Hudou Lane, Hu Xiangfu.

Prime Minister Hu is sick again, this time he is really sick.

Before he killed his relatives that day, he showed signs of a stroke due to his shock and anger.

When I came back from the palace, half of my body became weak, half of my face became numb, my mouth became crooked, and I couldn't speak clearly.

Fortunately, Dr. Jin from Tai Hospital was good at treating strokes. He was pricked like a hedgehog three times a day, and combined with medicinal baths and steaming, he finally stabilized his condition and gradually improved.

He was almost able to communicate normally and no longer drooled when talking. Hu Weiyong then started to receive customers...

He first met his nephew Hood.

"Uncle, what's going on?" The worry on Hood's face was not fake. If Hu Weiyong blows out the lamp and pulls out the wax, they will be doomed.

"Don't worry, I won't die..." Hu Weiyong leaned on the large pillow, with a cloth wrapped around his head, and asked slowly: "The case sent by God... has the trial time been set?"

"It's settled. The trial will be held jointly by Dali Temple in the lobby of the Ministry of Punishments the day after tomorrow." Hu De replied softly, "It's the date set by His Royal Highness."

"I really don't want to waste a moment." Hu Weiyong murmured.

"Uncle, do you want to say hello to Lu Butang and Zhao Jiqing?" Hu De asked tentatively.

"Your Majesty, how many pairs of eyes do you have? What's the use of saying hello?" Hu Weiyong shook his head and said dejectedly: "Except for playing into the hands of those people, there is no use..."

"But my aunt still refuses to eat." Hood whispered.

"She starved to death by not eating. After more than ten years of hard work, she had such an enemy. Is she still successful?" Hu Weiyong raised his voice, full of resentment.

There was a crackle of porcelain in the next room, which was a response to his words...

"Alas." Hu Weiyong sighed helplessly and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Even if we want to do something, we have to wait for the verdict. Everyone's attention is no longer on Tianci, so we can take action."

"After the verdict, is it too late to do anything?" Hood asked in confusion.

"It's only the end of July. Even if the death penalty is imposed as soon as next month, we still have to wait for the Autumn Queen to be executed." Hu Weiyong said quietly: "For several months, people have been tortured in prison until they have become inhuman shapes. You can still recognize them." Who is coming?"

"That's true." Hu De suddenly realized and lowered his voice: "What does uncle mean, when the time comes there will be a Li Dai Tao Zang?"

"Yes." Hu Weiyong whispered: "You don't have to worry about the Ministry of Justice. You can find someone with a similar figure and appearance to Tianci, use medicine to make him a fool, and then wait for my instructions."

"Hey." Hood nodded. Three-legged toads were hard to find, while two-legged people were running around. As long as you search carefully, you can always find the right person.

"This is a serious matter. If it is leaked, all of us will be at risk." Hu Weiyong warned in a deep voice: "Keep it absolutely confidential!"

"Understood." Hood nodded and said, "I won't even tell my aunt."

"Let her cry and wipe away her tears, just in time to cover for us." Hu Weiyong said calmly.

After talking about Hu Tianci, he asked about Zhongshu Province again. "What's Zhongshu's situation now?"

"Oh, don't mention it." Hu De said with a bitter smile: "Uncle is recuperating at home. Because of the incident involving the Champa envoy, Wang Xiang was punished to shut up and think about his mistakes, and Shang Hao was demoted to Zhongshu. As a result, Zeng Zuocheng, who succeeded him, He became the highest-ranking official in Zhongshu, issuing orders without any courtesy.

"Peng Geng relied on his seniority and his uncle appointed him to be temporarily in charge of the province. Naturally, he didn't buy his fault. The two of them bickered and argued in the political hall all day long, making it a mess."

"Hehehe..." Hu Weiyong couldn't help laughing. "The prince doesn't respect martial ethics and wants to take advantage of the chaos to launch a sneak attack and capture the Zhongshu Province. From this point of view, it's okay to make a fuss. The more chaos the better. How will they know if they don't make a fuss? Not everyone can be the prime minister. of?"

"That's right, only my uncle can control the situation." Hu De also smiled and said: "Isn't that the purpose of protecting Peng Geng but not Shang Hao?"

"That's right, Shang Hao is too soft and will not easily conflict with Zeng Tai." Hu Weiyong said leisurely: "Peng Geng is vulgar, fiery and foolish, and he is the most suitable candidate to stay behind."

"It's really..." Hu De nodded. He was about to praise his uncle for his ingenuity, but suddenly he gasped and said, "That's not right. When my uncle decided to let Shang Hao take the blame, the Tianci case had not yet been released. Is it possible for Xie to predict the future?"

"I'm not Liu Bowen, so I don't have that ability." Hu Weiyong said calmly: "It's just that I decided at that time to come back to complain about my illness for a while. First, I would go back and see the changes in the court situation. Second, I would put my fist away. You can beat people when you come back."

As he said this, he laughed at himself and said, "I just didn't expect that I would be really sick when I came back, and I was very sick."

"It saves others from saying that my uncle is acting." Hood praised in a tricky way.

"Haha, that's right." Hu Weiyong smiled slightly and said, "Jiangyin Marquis and the others must be impatient. Please invite them in."

"Yes." Hu De responded and went out to invite the guests who were having tea in the living room.


After a while, three princes, Wu Liang, Fei Ju and Lu Zhongheng, came in hand in hand.

"I heard that Prime Minister Hu is ill again, so we came here to visit him." Lu Zhongheng, the Marquis of Ji'an, shouted as soon as he came in.

"I'm really sick this time." Hu Weiyong sat on the hospital bed and said with a wry smile.

"Yes, I know." Wu Liang, Marquis of Jiangyin, nodded and said, "Anyone else would have suffered a serious illness if such a thing happened."

"It's really too much!" Fei Juye said bitterly.

This Marquis of Pingliang is also an old member of the Huaixi team with outstanding merits. He ranks eighteenth among the thirty-four heroes appointed by Boss Zhu.

But after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he quickly slacked off because he was addicted to drinking and sex and did nothing. He was reprimanded by Boss Zhu many times, so he felt resentful, so he, Lu Zhongheng, who was also reprimanded, and the Wu brothers who were frightened and uneasy, became important members of the Hu Party.

Although they relied on Hu Weiyong, these vulgar warriors never looked down upon him. I always feel that Mr. Hu is timid and submissive, not as domineering, tough and responsible as Mr. South Korea.

This is a good time, shrinking from head to tail, including your son, right?

After reading his joke, several princes felt that he should explode now. If he still endures this time, then they will have to consider finding another backer.

Hu Weiyong didn't even protect his own son, how could he expect to protect them when the time came?

"Unexpectedly, Hu Xiang sent all the young masters to the countryside, and those people still chased and bitten him." So Fei Juyin said sadly: "Hu Xiang, I am not a troublemaker, but if it were me, I can’t bear it no matter what.”

"Yes, it is bearable, but who can't bear it?" Lu Zhongheng also echoed: "Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it either!"

"Don't stir up trouble, listen to what Mr. Hu has to say." Wu Liang said with a blushing face.

"Well..." Hu Weiyong nodded and said word by word: "I can't bear it anymore. There is no need to bear it anymore."

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