Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 70 Zhu’s Development Plan

After sending Xu Da away, Zhu Yuanzhang lay down on the couch and became unhappy.

"Hey, what's wrong with our son? The dignified prince, the Prince of Ming Dynasty, still dislikes him so much!"

"You don't know what your son is like?" Queen Ma brought him a bowl of sobering soup and said, "Don't look at me helping you to persuade Tiande, but I'm really worried that the fourth child doesn't know how to cherish it. The second child will be like that again. Damn it, how can I, a mother-in-law, have the face to face my daughter-in-law?"

"Yeah, actually I'm also worried. That boy is in a period of uncertainty. He's so impetuous all day long that he feels that such a big palace can't accommodate him." Zhu Yuanzhang tilted his body and babbled while drinking soup:

"I told you, this is because life is so good, and you don't know how blessed you are when you are in the midst of blessings. If our parents had given us a daughter-in-law back then, it wouldn't have been regarded as an offering to our ancestors."

"Haha, is that right..."

"Of course, luckily I didn't tell you, otherwise how could we marry you?" Emperor Hongwu, who had a strong desire for survival, rushed to make amends before Queen Ma changed her face.

"Hmph..." Queen Ma sneered, too lazy to argue with him. He also said with some worry: "But it is true that the children are old and they are kept in the palace like young ladies all day long. How can they not feel sick?"

"Yeah, let's go together." Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly became energetic, put the soup bowl on the small table, sat up and said:

"Mother, how about we let them out to practice?"

"What kind of training method?" Queen Ma asked alertly: "How do you want to torment them again?"

"Don't worry, we have been thinking about it for a while. The old Zhu family cannot rely on anyone. In the end, we have to rely on our son." Zhu Yuanzhang crossed his legs and said.

"Didn't you enfeoff everything?"

"What's the use of being enfeoffed without virtue? Will I be able to conquer the masses by commanding thousands of armies in the future? When I get to the vassal state, will I be considerate of the people?" Zhu Yuanzhang said worriedly: "We feudal kings have already faced huge criticism. , if they are all stupid and cruel, those people will definitely take the opportunity to attack them, which will shake our Zhu family."

"So we have to train them well. Just sitting in the main hall and studying is not enough."

"Okay, okay, it's all your fault." Queen Ma asked, "Just tell me where you plan to let them go?"

"Fengyang, our hometown." Zhu Yuanzhang had indeed planned it.

"What are you going to do back home? Be an officer? Or be a county magistrate?" Queen Ma looked unconvinced.

"Civil and military skills all require experience, but it's still too early now. They don't know what ordinary soldiers think, so they can't be good officers. They don't know the sufferings of the people, and it's even less possible for us to use fellow villagers to train them!" Zhu Yuanzhang said deeply! He said: "We want them to become farmers! Be the most ordinary people..."

"..." Queen Ma has a big mouth. She has long been used to being surprised by her husband's unbridled imagination, but she was still surprised.

It took a while before I pinched him.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Boss Zhu quickly ducked away.

"I'm not dreaming." Queen Ma said, "Why are you talking in your sleep?"

"Why are you talking in your sleep?"

"Why are you not talking in your sleep? Have you ever heard of the emperor who asked his son to farm?"

"We listen to the gentlemen's lectures. As long as we know the emperors and princes who have lived among the people and know the sufferings of the people, they are all very different." Zhu Yuanzhang said plausibly: "On the contrary, those who were born in the deep palace and grew up with the hands of women Most of the princes will be similar to Emperor Hui of Jin when they grow up. They have no idea how ordinary people live, let alone show sympathy for the common people!"

"We can't let our son be confused about leeks, wheat seedlings, and think that the common people are the same as them and can eat meat without eating!" Zhu Yuanzhang said decisively: "Our son must make up for this lesson!"

"I don't object to letting them suffer a little, but there must be no danger." Empress Ma finally said relenting. No matter how much she protected the calf, she knew that jade cannot be used until it is cut.

"That's what I said, our sons are precious to us too." Zhu Yuanzhang clapped his chest and said: "Fengyang's folk customs are simple and honest, and we are exempted from the taxes and servitude of the fellow villagers. It is not an exaggeration to say that our hometown is a paradise now, and it is suitable for our sons to go there. We understand the people's sentiments. Besides, we have arrangements to ensure their safe return."

"Okay, who do you plan to let go? How long will it take?" Queen Ma asked again.

"Everyone who committed the crime last time is going. We have something to say first, and they have nothing to say." Zhu Yuanzhang said without thinking: "If we go, we can set off in the next few days. We can still catch up with the spring plowing, and we will come back after the autumn harvest."

"So soon? So long?" Queen Ma was reluctant to give up again.

"How dare you say you have been a farmer without experiencing a complete spring planting and autumn harvest?" Zhu Yuanzhang said matter-of-factly.

"I won't say anything else. The sixth child is still too young. Let him go with his brothers next time." Queen Ma said.

"We have been herding cattle for Mr. Liu since he was seven years old. He is already twelve after the Chinese New Year, and he is still the culprit. Who will go if he doesn't go?" Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and said: "Besides, he should go the most, he is a little fat man. I’m sure I can lose weight when I come back.”

"Well, at least you have to let him make his own decision. If Lao Liu really doesn't want to go, you can't force him. The child is still young and can't bear the trouble..." Queen Ma took a step back and said: "Besides, Lao Liu is eleven, not twelve. ."

"Haha, just about right. If you have too many sons, you can't help it, haha!" Zhu Yuanzhang scratched his head in embarrassment. "Sure, let him decide for himself!"


After the Tian family discussed it, the matter was settled.

But Zhu Yuanzhang did not announce it to the prince immediately. Instead, he asked his adopted son Ping An to accompany him to the southern suburbs to ride horses.

Zhu Yuanzhang had more than twenty adopted sons, most of whom were adopted when he first started the army. It's not that he was anxious because he couldn't give birth to a son. In fact, this was a tradition in the peasant army.

By adopting the orphans of brothers who died in battle, a general can not only give the soldiers no worries, but also cultivate a group of confidants who are absolutely loyal to them. Brothers fighting tigers, father and son fighting in battle.

The same was true for Zhu Yuanzhang. He carefully taught these adopted sons martial arts and military arts. When they grew up, he ordered them to lead troops in battles, guard places, and monitor the army.

The most outstanding representatives among them are Li Wenzhong and Mu Ying. Others who are not so famous, such as He Wenhui, Xu Sima, Zhu Wengang and others, were also entrusted with important tasks by Zhu Yuanzhang and went out of town. They can be said to be his confidants.

Although in order to avoid possible troubles in the future, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Yuanzhang had ordered his adopted sons to recognize their ancestors and return to the clan and no longer follow his surname Zhu. But he and his adopted sons still refer to each other as father and son, and their biological differences have not changed.

This peace is the least of all. In the first year of Hongwu, his father, Jining Wei, commanded the Qian Dynasty to pacify the affairs. He died in battle when he followed Chang Yuchun to conquer Dadu of the Yuan Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang accepted him as his adopted son and ordered him to inherit his father's position. He was promoted to Fengyang two years ago. Guard commander.

Ping An came to Beijing this time to thank Zhu Yuanzhang and pay New Year greetings to Zhu Yuanzhang. He was supposed to return to Fengyang a few days ago, but he was kept until today...

He originally thought he had committed something, but it turned out that he was going to accompany his adoptive father on horseback.

Zhu Yuanzhang was very interested today. He led his horse to gallop and ran for more than twenty miles in one breath, throwing away all the guards and soldiers who were accompanying him.

"Father, do you want to wait for them?" Ping An asked loudly.

"No wait, Ping Bao'er, who is the bravest of the three armies, is following. Who can hurt us at all?" Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head decisively and said boldly: "Let's go up to Niushou Mountain!"

Ping An has the same nickname as Cao Guogong, they are both called Bao'er.

"It's an order!" Ping Baoer's blood boiled immediately, so he stopped asking any more questions and followed Zhu Yuanzhang closely as he galloped up the winding mountain path, climbed over several mountain ridges, and went all the way to the top of the mountain.

ps. Chapter 7, right...I'm so dizzy, but please keep your monthly ticket unchanged!

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