Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 642 Taking someone

"Master Luo, what are we going to do?" On the way, Team Leader Wang asked nervously.

"Arrest people." Luo Guanzhong said calmly: "Arrest all academic officials below Wang Jiahui."

"Just, it's just us?" Wang Ban's head suddenly became dizzy, and the three subordinates behind him were also startled.

"What, are you scared?" Luo Guanzhong glanced at them and said, "If you are scared, go back."

"I'm a little scared. We really don't have the power to arrest imperial officials. If we commit crimes below, we will be beaten to death without any chance to redress our grievances.

"They all seem to be gathered in Suixingtang. They might start fighting later, and we can't protect you." A subordinate also whispered in support.

"A bunch of idiots." Teacher Luo said speechlessly: "How long has it been and you are still confused? No wonder you have been a subordinate for the rest of your life."

"Yes, you are a fool, please let me know clearly." Wang Bantou said with a smile.

"Am I such a reckless person?" Teacher Luo snorted: "You can think of it, but I can't think of it?"

"I understand." Team leader Wang suddenly said: "It seems that the adults have a clever plan, and the younger ones are just worrying blindly."

"Yes, yes, let's just follow the master and do whatever the master tells us to do." The subordinate also agreed.

"That's right." Teacher Luo nodded, looked in the direction of the dining hall and said, "Look, they are here."

Wang Bantou and others took a quick look and were stunned. They saw more than a hundred waiters carrying poles and rolling pins coming in confusion...

"Sir, do you expect them?" Wang Bantou said in shock.

"Now in Guozixue, they are the strongest force, and the people they hate most are the officials..." Luo Guanzhong said lightly: "Isn't this a good move?"

"Wonderful..." Wang Bantou and others hurriedly agreed. I just complained secretly in my heart, isn't this reckless enough?


In fact, it was Lao Liu's idea to serve as a diners.

Zhu Zhen has accumulated rich experience in controlling the situation. He knows that when this kind of turmoil is sensitive, he must first master a force sufficient to suppress the situation.

When it was inconvenient to transfer troops or guards to study in Guozi, Zhu Zhen thought of these cooks. As Teacher Luo said, these one hundred and thirty cooks are the strongest force in Guoxue.

And they had to come, because the generous rewards Zhu Zhen promised them had not yet been cashed in... If they didn't come, wouldn't he just default on the debt?

Of course, this is an additional service and will cost extra.

Luo Guanzhong was well prepared. He took out a stack of banknotes with consistent denominations from his arms and asked Team Leader Wang to give one to each of them and said:

"Hong Xuecheng has an order. As long as you hit wherever he wants this time, he will follow the orders and prohibitions. After the chaos is calmed down, each person will be rewarded with two more sticks, and two more will be added to those who perform well!"

A group of waiters immediately got excited and shouted to indicate that they should go east instead of west, and that they should chase chickens instead of dogs...

"Okay, follow me." Luo Guanzhong then led the security brigade composed of subordinate officials and waiters and rushed outside the Siye Hall with great momentum.


Suixing Hall, the A-shaped teaching building, was filled with idle academic officers, and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

Several activists, He Cao and Tian Zizhen, were even more excited to realize their profits.

"Did you see it?" He Cao said loudly: "Old Song went to ask the students to go to class in the morning, but they kicked him out."

"The students pointed their noses at him and called him a murderer and a traitor!" Tian Zizhen's exaggerated remarks did not arouse any rebuttal, but instead made everyone laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"You guys, please keep your voice down!" A more mature person frowned and said, "What should I do if others hear me?"

"Whatever you are afraid of is something we all know very well. If we don't laugh, Lao Song will not know that it was us who did it!" He Cao said unscrupulously.

"That's right, that old man is already a withered bone in the grave, there's nothing to worry about." All the academic officials burst into cheerful laughter again.

"Speaking of which, where has Sir Si Ye gone?" At this time, someone asked strangely: "He was obviously still here just now."

"Did you go to the latrine?" Tian Zizhen said.

"Constipation shouldn't last so long. Go and have a look." He Cao suddenly realized something was wrong and ordered.

"Okay." The two academic officers stood up after hearing the order and were about to open the door and go out.

Unexpectedly, the door was kicked open by someone from outside.

Then I saw a group of waiters in brown clothes and short hats rushing in holding poles and rolling pins.

"What are you doing?" He Cao shouted loudly: "Is this where you should come?"

"Get out!" Tian Zizhen also shouted, but in an instant he heard an 'ouch' and was hit on the head with a cane.

At this time, Teacher Luo, surrounded by several subordinates, entered the teaching building majestically.

"Robin, are you going to rebel?!" He Cao and the others naturally would not surrender. While fighting with the waiters, they roared angrily: "If you arrest an official of the imperial court without authorization, you will be executed!"

"It's you who deserve to be executed!" Luo Guanzhong said with a righteous face: "You are seeking your own destruction and want all the students of the Imperial Academy to be buried with you. This is really insane. Everyone can kill you! Not to mention arresting you. Even if I kill you, I won’t be guilty of any crime!”

As he spoke, he waved his hand and said the protagonist's line that he had cherished for a long time: "Take it!"



"Okay!" the waiters shouted in response, their actions even more unscrupulous.

The academic officers also resisted desperately, and the scene was once very chaotic.

But after a lot of jumping up and downs, the party with the overwhelming numbers and big hands still defeated the powerless officials.

There is some deep hatred here.

Because the school rules stipulate that students are not allowed to insult and beat the waiters, but they do not prohibit the instructors from insulting and beating the waiters, so on weekdays, these sesame officials treat the waiters as slaves and punch and kick them whenever they don't get their way.

The waiters have been holding back their anger for a long time, why don't they take the opportunity to avenge those who have been grievances and take revenge on those who have grievances? Each and every one of them was violent and violent, beating the officers until their noses were bruised and their faces swollen, kicking them till they were beaten, and pressing them to the ground and rubbing them vigorously.

If Luo Guanzhong couldn't stand it any longer and shouted stop, I don't know what they could have done...

"Tie them up soon and take them to the rope hall!" Teacher Luo is also a scholar. He couldn't bear to see the scholar being tortured so miserably, so he couldn't bear to close his eyes. Now he felt less uncomfortable...


The entrance to the Roof Hall.

Song Ne was dumbfounded as he watched each of the academic officers being tied up with ropes and stretched into long strings, and the waiters drove them over.

"Is it too much?" Looking at the faces with bruises and swollen faces, and dying of shame and anger, his face wrinkled into a bitter gourd.

"That's what you want, idol." Zhu Zhen said calmly: "Please announce that Guozixue will be temporarily suspended."

"Yes..." Song Ne nodded. The instructors were all in trouble. What else could they do if classes were not suspended?

Moreover, another advantage of suspending classes is that students’ strikes lose their effect...

There are no classes in school anymore. Which class are you taking?

ps. Please wait for the next chapter.

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