Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 671 Troubled Times

In August, there are days of haze, continuous autumn rain, and an unsettling smell in the air.

This is destined to be a troubled time...

First, after a joint trial at the Dali Temple of the Ministry of Punishment, Prime Minister Hu's son, brother-in-law, Liuhe County Magistrate and other related persons involved in the case were sentenced to be executed by the Queen of Autumn on more than a dozen charges including murder, cover-up, and bribery.

However, for the people in the capital who are accustomed to the world, killing such a few people can only be considered a trivial matter. Only when the heads are rolling and the blood is flowing, especially when they are killing high-ranking officials... can they be excited.

Therefore, they are more concerned about when Hu Xiang will fall than a few insignificant death row prisoners.

What impressed the men in the capital was that Prime Minister Hu had truly become a tumbler in Ming Dynasty officialdom. Even the case in which his son was sentenced to death did not dislodge him from his position, which is really unacceptable.

However, compared with the big events that happened later, the matter of the Hu family and his son became an insignificant matter.

The Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th is a day for family reunion.

But on this day, the palaces of princes and noble houses in the capital all began to catch traitors...


Ji'an Marquis Mansion.

"Come in, everyone, I have something important to tell you."

Lu Zhongheng called his sons into the study with a stern expression, and then closed the door mysteriously.

A servant patrolled along the corridor seemingly casually, but when no one was paying attention, he quietly touched under the back window of the study and took out a copper receiver from his arms. Gently put the big head against the window, and put the small head against your ear with the other hand.

The sounds in the study came to his ears clearly, and Lu Zhongheng only heard Lu Zhongheng say in a deep voice:

"...A traitor has emerged. He keeps eavesdropping on our family's secrets and reports them to King Yan."

"Ah, who is so hateful?" The brothers' faces changed after hearing this, and some people couldn't help but worry that the scandal of his adultery with his sister-in-law and hooking up with his little mother would also be discovered and spread.

"He should be here at the moment..." Lu Zhongheng walked quietly to the window, and suddenly pushed open the window sash that had been unbolted in advance.

With a creak, the scene outside was revealed, and the guard with a frightened face was also exposed.

As soon as he came to his senses, he turned around and ran away.

"Where to run?!" But he bumped into Lu Xun, the leader of the guards at the Marquis of Ji'an's mansion.

The man panicked and tried to push Lu Xun away and flee, but Lu Xun, who was well prepared, grabbed him with his hands and legs one after another, and captured him neatly.


"Land Rover? How could it be you?!"

When the guard was tied up and escorted into the study, several young masters of the Marquis of Ji'an exclaimed.

They never expected that the spy actually followed his father to defect to Haozhou from Fengyang. For more than ten years, he followed his father into battle and was injured after taking a knife to save his father!

"Alas..." Lu Rover is also a tough-minded veteran who is not afraid of death. Now that he has been caught, he will no longer quibble, let alone beg for mercy. He lowered his head and sighed: "It's me."

"How could you do this?" Several young masters were very angry. "After you were seriously injured, you lost your energy and became half a disabled person. Our family supports you with good food and drink, we don't need you to do any work, and we give you money every month. How can you betray us?"

"Hehehe, yes, the Marquis supports me, but do you young masters want me to be grateful?" Lu Hu said with a sad smile:

"Have you ever thought about who am I in this situation?"

"..." The young masters stopped talking.

"It's because of me." Lu Zhongheng, who had been clasping his hands and looking out the window, said coldly: "That year I was ordered to attack Quzhou, but I encountered a difficult situation. Not only did I fail to capture it, I encountered an ambush on the way to withdraw, and I was injured by a stray arrow. The fall of the horse triggered a rout.

"I was about to be captured by the enemy, but Land Rover rescued me from the ground, and carried me out of the encirclement. I ran for twenty miles in one breath, and then I saved my life." Lu Zhongheng said with tears in his eyes. road:

"After we were safe, he fell to the ground and passed out. Only then did I realize that he was also seriously injured and had to carry me out."

"But people's lives are different." Lu Hu said with a sad smile: "After he recovered from his injury, he continued to live vigorously, fought for the emperor in the north and south, made countless meritorious service, and became a hero of the founding of the country, a hereditary and irreplaceable prince. But we became I became a useless person, so I had no choice but to retire from the army and become a servant to look after the home. Although I had no worries about food and drink, I couldn’t even afford a wife for the two thousand cents a month..."

"Should I be grateful to Lord Marquis for taking me in?" After saying that, he asked the brothers, "Who owes whom?"

"You're really greedy. Two coins are a lot of money, okay? Normally, servants only get one coin per month." The eldest son, Lu Xian, is in charge of the family finances, and he decides the servants' monthly money. After hearing the words, he said plausibly:

"Go and ask outside. Those able-bodied people who work hard and work hard every day, rain or shine, can't make more than twice a month!"

"That's right, if you weren't so fond of making money, why wouldn't you be able to marry a wife?" Second Young Master Lu He also agreed.

"Haha, compared with those poor people who are suffering..." Lu Hu smiled even more chillingly and said: "But I came out of Lujiacun with your father! If it weren't for me, Lu Lu, your father would be able to live to this day. , how many of your brothers can you have? Can you enjoy glory and wealth?

"In the end, instead of repaying my kindness, you acted like my master! Your brothers spend a lot of time playing with women every day. How can you not spend thousands of guan every month? Why can I only get two guan, which is not enough to visit the brothel twice? !”

"Listen, are these human words?" Lu He scolded with a blushing face: "You are really a white-eyed wolf who promotes kindness and fights against rice, and is not familiar with raising people!"

"That's right, it doesn't matter what we don't care about you, how come after more than ten years of raising children, you have developed resentment?!" Lu Xian also cursed angrily.

"Bah, you raise a pug, feed it with refined meat every month, and hug the dog girl. Even if you can't beat it five times a month, I'm worse than a dog!" Lu Hu also yelled: "Master Hou doesn't know what you beasts do." Isn’t that a good thing? Every day, the family steals and plays with each other, hooks up and turns into adultery..."

The brothers were afraid that he would say this, so they would stop him when they heard the words, for fear that if he continued talking, he would get angry.

"You shut his mouth..." Unexpectedly, Lawrence Lu was also afraid that Lu Rover would expose the scandal of his climbing ashes. I really want to go together.

Lu Rover's mouth was gagged with a rag, and he couldn't speak. Only then did the Lu family and his son breathe a sigh of relief.

"Lu Rover, stop talking about what is and is not. You have been kind to me, and I have raised you for these years. I can't tell who owes whom for the past." Lu Zhongheng said slowly:

"But you are also from the army. You know how to deal with Xizuo in the army, right?"

Then he said in a low voice: "Put your fingerprints on his confession, then gouge out his eyes and tongue, beat him to death with sticks, and send him to Prince Yan's Mansion!"

ps. Yesterday was not a day out, but a meeting of our Writers Association. As a representative of Daocheng’s online writers, I can’t recommend it. As a result, I was so tired when I came back that I just finished writing one chapter...

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