Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 76 Hongwu Immigration

After that day, Han Yike's focus shifted from the river embankment to immigration affairs.

His reason is also very good. Resettlement must be completed as soon as possible so that he can catch up with this year's spring plowing.

Because the resettlement work is a top priority for local officials in Lianghuai and even the entire north.

Counting from the time when Jianyan crossed to the south, the entire north was ruled by foreigners for more than two hundred years. Especially during the 80 or 90 years of the Yuan Dynasty's rule, the Mongolian aristocrats raced horses and enclosures in the East and North China Plains, turning a large amount of fertile land into pastures for raising horses, leaving the Han people without a place to stand.

The Han people had no choice but to rebel or flee. After a hundred years, there were no roosters crowing for thousands of miles in the north, and there were stretches of barren grass. Many villages were depopulated and completely disappeared from the imperial court's territory. The number of Han people in the north dropped by 90%...and this is compared with the data of the Jin Dynasty.

The Lianghuai area was also the main battlefield of the peasant uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan army and the landlord armed forces mostly "pulled out the land and massacred the city" in the areas occupied by the peasant army. They directly attacked the Jianghuai area. "There was no shelter when the spring mud returned, and the red land was thousands of miles away." 'Human smoke'...

In Yangzhou City, the first city in Jianghuai, only eighteen families were killed at that time.

In the early years of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the prince to inspect the north of the Yangtze River. Seeing this tragic situation in the world, Zhu Biao cried all the way, heartbroken and unable to control himself.

Zhu Yuanzhang had to recall the prince in advance, otherwise Zhu Biao would cry to death on the road...

Therefore, restoring the northern population as soon as possible became Zhu Yuanzhang's top priority.

Fortunately, Boss Zhu was the founding emperor with great courage. He withstood huge pressure and forcibly moved a large number of people from the densely populated Jiangnan and other places in Shanxi to Shandong, Henan, Hebei, and the Huaihe River area.

The Hongwu Great Immigration became a basic national policy of the Ming Dynasty and lasted for half a century...


As the central capital, Fengyang mainly received immigrants from the south of the Yangtze River, and a large number of family members of prisoners were also moved here to farm.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang arranged for his five sons to study agriculture in Fengyang, which was not noticeable at all.

On the contrary, if five big men suddenly appeared in a certain county in the south of the Yangtze River, official officials would come to visit them immediately.

According to the rules, all immigrants must first register and settle in the county government. Then, as promised by Boss Zhu, they will be given seeds and farming tools, cattle and housing, as well as half a year's rations for the whole family.

In addition, immigrants are given travel expenses and cotton-padded clothes during their migration journey. Moreover, Boss Zhu promised that immigrants who immigrate to cultivate land will be tax-free for three years; after three years, they will only pay one bucket per mu and no other taxes will be levied.

Compared with previous dynasties, this is already the best condition for immigrants. But no matter how good the conditions are, most people are unwilling to move. They have to be forced by the government and escorted by officers and soldiers to change their homes.

Therefore, there is a schedule for immigrants to arrive in Linhuai County, and they do not come in groups or on their own.

This greatly reduced the difficulty for Han Zhixian to sit back and wait, and he would not have to sit at the reception desk all day long, not even daring to leave the hut.

In fact, we didn’t have to wait long. On the fifth day of February, a new batch of immigrants arrived.

According to the rules, they must first stand on the large square in front of the county government office and wait for the official to lecture them. Then they queued up to enter the county government office to receive the seed cattle, farm tools and rations issued to them.

At that time, the household official Wang Dianli was preaching hoarsely on the steps the emperor's imperial edict and the rules of the county. Magistrate Han stood in the shadow of the doorway and carefully looked at these new immigrants.

Then he saw the target he was looking for at a glance - the three burly young men, who stood out among the immigrants, and it was difficult not to notice them.

"Oh, it's really..." Zhixian Han couldn't help but exclaimed. He had met several His Highnesses at the court meeting.

Moreover, the features of the several highnesses are too obvious. In addition to being tall, King Qin has a square face, King Jin has a fair face, and King Yan has a dark and round face.

He might not be sure if he picked one out alone, but if there were three of them together, he would definitely be safe.

Only now did he completely believe in Ping An's words.

"County Lord, what, do you know him?" Li Sili, who was following him, asked in a joking manner after hearing this.

"Uh, yes." Zhixian Han pointed at King Qin and said, "Those big guys seem to be the sons of my old boss..."

He is also an employee of Boss Zhu, so it is not wrong to call him an old boss.

This was an excuse he had made up a long time ago, otherwise it would have been very strange for Dangtang Bailihou to care about a few immigrants all day long.

At this time, officials who committed crimes were demoted to Fengyang to farm, and countless of them were punished with whipping or above. So Bantou Li naturally believed Magistrate Han's excuse.

"Shall we call them to the back later?" Li Sili asked politely.

"No need." Zhixian Han shook his head, showing a worried, slanderous and scornful expression, and let him understand for himself.

"I understand." Li Sili immediately realized that the county magistrate did not want to have anything to do with the guilty boss. What's more, I heard that the county magistrate himself was demoted...

"Take care of them for me." Magistrate Han ordered in a low voice: "Go and let your people give them a few acres of cultivated land. Don't use too much. Too much will not look good."

"The county magistrate is really too cautious." Li Sili said with a smile: "Even if we are given dozens of acres more, who would dare to fart?"

"Don't break the rules." Han Yike shook his head, as if he could not abandon public service for personal reasons.

In fact, he was worried that if he gave his Highnesses too much land, they would be exhausted and unable to plant it. Wouldn't it be self-defeating?

After thinking about it, as if he felt that he was too mean to his old friend, he whispered again: "It's better to give them more food."

"Hey, that's good." Li Sili responded and rushed away happily.

For him, it was definitely a good thing to share a secret with the county magistrate by chance.


Let’s talk about the poor five Tian family brothers.

On the day Zhu Yuanzhang issued the edict "Order the five sons to study behind closed doors in Houhu for a period of time," the five highnesses were sent to Houhu by boat.

The back lake is Xuanwu Lake. There are five man-made islands in the center of the lake, known as the "Five Continents", which are the most beautiful places in Jinling City.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Yuanzhang built a wall from Taiping Gate to the Imperial City, completely encircling Houhu.

In the sixth year of Hongwu, in order to prevent anyone from snooping into the lake from a high position, he also raised the city wall, completely turning this picturesque royal garden into a military restricted area.

People were speculating about what exactly Boss Zhu wanted to use Xuanwu Lake for. Now that they saw this edict, they thought they understood it - oh, it turned out to be a place where the royal family was imprisoned.

In fact, it was not true, but Zhu Yuanzhang would not explain it, but was happy that they misunderstood.

The brothers stayed for half the night on Huxinzhou. At three o'clock the next day, a boat picked them up and sailed into the moat under the cover of darkness.

At dawn, they found themselves on the Yangtze River.

ps. Third update, additional update for 500 orders.

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