In the days that followed, Zhu Zhen experienced the academic life of an ordinary Imperial College student.

Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that he had managed to escape the early morning reading at Dabentang, only to fall into the torture of the early reading at Guozixue.

As soon as they were polished every day, Ma Junze, the head of the dormitory, immediately called everyone to get up. After washing their faces with cold water to stimulate their spirits, everyone made the bed and read aloud in the morning.

In fact, the official morning reading time has not yet come, and this period is an optional action.

Moreover, their dormitory is not particularly busy. The dormitory next door gets up before the fourth watch and stays up to read. Ma Junze allowed them to sleep until dawn, and he was already taking good care of the three brothers.

It is time to read breakfast in the dormitory in the morning. After breakfast, the students will go to the Yilun Hall in the main courtyard to hold the daily ascending ceremony.

At Maozheng time, the Song Dynasty priests went to the hall to take their seats, and officials such as the Siye, the Chancellor, the doctor, the teaching assistant, etc. came to the hall in order to salute.

Then, all the academic officials stood on both sides of the hall and saluted each other across from each other.

After the ceremony, all the students in the six halls of the Imperial Academy saluted the academic officials above and below the hall. If there was something wrong with the priests or priests, they would give lectures at this time. If nothing happened, they would be taken back to their respective classrooms by the teaching assistants.

According to Article 2 of the school rules, during the entire process, students must dress solemnly and walk in mid-step. They are not allowed to skip their shifts or make noises or be disrespectful. Otherwise, they will be sent to the Roof Hall to be tortured.

When entering the teaching building, students must place their own bamboo signs at the door to check the gate...that is, hand their bamboo signs to the teaching assistants for counting to ensure that all students are in attendance and there are no absences.

Each class has an attendance book, which is actually an attendance book. Every day, the instructor will put a red circle under his name; if he has not arrived, he will put a black circle. Absence from work without excuse will result in severe punishment. When the number of black circles reaches ten, they will be expelled...

The rules are so perfect that even the sixth child can't find fault with them.


After taking attendance, students will begin to sit in class for morning reading.

According to Article 3 of the school rules, 'All students and members in the hall must be polite and strict, recite diligently, teach relatives and friends, explain morality and justice, and encourage each other to do good deeds. Yan'an is not allowed to be lazy, take off his clothes, make noises and laughs, go to other classes, talk about right and wrong, and offenders will be severely punished...'

Teaching assistants are responsible for supervising students' compliance with academic rules. Specific teaching tasks are handled by doctors from various disciplines.

After the morning reading, there will be doctors who come to class. Occasionally, the priests and priests will also have large classes in Yilun Hall. There are also strict etiquette regulations in the classroom.

During class, students must be respectful to the instructor, bow and salute, be serious and listen carefully, and raise their hands to ask for advice if they have any questions.

As for the content of the class, of course the main focus is on Confucian classics. But what Lao Liu didn't expect was that there were also courses in arithmetic, calligraphy, laws, etiquette, riding and archery, music, etc.

The richness of the courses is beyond imagination.

And it's not just a formality, all the courses are real.

For example, in the arithmetic class, there is a dedicated doctor of arithmetic who uses "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" as the textbook to teach students the calculation of plane geometry.

Then there are the arithmetic of proportions, finding side lengths and diameters through area and volume, and even methods of square root and cube root...

Of course, that's all knowledge later. At the beginning, it mainly focused on application questions such as calculation methods of various areas and volumes.

This is obviously the result of Zhu Yuanzhang's advocacy. Otherwise, when Liu Lian and Zhu Zhen created the Yellow Book in Jiangxi, they would not have the manpower available to calculate the irregular fields.

I heard from Ma Junze that he will study "Zhou Bi Suan Jing", "Island Suan Jing" and so on in the future. Senior students even need to be proficient in the "Tian Yuan Technique" of higher-order equations.

This surprised Zhu Zhen. His teacher Liu Bowen was the top mathematician in the world. So it’s not like he doesn’t know that our country’s mathematics has developed to a very high level. But he never expected that these things were actually being taught seriously in Guozixue...

So why did mathematics not only have no development later, but also lose its inheritance? So that later scholars could not understand the mathematics books handed down from the Song and Yuan Dynasties?

Zhu Zhen wrote down this question in his notebook.


There are also courses in calligraphy, music, riding and archery, etc., all taught by dedicated doctors. If it's just a class, it's quite enjoyable.

But when homework and assessments are added, the pressure comes.

But everyone knows that teaching without homework is like herding sheep, and teaching without assessment is like playing hooligans.

Guozixue is obviously not a place for shepherding sheep and hooligans, so the homework burden and assessment are extremely heavy.

There are three kinds of homework for Lao Liu and others.

The first type is endorsement, which is usually checked every three days. Each time, one must recite one hundred words of the law, one hundred words of the scripture, and one hundred words of the Four Books. Just like in Ohondo, you not only need to memorize the words, but also understand the meaning. Those who are unable to recite and explain at all will be beaten by the teacher.

The second type is daily homework. Lao Liu and the others have to practice one piece of calligraphy every day. The standard for one piece is sixteen characters per line, a total of sixteen lines, totaling 256 characters, regardless of family style. But it must be regular and formal, consistent with calligraphy.

In addition, there are ten arithmetic problems to be done every day. All these must be completed on the same day and submitted to the teaching assistant for review in person. If there are improper handwriting or wrong questions, you will be penalized to write them multiple times.

The third type is monthly homework. Mainly compositions, six articles per month. Among them, two of the meanings of the classics and two of the four books are to be reviewed by doctors. They must be completed at the highest level and meticulously.

In addition, there are two edicts, chapters, policies, judgments, and internal medicine each month. They must also be completed and revised before the end of the month, so as to make progress according to the category, and violators will be severely punished.

Then there is an exam at the end of each month, and the results are directly related to whether you can be promoted smoothly by then. And if you do poorly in the test, you will be kicked out early...

Lao Liu didn't want to lose this person.

He is a man of great dignity, he can be as cheap as he wants, and he can be happy even being a beggar.

But you can't be embarrassed by others.

It would be a shame to be kicked out of school after only a few days of schooling.

Although it was Hong Qi who was embarrassed, what did he have to do with Zhu Liu?

But he gathered a group of young talents into a school, and it was not just an eye-opening experience. He also plans to take these young people for his own use.

You’ve come here, you can’t go back empty-handed, right?

Besides, as his stall expands, not only is he in short supply of manpower, but he is also short of top talents. The Prime Minister's Maritime Affairs Office has been established for many years, and Han Yike alone can't support it alone, and it is completely useless.

Therefore, he is bound to win these young people.

Then he can't lose his face to his grandma's house in front of these future famous ministers, otherwise he will be embarrassed to see them again...

So Zhu Zhen bit into pieces and didn't want to lose the chain. He gets up early and stays up late every day to memorize and write homework. He has never worked so hard in his life.

Fortunately, he has the foundation of Dabentang... He has been taught by the top famous teachers in the country for many years. He is not good at anything else, but he can still stand out in the Four Books and Five Classics.

So it looks like that's the case.

At least in the eyes of his roommates who are academic tycoons, Brother Hong Qi may have a poor foundation due to his family background, but he is diligent and studious, and he is also smart. Maybe he can graduate in the future...

And this person comes out relatively well. Compared with the other two scumbags in the same room who couldn't learn, Brother Hong, the sixth brother, was simply a role model, right?

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