His face was covered with blood, and he looked hideous. But he couldn't care about himself. He covered his eyes with one hand, waved the other hand violently and roared: "Let go!"

He had six reciprocating guns installed on his ship, two of which were destroyed by gunfire, but the other four were still intact. The gunners were as fearless as their leader, braved the Ming army's artillery fire, swung the hammer and smashed the trigger with all their strength.

The returning cannon, which had been ready to go off for a long time, immediately made a terrifying sound of breaking through the air, and the bullet bag at the end of the lever was violently thrown into the air!

But this time, the ammunition bag of the Huihui Cannon contained not cannonballs, but large anchor claws connected to ropes!

Four anchor claws roared over the top of the Ming army's flagship, and two landed accurately on the ship, crashing into the relatively weak roof...


In the top cabin of the flagship, Lao Liu was eating raw fish with Wang Dayuan and Luo Guanzhong, speculating on the battle situation outside.

Lao Liu was full of confidence and was bragging to the two old gentlemen about his new fighting method and how invincible he was.

"Let me tell you, I have redefined naval warfare. From today on, no matter how many ships you have, no matter how big the ship is, if you don't have enough artillery, it will all be in vain!" Zhu Zhen gestured and spat in vain. :

"The next naval battle will be about whose ship has more cannons and whose cannons can hit farther!"

"True or false?" Lieutenant General Luo Guan asked suspiciously: "During the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao also felt that he had redefined naval warfare."

"He was in the Yangtze River, okay?" Zhu Zhen glanced at him and said, "And what does Cao Cao know about naval warfare? I am sitting here, and those pirates can't touch me at all..."

Before he finished speaking, a loud bang was heard above his head, a large iron claw smashed through the cabin roof, and splinters of wood fell across the table.

Deng Duo, who was behind him, dragged Lao Liu off the table without saying a word, then kicked him to the corner, then flew up and pinned His Highness beneath him. The whole set of movements was so smooth that it looked like it had been practiced countless times, and now it was finally put to use.

Lao Liu ate so much fish that he almost vomited. At this time, I couldn’t care less about scolding my mother. He pulled away Dun Duo's arm and looked up from the gap, only to see that the big iron hook was stuck on the roof of the cabin and did not fall.

"Your Highness is in danger, don't show your head!" Deng Duo pinned his head down again.



Outside the cabin, Yu Tongyuan almost lost control when he saw the big iron anchor falling into the cabin where His Highness was. It wasn't until the people below reported that His Highness was safe and sound that all the urine in his bladder turned into cold sweat and flowed out.

The pirate's move was so unexpected, and he had never seen it before. But this was not invented by Chen Shanghai.

Use the return cannon to fire the anchor hook, seize the opponent's ship, and then pull it in front of you. Jump on board and loot the ship. This is the trick of Arab pirates. Chen Shanghai lived a long life and learned a lot, and actually used this trick in this battle.

The unexpected effect was indeed outstanding, and the enemy ship was caught immediately. But the problem is that Yu Tongyuan's flagship has four thousand materials, which is a whole circle larger than his flagship. Even if it's a boarding battle, it's his side that suffers. What's more, the pirates on his ship had already suffered heavy losses in the shelling just now.

"Madman, what a madman!" Yu Tongyuan quickly understood Chen Shanghai's thoughts. Even if the other party risks his life, he still wants to entangle himself.


"As long as this ship is entangled, the Ming army behind will lose their command, and their formation will be broken!" Chen Shanghai suddenly pulled out the splintered wood stuck in his eyes, and he almost fainted from the pain.

The men quickly gave him a simple bandage with medicine, but Chen Shanghai actually persisted in not fainting: "I hope they won't waste our sacrifice!"

What he meant by them was the remaining ships of his own and the seven ships of Fangbu.

On the Fangbu flagship, Fang Datong was also greatly shocked, and said loudly: "Chen Shanghai is such a man! We can't let him look down upon him."

As he spoke, he raised his voice and said: "Hang the red flag and let the brothers fight to the bitter end!"


The leading flagship was entangled with the pirate ship and could not move. The Ming warships behind faced two choices, either to make an emergency turn and leave the battlefield, or to stop and maintain the formation.

The Ming army was already at a disadvantage and was very slow, so it was easy to stop.

Of course, steering is not difficult. As long as you turn the Chinese-style sail that is exposed to wind on all sides, you can get greater wind power and steer with the rudder.

But the nine Ming army warships unanimously chose to stop and maintain their formation, waiting for the pirates' warships to outflank them.

The final battle has arrived.

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