Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 527 Your Highnesses are going to heaven

Chapter 527 Your Highnesses are going to heaven...

The reason why Qingzhang Tianmu is so fast and effective is that, in addition to the factors mentioned before, there is another reason that must be mentioned, and that is the power of technology!

In view of the problem that Jiangxi is mountainous and difficult to find in hidden fields, His Royal Highness the King of Chu invented the manned hot air balloon... Since a certain Xiaoge elder has already explained it in detail, I will not go into details about its principle.

As in the past, Lao Liu was only responsible for providing concept drawings, and the fourth brother's skillful hands turned them into reality.

Zhu Zhen named the world's first manned hot air balloon 'No. 1'.

In addition to being a talented craftsman, His Highness King Yan was also a natural strategist. He could see at a glance that this thing could be of great use in dealing with Mongolia.

And he is also a hopeless adventurer... So after several successful no-load test flights, he ignored Lao Liu's dissuasion and insisted on making a layup himself to win the crown of the world's first flying man.

"Fourth brother, please think about it again." Until the last moment, Lao Liu was still urging: "No matter what, there is danger in heaven."

Zhu Di said nonchalantly: "If there's nothing dangerous, I won't do it. What's the point of not stimulating it?"

"But this is too exciting..."

"It doesn't matter, your fourth brother, I am blessed with great fortune and good fortune." Zhu Di laughed and patted the sixth man on the shoulder and said, "Why don't you come with me, I'm sure nothing will happen."

"Then you're overweight." Lao Liu said sarcastically. He was determined not to go up, safety first.

"Didn't it say that it can carry two people?" Zhu Di said, looking at his tall and thick brother, and thinking about his own big body and round waist, he gave up and said, "Okay, I'll go up by myself."

Then he ordered in a deep voice: "Light the fire!"

"Hey, let's light a fire." Lao Liu waved his hand helplessly, and the soldier threw the torch into the pile of firewood. As the flames ignited, the hot air rose, inflating the double-layered satin balloon.

The balloon began to rise upwards and was about to leave the launch pad.

At this time, Lao Liuyi gritted his teeth and jumped into the hanging basket holding on to the edge of the basket. The balloon sank suddenly and fell back to its original position.

"What, you changed your mind?" Lao Si asked with a smile, "Aren't you afraid of danger?"

"Why aren't you afraid? I'm scared to death." Lao Liu said angrily: "Because of this, how can I let Fourth Brother go to heaven alone?"

"..." When the fourth child heard this, a warm current surged through his chest. He smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "You go down, you don't have to accompany me, my dear brother Xin already understands."

"I don't." Lao Liu held on to the sling and refused to let go: "Otherwise, the fourth sister-in-law will blame me in the future. If the fourth sister-in-law blames me, Miaoqing will be dead."

"Hahaha, that's it." The fourth child knew that he was talking nonsense, so he didn't point it out, but he didn't let him go down anymore.

At this time, it was too late to let him go down. The strong lift of the hot air lifted the balloon high again. Amid everyone's exclamations, they gradually left the wooden frame and slowly rose into the air.

"Haha, it's flying!" Lao Si excitedly waved to the people on the ground and shouted. "Goodbye, mortals!"

"How come His Highness has gone to heaven?" At this time, Hu Quan, who had just had a stomachache, came back. When I saw the sixth child following the fourth child on the hot air balloon, I was stunned.

"He is the King of the Sea, not the King of Heaven. He is also afraid of heights!" Hu Quan exclaimed.

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu saw that he could not persuade His Highness the King of Yan, so he accompanied him to heaven." Zhu Di's eunuch, Eunuch Lu, wiped his tears and said: "The love between the two brothers is stronger than gold."

"Alas, our Highness is too emotional..." Although Hu Quan didn't quite understand Lao Liu's motives, he would never expose His Highness.

The two of them raised their necks and watched the hot air balloon flying higher and higher...


Hu Quan was right. The sixth child had a serious fear of heights, which was as severe as the third child's seasickness. His legs were as soft as noodles and he couldn't stand up at all. I can only sit in the hanging basket with my hands still firmly holding the basket frame.

Every time the hanging basket shook, his heart twitched violently. His big face turned pale, and he looked like he was about to pee with fear.

The fourth child was extremely moved. The sixth child was afraid of being like this, but he still insisted on being with him. How can we do this if we are not brothers who live and die together?

"How about we go down?" Zhu Di said.

"It's not that advanced. You have to wait until the air inside the balloon cools down before it can slowly descend." Lao Liu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Fourth brother, don't worry about me. It's hard to get to the sky once. Enjoy it."

"That's fine." Zhu Di nodded, straightened up, and cast his gaze into the distance. As the height continues to rise, the field of vision becomes wider and wider, and the range that can be seen increases exponentially.

The mountains, green farmland, villages with curling smoke, the rivers surrounding the mountains, fields and villages like jade belts, and the jasper-like Poyang Lake in the distance are all visible. This scenery is so beautiful and magnificent!

At this time, he finally understood the poem "If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to a higher level."

He also wanted to express his inner excitement, but he was uneducated and could only say "fuck me" to travel around the world...

"Holy shit, it's so embarrassing!" Fourth Brother said loudly with a red face, "This is completely different from climbing up a mountain and looking down."

"What difference does that make?" Lao Liu praised while resisting his fear of heights.

"When you stand on the mountain, it's like standing on the shoulders of giants. Although you can see the same scenery, you will only sigh at the majesty of the mountain and not feel how awesome you are." Perhaps it is due to the current environment, Perhaps because he was moved by Lao Liu's sincerity, Zhu Di also rarely put aside his pretense and expressed his true feelings to him:

"But sitting on the 'Unit No. 1' that I built myself, even though it didn't rise too high or fly too far, I could clearly feel that all of this was created by me." Zhu Di said and looked at it. Lao Liu said:

"Oh no, the two of us created it together, but it still blows my mind!"

"That's it," Zhu Zhen nodded and said thoughtfully, "It seems that the fourth brother doesn't like to sit back and enjoy the success, but likes to start his own business."

"You're right." Zhu Di nodded, holding the basket with both hands, looking into the distance with some confusion. "The person I admire the most is my father, and the person I envy the most is him..."

"..." Zhu Zhen's heart trembled. He didn't expect that his fourth brother would be having fun with him. If you turn around and calm down, will you want to silence yourself?

But on this hanging basket, he didn't want to listen and had no place to hide, so he could only let Zhu Di say in a deep voice: "In such adversity, he built the Ming Dynasty from scratch. Although the journey was difficult, he felt an unprecedented sense of accomplishment. , it’s definitely scorpion shit—the only one.”

"You can say that." Zhu Zhen nodded. Xin said, Fourth Brother’s idea is a bit dangerous.

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