Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 704 Without sound, no matter how good the show is, it can’t come out

During the Southern Tang and Southern Song Dynasties, Sanshan Street was the royal street passage. Around the Chengen Temple in the northeast corner, there are various department stores and entertainments, which is very lively. During the Guo Dynasty, Boss Zhu established many large and small markets in the city, with Sanshan Market ranking first.

It was not Boss Zhu's initiative to set the execution ground at the most prosperous downtown area, but a common choice of emperors of all dynasties, because this could serve as a warning to others to the greatest extent possible. But in fact, for ordinary people who lack entertainment, the main thing is to have some excitement.

It was past noon, there were no clouds in the sky, the sun was high overhead, and the entrance to Sanshan Street was crowded with people. They looked at the execution platform with interest, and the inmates waiting to be executed were kneeling in a row side by side.

"Which one is Mr. Hu?"

"Didn't you see the death sign on the back of his neck saying 'Murderer Hu Tianci'?"

"He didn't do it himself, right? He's also called a murderer?"

"Do you know what 'all evil is led by creativity'? Those thugs were all ordered by him, so of course he must be blamed."

"Haha, that's right. Not all the bad things done by his evil slaves must be blamed on him!"

"That's great, but doesn't his father have any responsibility?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, Mr. Hu is on the stage..."

"Scared, he wants to behead too?" Many people were very happy.

"No, there's no such thing as a good thing. He's at the execution platform..."

"Good guy, this is quite exciting." The common people were inevitably disappointed after hearing this, but the fun people were excited.

This kind of drama where a father orders his son to be beheaded is something you will never see again in your life! Isn't this more enjoyable than watching a prime minister behead his head?


On the execution platform facing the execution platform.

Fortunately, Mr. Hu couldn't hear the common people's gloating comments, otherwise he would have been angry again.

Although Hu Tianci was a hundred steps away, shaking his head desperately to attract his attention.

But he closed his eyes slightly and didn't even look at the 'fake'. He still missed people when he saw things, let alone seeing a person who looked exactly like his son.

This is also the reason why he refuses to accept Boss Zhu's grace.

And how can such precious grace be used on fake goods? Of course he wanted this fake to be buried with his son, and at the same time, he would gain a good impression in front of the emperor and stabilize the shaky relationship.

Although he just experienced the pain of losing his son yesterday, Hu Xiang still calmly made the best solution to kill three birds with one stone. If his son hadn't just died and he was in a bad mood, he would have given himself a thumbs up.

He believed that nothing would affect his state of mind now.

Now he just hopes to finish it quickly, go home and sleep, and don't let himself be seen here.


Not far away, on the top of the main hall, Lao Si looked through the telescope and saw Prime Minister Hu who seemed to be falling asleep in the noon sun.

"It's strange. Isn't Hu Xiang a little too calm?" He couldn't help but said a little disappointed: "As if the person you want to kill is not his son?"

As he spoke, he frowned and guessed: "Isn't it because he killed the white duck?"

"How is it possible? Hu Tianci is absolutely genuine!" Lao Liu said with a smile, "Fourth brother must have confidence in the Ming Dynasty's law department."

"It's weird to have confidence..." Lao Si said disdainfully: "The six departments are the six dogs of Zhongshu Province."

"Hahaha, fourth brother is prejudiced." Lao Liu said with a smile: "Actually, the reason is very simple. Mr. Hu's mouth is blocked. Have you never heard that sentence... No sound, no matter how good the play is, can't come out. "

"I really haven't heard of it," said the fourth child.

"Then I'll let you listen." Lao Liu shouted down: "Take the thing out of Mr. Hu's mouth."

Deng Duo, who was below, rushed out.


At two quarters past noon, there began to be movement on the execution platform.

"It's started, it's started!" The impatient citizens opened their eyes in excitement.

Then I saw an executioner in red clothes and a red hat, with his breasts exposed. He raised his ghost-headed knife and chopped off... a big rooster's head with one blow.

Then all the executioners in charge smeared their faces with chicken blood. This is called destroying the evil spirits before the execution, and the purpose is to calm down the possible evil spirits.

On the other side, the jailing officer also verified the identity of the condemned prisoner for the last time. After confirming that it was correct, today's jailing officer, the Prime Minister Hu Weiyong, did not hesitate to take out the fire lot from the lot and threw it on the ground.

This means that all procedures have been completed and the surgery can be officially performed.

Of course, we have to wait until the projection of the dial needle on the sundial coincides with the red bar marking three quarters of noon.

As soon as three quarters past noon arrives, no one can stop the execution unless the emperor calls for a halt...

Kai Shilang, who was serving as the execution officer, took the lot, turned around and shouted: "Get ready for execution!"

The executioner's apprentices, who were also wearing red trousers and red hats, pulled out the death cards stuck on the backs of the prisoners' necks and threw them in front of them. Also, make sure the big word 'chop' is facing up, and you must not throw it upside down.

Just this skill, the apprentice has to practice for a year.

Then the apprentices grabbed the prisoner's hair and pressed it onto the anvil, exposing the death row prisoner's neck, waiting for the master's blow.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened during this process. Maybe the apprentice who pressed Mr. Hu was a bit harsh and slapped Hu Tianci's face completely on the anvil.

As a result, the rag in his mouth was shaken off. It’s so much fun now…

When Mr. Hu saw his father just now, he went crazy. But because his mouth was gagged, he could only shake his head and tail wildly, hoping to find out that he was really Hu Tianci.

But Hu Weiyong didn't even look at him, so all his efforts were in vain.

The seal was finally lifted, and he immediately shouted heartbreakingly:

"Dad, I am a gift from heaven! Help, dad!"

The people in the audience were overjoyed when they heard this, right? This is what the drama should be! Cry, cry hard, cry and call daddy!

Prime Minister Hu was on the prison platform as if he had been struck by lightning. He was so familiar with this voice, which had already been firmly imprinted in the depths of his soul.

He stood up involuntarily and stared at the 'Xibei guy', his expression changing instantly.

Zhao Zhu, the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Kaiji, the Minister of Justice, and others who were sitting next to him hurriedly stood up after him, not daring to breathe.

"Dad, I am really a godsend. I was not replaced..." Seeing that Hu Weiyong finally reacted, Hu Tianci shouted even more excitedly:

"No, I was replaced, but somehow, I was replaced again!"

Before Hu Weiyong could say anything, Zhao Butang was so frightened that he pissed himself. Can he say this in public? !

Regardless of what Hu Weiyong was thinking, he quickly shouted loudly: "Quick, shut his mouth!"

"Dad, fuck..." Before Hu Tianci could finish speaking, his mouth was gagged again.

But there was already a roar of excitement in the audience, and the citizens asked each other: "Did you hear what Mr. Hu said?"

"Did I hear it correctly? It seems like someone said he was swapped out and then swapped back again..."

"That's what he said."

The citizens were talking excitedly, and the fun people were completely winning.

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