Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 691 Mr. Hu sits and remembers it

The three legal divisions of the Ming Dynasty were not located in front of the palace gates or around the Thousand Steps Corridor where civil and military yamen gathered, or even within the capital.

Instead, it is outside Taipingmen, the north gate of Nanjing City, on the bank of Xuanwu Lake.

This is an ancient system that adheres to the emperor's virtues and punishments far away, so the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and Yushitai, which are responsible for punishments, are all located in the northern suburbs.

The second is Liu Bowen's "examination of Kun's rituals and examination of Qian's phenomena", and he believes that the construction of the Three Laws Division here is "substantially second to the Tianshi Yuan Guansuo"... "Guansuo" is the place where the Emperor of Heaven imprisoned prisoners, and is located in the northeast of the Heavenly Palace, so The judicial department and the prison should also be built in the northeast of the Forbidden City.

Thirdly, Boss Zhu personally inspected the terrain and saw that the peninsula protruding into Xuanwu Lake was surrounded by water on three sides, with only one passage connected to the land. It was really a good place to detain prisoners. So he built a city here and placed the prison of the Ministry of Punishment in the city.

The prison is built here, which is indeed easy to guard, but the prisoners inside are suffering from old crimes. Because there is water all around, the tide is terrible all year round, the walls of the cell are covered with colorful mold spots, and mushrooms keep growing on the straw where the prisoners sleep.

Even though it is late autumn, the ground is still wet, and the straw seems to be able to wring out water. If you sleep on this kind of ground, even a strong man with steel and iron bones will be sick all over his body for a month, and he will lose his appearance.

In addition, the drinking water and food are dirty, and the ventilation is poor. The prisoners do not see any sunlight all day long, and they have to urinate and defecate in the cells. Therefore, there are infectious diseases in the prison all year round, and patients fall ill almost every day.

If your family has money and something to do with it, you can take care of it and ask a doctor to take a look. Those who have no money and no problem can only live and wait for death. When he was about to die, the prisoner wailed day and night, causing the prisoners in the same cell to be tortured. As time went by, everyone became numb.

Each and every one of them was destroyed physically and mentally, and suffered every day. It was truly a hell on earth, and life was worse than death.

But in September, when the Autumn Festival began, they became afraid again. Anyone who sees the prison boss serving him a decapitated meal will burst into tears.

Some fellow prisoners asked, Brother, didn’t you say that dying early and being reincarnated is better than living in jail and suffering?

Prisoners who are about to go on their way will cry: 'Who knows what kind of thing he will be reborn in the next life...'

Most of those who can enter the prison of the Ministry of Punishment are those who have committed many evil deeds. According to the monk, they will basically become beasts in their next life.


Mr. Hu was imprisoned in this environment for two months. Besides living in a single cell, not being beaten, and not being blackmailed by the cell boss, they ate, drank, and slept just like ordinary prisoners, and did not enjoy any privileges.

After two months, Mr. Hu, who used to have a shiny face and a body full of fat, has become unkempt, skinny, covered with fleas and lice, and his limbs and face are covered with abscesses. He has completely lost his appearance.

He also has mental problems. If you ask him anything, his eyes will stare blankly and he will be stunned for a while before he can react.

"Hu Tianci, do you still want to eat?!" The prisoner knocked on the fence several times with a big iron spoon. Then he slowly raised his head and realized that it was time to put out the meal.

Mr. Hu quickly picked up the broken porcelain bowl, climbed to the door of the cell gate, held the bowl with his black chicken claws, and handed it out through the crack in the fence.

"What a fool, if you keep whining like this, you'll go hungry!" The prisoner cursed and gave him a bowl of rice soup that was as clear as a mirror, and then threw him a steamed bun that could kill someone.

This is the prison meal Mr. Hu eats, and there are only two meals a day...

This kind of thing that even his pigs don't eat, Mr. Hu now eats it very deliciously. He is holding the porridge bowl in one hand and holding the steamed bun in the other. He takes a bite of the steamed bun and gets a mouthful of porridge, and he eats it with hunger and thirst.

After eating and drinking it all in a short while, he licked the rice bowl until it was all visible, and then slurped the dregs of cornstarch between his fingers. Then he leaned down on the straw with unfinished thoughts and told himself to go to sleep quickly, so as to reduce consumption and avoid being hungry when he turned around.

And only in dreams can we relive the beautiful life of living in debauchery, bullying men and dominating women...

Lying on the damp and hard ground, he gradually fell into a deep sleep, completely unconscious.


In the middle of the night, moans and grunts came one after another in the prison.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the prison, and the sleepy cell leader quickly got up and unlocked it. With a creak, the cell door opened and an old man with a cart was put in.

There was a big smelly wooden barrel on top of the wheelbarrow. The old man was here to collect the night fragrance.

"Get up, Lao Xu is here to collect your feces and urine." The cell leader personally led the old man and knocked on the cell doors one by one.

The prisoners who were woken up were a little puzzled. Why did they feel that the night scent collector came so early today?

But in front of the fierce cell leader, they did not dare to say anything. They quickly lifted the smelly toilet to the door of the cell, then they all rolled to the corner and knelt facing the wall with their heads in their hands.

The cell boss opened the cell door one by one and asked the old man to go in, lift out the toilet, empty it, and then put it back in.

While Lao Xu, who was pouring the night fragrance, was doing this, the cell leader put his hand on the handle of the knife and watched the prisoners vigilantly, not allowing anyone to move, let alone look back. The prisoner cannot sleep until the cell door is re-locked.

In this way, I received Mr. Hu's cell from cell to cell.

"Get up and pour the night fragrance." The cell leader called several times, but Mr. Hu inside still couldn't wake up.

"Damn it, I think your skin is itchy!" The prison boss cursed angrily, opened the cell door and went in.

The prisoners in the adjacent cells all poked their heads here, wanting to see the excitement.

"Kneel down facing the wall. If you turn around, you won't be allowed to eat for three days!" The prison boss had plenty of ways to deal with them.

The prisoners were so frightened that they quickly knelt down as instructed. No one dared to look back and peek.

I could only hear the prison boss scolding and punching and kicking me.

"Get up, you lazy bitch! If you don't get up, I'll kick you to death!"

After beating Mr. Hu hard for a while, the cell leader finally got angry, slammed the cell door shut and said, "Next one!"

After the cell head and Lao Xu pushing the dung cart passed by, the prisoners in the adjacent cell dared to look back. They saw Mr. Hu being beaten to the ground, groaning and murmuring:

"Oh, oh. My name is Hu Tianci, and my father is Hu Weiyong. Oh, my father is Hu Weiyong..."

"Stop yelling. If your father had taken care of you, would he have allowed you to suffer these crimes?" A prisoner reminded him, "If you talk too much, you will be beaten again."

But the boy still groaned, repeating those two sentences over and over again:

"My name is Hu Tianci, and my father is Hu Weiyong..."

"Oh, everyone was beaten stupid." The prisoner shook his head and sighed, and stopped talking nonsense to him.

Besides, after collecting the night incense, Old Xu slowly pushed the heavy dung cart out to the prison door.

There was a stone step at the door, and he couldn't get up no matter how hard he pushed it.

"Damn it, these prisoners are really good at pooping, but they still ate too much." The cell leader cursed, not afraid of getting dirty, and went up to help Lao Xu push the dung truck over the steps.

"Thank you, Niutou." Lao Xu thanked him and pushed the dung cart out of the prison.

The cell leader locked the iron door again, looked at the direction where the dung truck disappeared in the distance, and let out a sigh of relief.

Even if my mission is completed...

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