The reason is simple. No one is willing to put their whole family's lives on the line for official business.

Only when his life or death is at stake, is it possible to take desperate risks.

"I have another question." Lao Liu looked at Liu Meng steadily and asked in a deep voice: "On the first day of the new year, did the inspector ask you to take a statement?"

"It was recorded." Liu Meng said without thinking, "It was Deputy Envoy Feng who recorded it himself."

"Did you tell him that someone called your name and asked if Liu Shenzheng had gone home?" Lao Liu asked.

"I told you, at that time, I really hope they can find out the cause of my uncle's death. They will definitely have something to say." Liu Meng said with wide eyes.

Lao Liu and his uncle looked at each other, both showing excitement.

The latter then asked: "As a rule, after the confession is recorded, the interrogating officer and the clerk must sign and seal it, and finally ask you to press your fingerprints. Did you see them signing and recording it before you pressed your fingerprints?"

"It's signed. I also saw them putting my confession in a box for filing." Liu Meng is usually responsible for helping Liu Lian collect official documents, classify them and keep them, so he is naturally very knowledgeable.

"Is there anyone else's confession in that box?" Hu Quan asked.

"Yes, I was the last one. They first asked the people who were in Cao's political house at that time, and then they thought of asking me." Liu Mengdao said: "When I looked at my portion and put it in, it was thick at the bottom. Stacked.”

"But only your confession is missing, the others are still there." Lao Liu said calmly. That day, he also asked Zeng Tai to go to the Jia Ge Library to check the archives and found that Liu Meng's confession was not included in the original files.

And the most ridiculous thing is that in the "Interrogation Statement" written by Deputy Envoy Na Feng, it is clearly stated that a total of thirty-six relevant persons were questioned. It completely matches the number of confessions in the file!

"There is something wrong with the person named Feng." Hu Quan said solemnly: "I guess he also saw the problem from Liu Meng's confession, and since he couldn't tamper with it, he simply let it go."

Normally, there would be no problem in doing so, because Liu Meng was not a key witness, just a routine inquiry. Moreover, he was not at the scene of the crime. As long as no one heard what he said and took clues from it, the man named Feng would not reveal his secret.

But he was really stupid. Even if he didn't know the reputation of His Highness the King of Chu, he should know the name of Liu Lian's father. How could these two ancestors let him get away with it?


The second senior brothers knew no more than Lao Liu. After exchanging information, Lao Liu asked Liu Kong to take them to the wall adjacent to Cao Shenzheng's house.

Lao Liu saw that the height was okay, so he declined the ladder and climbed up using both hands and feet.

His uncle and his men guarded nervously below, lest His Highness, who was clumsy in his movements, should slip and fall.

Fortunately, although pandas are stupid, they are still very stable when climbing trees. Lao Liu climbed over the wall without any danger and landed in the deserted house of Cao Shenzheng.

Hu Quan and others quickly followed and brought Liu Kong over.

Zhu Zhen let Liu Kong take the lead and looked around the scene. He found that, as Zeng Tai said, the well was far away from the passage between the latrine and the flower hall, and there was a door in the middle.

A traditional and polite gentleman like the eldest brother would never open the door of someone else's house or wander around even if he was drunk.

In addition, the passage between the hut and the flower hall is a covered corridor and is connected straight away, so there is no possibility of getting lost.

"Someone must have lured him here." His uncle said in a deep voice.

Zhu Zhen nodded, and the two of them pushed open the courtyard door again and came to the well located in the northeast corner of the courtyard.

Standing by the well and looking around, all I could see was the courtyard wall and trees, which completely covered the place. There was really no need to worry about being seen when doing it.

"There's a problem." His uncle frowned and pointed to the wellhead, which was not much bigger than the mouth of the basin. "Such a small wellhead can just fit someone in. Someone like you...the second uncle, who is big and round, might not be able to get in." Gotta get stuck.”

"Indeed." Lao Liu nodded. Water wells in Jiangnan residential areas generally have small wellheads. One of the reasons is that it is less likely for people to fall in and it is safer.

"It's such a small well. If you want to push my senior brother in, how clever can you do it?"

"The corpse says that he had no external injuries except for scratches, so he was not knocked unconscious first and then thrown down." Hu Quan analyzed in a deep voice: "This cannot be done by one person."

As he spoke, he raised two fingers and said: "At least two people are needed. One controls his upper body and covers his mouth; the other hugs his legs, then knocks him upside down and stuffs him in."

After speaking, Hu Quan asked someone to demonstrate on the spot. Indeed, as long as the victim spreads his legs, there is no way to force him into the well. By holding down his legs, his hands were free again and he could rest on the edge of the well, still helpless.

Not to mention that the victim still had a mouth to shout... These officials in the yamen were not big. They entered the hospital three times in a row and shouted at the top of their lungs, even the neighbors could hear it.

Therefore, at least two people had to work together to stuff Liu Lian into the well silently. This is also the reason why Shen Liben believes that Xiong Qitai is not telling the truth... Killing a murderer with one blow is simply an insult to the intelligence of the imperial envoy.

It's a pity that things in this world are like this. Sometimes you know that the other person is insulting your intelligence, but you still have to wipe his or her butt.


Anyway, this is a good thing. If one murderer becomes two, the chance of finding him will naturally increase.

"So, the two murderers were among the thirty-six people who took the confessions." Lao Liu speculated.

"It's hard to say that." His uncle had rich experience in the world of martial arts and slowly shook his head and said: "In the past, bad guys often took advantage of the host's family to hold weddings and weddings. There were many faces in the family and the crowds were chaotic, and criminals sneaked in to commit crimes. They often succeeded. Then they left calmly, but no one remembered their faces.”

"Okay, but at least one of the thirty-six people has not escaped." Lao Liu changed his mind and said, "It's the one who asked Liu Meng."

"Yes." The uncle nodded this time and said: "That person must be from the yamen, and he is familiar with Liu Shenzheng, otherwise he would not be able to name Liu Meng. When he asked, he had searched everywhere to no avail. It's time, everyone will be alarmed by then, and if he disappears rashly, it will only make people suspicious of him."

"Do you remember the person who asked the question?" The person Zhu Zhen asked this time was Liu Kong. When the man asked the question, he was at Cao Shenzheng's house.

"I really can't remember." Liu Kong had been thinking about it for a long time, but he still shook his head helplessly and said: "It was a mess here at that time. I didn't hear much clearly, but I vaguely heard someone calling Liu Meng's name."

"Think again and tell me whenever you think of anything." Lao Liu was not disappointed. Today's harvest has been great. There is no need to demand full blame.

Then they climbed back over the wall the same way they came. Just as they were about to leave with Liu Li, suddenly there was a rumble of banging on the door outside.

"Open the door, open the door!" Several rough roars sounded at the same time.

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