On the first day of March, their two highnesses held another swearing-in meeting outside Zhangjiang Gate.

All the officials, scribes, and sergeants who were preparing to go to the countryside, as well as more than a thousand accountants, economists, and Feng Shui masters temporarily loaned by the King of Chu from eastern Zhejiang, a total of 2,000 people, all gathered in front of the city gate with their baggage on their backs. , listen respectfully to the lectures of your two highnesses.

Behind them, a full 30,000 troops lined up and set off together. The army's work is also very heavy. It not only has to protect the Qingtian work team, but also is responsible for suppressing the local area, maintaining law and order, and taking advantage of the situation to destroy the disobedient local tyrants and evil gentry.

At that time, various health offices and thousands of households will also cooperate with each other. In these years, the guards' troops were all capable of fighting, and they were not like those in later generations who only added to the chaos.

Although it is such a large formation, Jiangxi has a total of thirteen prefectures and seventy-eight counties. Once so many people are spread out, the manpower is still stretched thin.

The Fourth and Sixth Lao were also angry. The former shouted on the stage: "I and the King of Chu have made up their minds. We would rather go slower and celebrate the New Year in Jiangxi, but we must also implement the New Deal in place. We must not be perfunctory!"

"Whoever dares to deal with the errand will not be forgiven by this king!" When Zhu Di said this, the Gan River in front of him still wafted with a strong smell of blood; behind him, on the city top, there were three skinned dolls, Swaying in the wind...

This makes His Highness King Yan's words appear extremely convincing.

"I will obey His Majesty's will!" the crowd yelled.

"Lao Liu, do you have anything to add?" Zhu Di glanced at Zhu Zhen.

"You must pay attention to discipline." Lao Liu nodded and added: "Clearing the land, collecting yellow records, and implementing Lijia are all good things that benefit the country and the people. It is no exaggeration to say that these things are done, and the Ming Dynasty Only by establishing a solid foundation can we achieve long-term peace and stability. Therefore, this is the top priority!"

"But it is impossible to clear the land without disturbing the people, and it will definitely cause friction with the local people. At this time, it is particularly important to abide by the laws and regulations. It can not only reduce friction, but also allow you to stay in control." The King of Chu said loudly:

"If you don't abide by the law and harass the people like soldiers and gangsters, how can you make the people believe that it's for their own good? If you let those dissatisfied big households incite you, there will be trouble!"

"I'm the one who said the ugly things first. If there is trouble in any county, if it is finally found out, the responsibility will be on you." Zhu Di pointed to the city wall behind him and said coldly: "Just go up and follow those three to the top of the city. Look at the scenery!”

"Yes..." Everyone looked at the three lifelike dolls and shuddered.

A general couldn't help but raise his hand. Zhu Di nodded and asked him to speak. Then the officer asked: "May I ask, Your Highness, what if it is not our responsibility?"

"Then skin and remove their leaders, and then immigrate the whole county to Huguang!" Zhu Di said solemnly: "Put down these words as soon as you leave. If there are still people with strong heads, then it will be hard to persuade the damn ghosts with good words! "

"Yes!" Seeing that they were not being asked to endure unilaterally, the soldiers' voices became much louder now.

"Let's go!" When the sixth man finished speaking, Zhu Di waved his hand, and everyone in the audience bid farewell to the two highnesses and turned around to go to various prefectures in Jiangxi.


The first task of the work team is to complete the yellow book... In fact, Liu Lian has completed half of the work, but the rest is basically a tough nut to crack.

Fortunately, the two brothers came here to gnaw hard bones. They ordered the work team to adopt a strategy of concentrating their forces and defeating them one by one.

For example, the work team sent to Jiujiang Prefecture was not dispersed to various counties again, but was first concentrated in Dehua County. Concentrate on one county and then move on to the next.

More than 150 work team members, 2,300 officers and soldiers, plus 5,000 soldiers from the local guard station, nearly 8,000 people, marched into Dehua County in a mighty manner like a large army pressing down on the border.

At this time, the news that King Yan executed 5,000 people in Nanchang had spread to Jiujiang, and was exaggerated by false rumors to say that King Yan had killed tens of thousands of people.

The gentry and elders in the county were naturally frightened and wanted to hide away to avoid the limelight. But at such a critical time, I had to sit at home and run around anxiously, like ants on a hot pot.

As soon as the work team over there settled down, they immediately summoned a meeting with the local squire clan elders.

After receiving the order, the squire clan elders became more and more confused and ran to the house of their leader, Xia Dan, a Jinshi of the Yuan Dynasty, to discuss countermeasures.

"Dong Gong, the government is making a comeback this time. I heard that tens of thousands of people have come." An old man wearing a net scarf to cover his bald head said worriedly: "It's coming with a fierce force."

"Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come." Xia Dan is nearly seventy years old, but he is well-maintained and his face is rosy. He twitched his beard and said slowly: "I heard that the two highnesses are personally sitting in Nanchang. It seems that they will not give up until they achieve their goals."

"I heard that Zhu Laosi killed tens of thousands of people in one breath last month. It was so cruel!" The bald old man sighed, and everyone sighed.

"Yes, the murderer king is nothing more than that."

"They all say that the Mongols are cruel, but I think the old Zhu family is ten times more cruel than the Mongols!" A fat-headed squire said angrily: "At least when the Mongols were here, as long as we served them well, they wouldn't Woe to us!"

"That's right, it's incomparable." A group of squires and elders knew that Xia Dan missed the scenery of the previous dynasty, so they spoke unscrupulously in front of him.

"In the Yuan Dynasty, as long as you paid the government the agreed amount and took care of everything, they didn't care about anything. Who was responsible for the taxes and grain, and which field did it come from?" Everyone has also been divided recently. I miss the Yuan Dynasty.

"Yes, they are clearing the fields right now, and they are just here to kill us. They want to slaughter the fat sheep!"

"What's hateful is that they also use despicable methods to fool the villagers!" the pig-headed squire said angrily:

"Recently, there are beggars wandering around everywhere, not asking for food. When they catch someone, they will sing something like 'Whose fields have more fields, pay taxes, and whose fields have less fields, pay taxes', 'Clear the acres of fields, create yellow records, just for this fairness'!" "

"Yes, yes, I can hear this stuff everywhere these days," others agreed:

"Moreover, the children all followed suit. Even my son opened his mouth and said, 'There were three queens in heaven first, and the barbarians turned that world upside down. Fortunately, a saint named Zhu was born, who drove away the Tatars and reshaped the heaven. 'Let me slap these two big mouths hard!"

"What's the point of just beating your son? You just let those beggars talk nonsense?" the bald squire asked.

"Hey, I also asked someone to bring the beggar in front of me and wanted to give him a warning. Who would have thought that the beggar was not afraid at all and even threatened me instead!" The pig-headed squire said depressedly:

"He said that what he was doing was the prince's job. If I dared to touch him, I would wait for the prince to skin me, cut off the grass, and hang me on the top of Nanchang City."

"It's so outrageous that a mere stinky beggar dares to threaten us?!" Everyone was furious after hearing this: "Kill him into a dung lotus. Who knew he was here?!"

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