Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 459 Went to the Laba Banquet Again

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the contestants of the Iron Window Sect were brought to Nanchan Temple next door to Canglang Pavilion.

When everyone came to the main hall, they saw the firewood pile under the big iron pot in the courtyard burning brightly, and the Laba porridge in the pot was cooking fragrantly.

This moment is just like that moment, and everyone can't help but feel as if they are in another world; it also seems that the past year is just a dream.

"Your Highness has arrived..." The eunuch's loud singing voice brought them back to reality.

His Royal Highness King Jia Hai of Chu, who was half a head taller than last year, was still dressed in a blue dragon robe and a mink fur hat, and appeared in front of everyone with steps that he did not recognize his relatives.

"The guilty people pay homage to Your Highness." Everyone prostrated on the ground. "Your Highness is a thousand years old!"

"Everyone, get up." Zhu Zhen's attitude was much gentler than last year. After everyone sat down carefully, he said with a smile: "I thought I treated you to Laba porridge last year, and we happen to be together this year, so I might as well treat you to another meal."

"Thank you, Your Highness, I'm so ashamed..." After hearing this, everyone said with shame: "I didn't realize His Highness's kindness at the beginning, and I suffered a year in vain."

"His Highness is so kind-hearted to give us another chance to sit here." Their attitude of being humble to the ground this time was in sharp contrast to their unruly attitude last time.

"Hahaha, if you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good." Zhu Zhen laughed and said:

"Didn't the Buddha also say, 'Put down your butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately?' Besides, you are not extremely evil people. You have also worked very hard this year. Of course, I will give you another chance to eat porridge."

"Thank you, Your Highness..." Everyone burst into tears of gratitude. Of course, they would not be so stupid as to think that the opportunity His Highness mentioned was just for porridge.

"Young man must cherish this opportunity and never let His Highness down again!" They rushed to express their opinions, wanting to show His Highness their hearts.

"Haha, okay, that's right." Zhu Zhen waved his hands happily and said: "I want to bring you to make a fortune together, but I don't want to lead you into a ditch. Why are you going against me? It doesn't make sense. Well."

At this time, the monk put the cooked Laba porridge into bowls and distributed it to everyone on the table.

"Come on, let's talk while drinking." Zhu Zhen picked up the porridge bowl with a smile, took a spoonful and put it into his mouth. Not to mention, the Laba porridge cooked in this temple has the same flavor as the one in the palace.

In fact, the main reason is that Boss Zhu is too frugal and always orders to use the remaining old rice to cook porridge...

After everyone thanked them, they started to pick up the porridge bowls and drank them with great sips.

After finishing a bowl of porridge, His Highness took the handkerchief and wiped his mouth before continuing: "Oh, by the way, there is another good news that I haven't told you. Just yesterday, the second batch of commercial ships sailing to Nanyang was safe. When we returned to Liujiagang, all the silk we carried was sold out, plus the Nanyang treasures we brought back, the profit must be more than ten times!"

"Your Highness is really the reincarnation of the God of Wealth. Even Shen Wansan back then couldn't compare to Your Highness!" Everyone hurriedly praised without saying anything:

"From now on, maritime trade will be in the hands of His Highness, and the Shipping Department will have a lot of money!"

It would be a lie to say that he is not jealous, but no one cares about being jealous now, flattering is more important.

"Hey, let you say it like this, as if I want to monopolize it." Zhu Zhen shook his head and said: "I do have the ability, but I can't do this. It is not kingly to make the country rich and the people poor. We must let everyone Everyone is making money, everyone, that’s what’s really good.”

"That's why I said at the beginning that the Shipping Department welcomes everyone to board the ship. We share profits and risks, hoping that everyone can make money. Then, everyone will work for the common people and earn more wages. This will not Are we all living a good life? This is when big rivers have water and small rivers are full. This is the true kingly way."

In the past, big business owners would have just ignored these words. But everything that happened in Suzhou City this year gave them a deep understanding of His Highness's words.

Zhu Zhen said and sighed: "But you don't appreciate it, and you still follow Lu Zhonghe to oppose me. I have no choice, so I have to do it alone."

"We are so ignorant of praise, we are not human beings..." Everyone shed tears of regret.

"Now, the most difficult time has passed. I still have to return to my original intention and not let Shibosi live alone." Then I heard His Highness King Chu change the topic and said:

"So, starting next year, the Municipal Shipping Department will only be responsible for shipping, taxation, and most importantly, ensuring the safety of the shipping routes. As for the cargo on the ship, it will be the responsibility of the recruited maritime merchants. Again, everyone shares the risk, Profit sharing. Let’s make a fortune together and become bigger and stronger together!”

"Wow..." Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, His Highness's mind is indeed too broad.

Being willing to share the opportunity to make money at this time is really not something that ordinary people can do.

Of course they are willing to become maritime merchants, but when they think of themselves as prisoners, they know that things are definitely not that simple.

"So, what are the conditions for becoming a maritime merchant?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"There are no conditions for becoming a maritime merchant. Anyone can still board the ship, as long as you can afford the cabin." His Highness said loudly: "However, in order to maintain the brand of our Daming products and to ensure everyone's profits, only Only products that have been certified can be put on board.”

"Certification?" Everyone grasped this unfamiliar word keenly, knowing in their hearts that things were not that simple.

"The exported goods must be inspected by authoritative organizations. This is to avoid shoddy goods and shoddy products that damage our Chinese brand." His Highness the King of Chu looked at his tool, and Teacher Luo explained patiently road:

"For example, silk products. They must meet the specified size, weight, appearance, gloss, texture... and pass multiple tests such as wear resistance and fading to be considered a qualified export product. Of course, porcelain, tea and the like are also They all have their own inspection standards.”

"Then where is the authoritative body?" Someone asked the key point.

"Our Suzhou silk must be inspected, certified and graded by the Textile and Dyeing Bureau before it can be exported." Teacher Luo said. I sighed in my heart, there is no one better than Cao Cao...

Everyone also sighed secretly, Tu Qiong Dagger saw it.

Zhu He also showed a look of sudden realization. Although he had guessed that His Highness would link food stamps to silk. Let them sell it and buy it back.

But there was one thing he never thought about - this year, all the big companies in Suzhou worked hard to expand their production capacity, almost recruiting all the weavers from Jiangnan, working in two shifts day and night, and weaving a volume that could only be produced in several years in the past.

Suzhou cannot digest such a large amount, and there is no need to digest it. Will the newly weaved silk at home next year be fragrant? Why use the silk produced last year for export?

At that time, Zhu He thought of two ways for His Highness. One was to make it cheaper and exchange it at a discount, but this would result in a loss. The second is the mandatory requirement that only silk from the Weaving and Dyeing Bureau can be qualified for export. But it would be too ugly to look like that.

But I still underestimated His Highness. I didn't expect that he would solve this problem by simply throwing out the word "certification".

So much smarter than me!

I admire you!

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