Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 507 Counting Treasures

Afterwards, His Royal Highness the King of Chu asked Shu Laibao to sit down and eat with him.

Shu Laibao ate his meal carefully and was flattered. At the same time, he was also surprised by Gang Leader Hong's appetite, how big he was.

After Zhu Zhen ate until his stomach was full, he put down his chopsticks, took the handkerchief, wiped his mouth, and asked him, "Have you ever thought about helping Liu Shenzheng fulfill his unfinished legacy?"

"Of course I have thought about it, but I am just a beggar. Oh, and now I am the deputy chief, how can I help?" Shu Laibao sighed.

"You are wrong. The beggar gang can be of great help." Zhu Zhen shook his head and said: "For example, the cases of hiding in fields and hiding in households mostly occur in remote countryside and isolated mountain villages. We need to find them all. Come out and find out their details, there is no one more suitable than a beggar."

"That's true, we beggars are like mice digging holes, burrowing in wherever we go. The less our peers go to places, the more food we can get." Shu Laibao said happily: "It is best to leave this job to us. "

"There are more suitable jobs." His Highness King Chu smiled again.


"Yes." Lao Liu nodded and said: "I thought about it carefully and realized that to implement the New Deal, we still need to have adequate publicity. The senior brother's publicity before was not without his efforts.

"But there are also problems. One is that the effect of posting notices is definitely not good. Only one in a hundred people in the countryside can be literate, and these people often belong to wealthy families. How can they read to the common people something that is not good for them?"

"It's true." Shu Laibao nodded and said, "It's useless no matter how many notices are posted like that."

"Another one is that if you just put up a piece of paper or send an official to the countryside, you are completely unable to resist those squires and elders who confuse right and wrong and talk nonsense day after day." Lao Liu said again.

"Yes, there are only a few people in the government. A province is so big and there are thousands of villages. If you can go through it once a year, you will be exhausted." Shu Laibao said with deep thought:

"I'm afraid the villagers have forgotten all about it, even if the big family members don't say anything."

"So, we are going to send a powerful propaganda team to walk around the streets and alleys all day long, visiting every village every now and then." His Highness the King of Chu waved his hand vigorously and said: "Except for our Beggar Gang, I have no other job to do this job. who?"

"This..." Shu Laibao finally understood that it turned out that His Highness the King of Chu disguised himself as a beggar and visited the Beggar Clan not on a whim; nor was he forced to agree to become the leader of the Clan, but had already set his sights on their poor teaching business.

"What the gang leader said...the behavior of this propaganda team is indeed like us beggars, but we beggars are all blind. It's okay to beg for food with a shameful face, but we can't do such serious things as being reasonable and following the rules. Shu Laibao smiled bitterly and said:

"The reason why Lao Bangcai can become the deputy gang leader is because he is the only one in the gang who can read."

"You are wrong again. The true meaning of propaganda does not lie in how much knowledge you have or how much truth you understand," Lao Liu waved his arms and said forcefully: "It lies in using the words that are easiest to remember and expressing the most provocative words. content, and then use the simplest way, over and over again!”

"Easy to remember, provocative, popular, repeated..." Shu Laibao instantly grasped the four elements, his eyes lit up and he said: "Isn't that just a prophecy?"

"That's right, you are really a fucking genius!" Lao Liu couldn't help but look at Shu Laibao with admiration and nodded: "That's it!"

For example, the most famous ones are "Hu Ye, the one who destroyed the Qin Dynasty", "The great Chu rises, King Chen Sheng", "The sky is dead, Huang Tian should be established, the age is Jiazi, the world is auspicious", "The person who succeeded the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gao", Check it out as the Son of Heaven', and the closest one is 'One eye of the stone man Mo Dao stirs up rebellion in the Yellow River world'...

These classic political propaganda prophecies, as soon as they were released, were immediately spread by word of mouth, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and played an excellent propaganda role.

"What the gang leader means is that we also make up some catchy prophecies and let the beggars spread them around?" Shu Laibao asked tentatively.

"That's right!" Lao Liu snapped his fingers and said: "It turns out that my senior brother is too down-to-earth and only knows dry propaganda. In a place like Jiangxi where gods gather together, if you don't brag a bit more mysteriously, who will take it seriously? ?”

"This is not difficult. Common people already believe that Lord Hongwu is not a mortal!" Shu Laibao nodded hurriedly.

"Of course, we have to explain the real benefits." Lao Liu added: "We only brag about my father's awesomeness, not exaggerate the efficacy."

"Yes..." Why does Shu Lai Baoxin feel so awkward when hearing this? On the face, he complimented: "In this case, it is perfect for the gang leader to compose and sing the kind of blackboard script when he is begging for food on Stone Street today."

"Well, we want to go together." Zhu Zhen said with a smile: "I will take the time to compile a few lyrics in the past few days and teach them to you later. You can teach them to the gang."

"Thank you, Gang Leader, for the teaching!" Shu Laibao thanked him hurriedly. He really wanted to learn this amazing begging technique that was praised by Hou Er and others. Finally, he asked: "Are our lyrics famous?"

"Let's call it Shulaibao." Lao Liu said with a smile.

"The gang leader is so loving to me..." Shu Laibao was moved to tears when he saw the gang leader naming the gang after him.


"Your job is not easy." Lao Liu said again: "There are so many places in the province, and it is not enough to rely on beggars like Nanchang."

"Don't worry, Gang Leader, the blue lotus, white lotus root and red lotus are the same beggars all over the world." Shu Laibao said confidently: "We have many people in Jiangxi, and there are also many beggars. As long as you have food to eat, then let's call you grandpa, let's call you grandpa." Call grandma, call grandma.”

"I will definitely take care of the food." Lao Liu said with a smile: "The emperor still has hungry soldiers, and I, the leader of the gang, can't let my brothers work hungry."

"That's it!" Shu Laibao suddenly said ambitiously: "With the words of the gang leader, within a month, I will be able to form an alliance with the beggar gangs across the province and let the gang leaders from all over the place come to Nanchang to take orders!"

"Wouldn't this gang leader be promoted to the chief gang leader of the entire province?" Lao Liu was overjoyed.

"Of course! The chief gang leader of the province must be the gang leader!" Shu Laibao flattered, but at the same time wondered, this is a prince, why is he still so addicted to the leader of the Beggar Clan?

At this time, Deng Duo held up a pair of eighth-grade military attache robes. Zhu Zhen motioned to Shu Laibao to take it and said, "From now on, you will be a junior flag officer under my command."

"Thank you, Your Highness..." Shu Laibao was busy wiping his hands on his body, and then took the official uniform tremblingly, completely convinced that his choice was correct.

"I give you this official position, firstly, as a reward, and secondly, for your safety." Zhu Zhen said lightly: "Anyway, that account book came out from your hands, and some people are afraid that they are looking for it. You're troublesome. You should keep a low profile for now. It won't be long before no one in the entire Nanchang City or even in Jiangxi Province dares to touch a single hair of my people from Prince Chu's Mansion!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Shu Laibao nodded heavily.

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