Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 751 Gone with the Wind King Chu Hai

Eggs were simmering on the charcoal basin. Liu Bowen shook slightly in the rocking chair and couldn't help but admire it secretly.

This monk Daoyan is really good, he can clearly see the thoughts of Lao Liu and his son...

His dim old eyes narrowed slightly, and the fat monk stuffing eggs in front of him changed into the huge old man who was here munching on spicy chicken half a month ago.

"A big troll I respect very much once said, 'Chinese people always like to compromise. For example, if you say that this room is too dark and a window must be opened here, no one will allow it. But If you advocate removing the roof, they will mediate and open the windows.”

"That's a bit interesting..." Liu Bowen couldn't help but his eyes lit up and he smiled:

"There are not many such insightful public officials. This person often has a mouth but not a brain. Did Wei Zheng say that?"

"Absolutely." Lao Liu said vaguely: "After I told my father this, he also thought it made sense and decided to declare that he wanted to demolish the entire house... and the key is that he is really capable of it. come out."

"That's right." Liu Bowen smiled bitterly and nodded: "It's been thirteen years since Hongwu. Who still doesn't know your father's temper?"

As he said this, he asked Lao Liu: "So, you guys are going to announce the reform of the official system, education reform and imperial examination reform?"

"Yes." Lao Liu nodded and said, "But I have to open these three windows, otherwise the room will not be bright enough."

"Yeah." Liu Bowen also nodded and said: "Education reform must be coordinated with the reform of the imperial examination, and the reform of the imperial examination needs to be coordinated with the reform of the official system..."

"Yes. Only graduates of the Six Studies and One Hall can pass the Jinshi examination, and if each ministry and yamen recruits them by subject, will there be people who are willing to study majors other than Confucian classics.

"Only when all majors have bright prospects can Guozi University truly become bigger and stronger and put an end to the situation of 'exclusively respecting Confucianism'!" Lao Liu waved the drumstick in his hand, his voice was steady and his eyes were firm.

"It's really..." Liu Bowen nodded, and he didn't need Lao Liu to explain the true meaning to him.

Because these three major reforms are soaked in his hard work. It can be said that 'the spring silkworms will not run out until they are dead, and the wax torches will not dry until they turn to ashes'. For example, he advocated the reform of the official system of "merging officials with local staff".

As for the reason for this, it is another big article to expand and will be discussed in detail in the future. I really can’t insert a narration into the narration…

"But if you open these three windows, it's no different than demolishing the house, right?" Liu Bowen said helplessly. According to his idea, this is a thousand-year plan, and he should plan it slowly and cover thousands of miles, but that is obviously not the style of Lao Zhu and his son.

"It's okay, I have prepared more exciting gifts for them -" Lao Liu said proudly: "Go to Kong Sheng!"

"Going to Kong Sheng?"

"Yes." Lao Liu pulled another chicken leg and nodded heavily: "There is no trace of Saint Kong on the entire campus of Guozi University, and there is no Confucian Temple built nearby."

"You..." Liu Bowen almost sprayed a mouthful of tea in his face and said, "Your hands are too damaged. You are trying to dig up their ancestral graves!"

"Didn't they keep saying that 'the principles are often taught by names, and the teachings are taught by names'?" Lao Liu said with a smile: "Are they also saying that 'a gentleman is understood by righteousness, and a villain is understood by profit'? Let's see this time, what are they doing? Do you want fame or profit?"


Pang Pang Laoliu turned back into a fat monk.

Daoyan continued to peel the eggs and said with a smile:

"Ordinarily, stopping those three reforms is the top priority. As long as we stop them, we can stop the challenge to the status of Confucianism. At that time, the royal family will also have to respectfully invite the Confucian Temple back.

"But the core of Confucianism is 'correcting the name', so it is also called Mingjiao. Now that the King of Chu has moved their leader's tablet out of Taixue, they have no choice but to protect Confucius' name first. Otherwise, the name will be incorrect. If you don't follow your words, things won't happen if you don't follow your words. You can't even convince yourself, let alone others."

"Hmm." Liu Bowen nodded, and his words were exactly the same as what Lao Liu said. "Then, how many of the three reforms do you think will be rejected?"

"In fact, I can't refute any of them." Dao Yan smiled decisively:

"The Emperor and the King of Chu have a very good plan. First of all, they ask for a high price and pay back the money. Of the four things, Confucianism must give in to at least one thing, right? It must be the education reform that has already begun."

"And the decree officially announced by the imperial court cannot be revoked immediately. At most, it will be postponed and postponed, and finally nothing will be done. The reform of the official system will be a matter of three years, and the reform of the imperial examination will also have to wait three years. The first batch of college students will It will only be implemented after graduation. So whether it is postponed or not, it has no impact at all. As long as the emperor wants to do it, he can do it in three years..."

"So the poor monk predicts that in the end, 80% of them will take a step back. Guozi University will welcome the Confucius Temple again, and Shilin will accept the education reform of six studies and one hall. As for the reform of the imperial examination and official positions, let's put it on hold for now and discuss it later." After a while, he said in a deep voice:

"Of course, this is the case when scholars from both the government and the public work together and devote themselves to protecting the religion. If they show off, they may not be able to win back any of them."

"Yes." Liu Bowen nodded and said, "I have to admit that the monk has two brushes."

"Hehe..." Dao Yan smiled bitterly and said, "What's the use of that? It's just nonsense if you don't appreciate the talent. It's better to eat eggs..."

Then he started eating the fourteenth egg again...

"..." Old Liu was aroused by his appearance of reincarnated evil spirit. As long as the eggs are not boiled in urine, today will be an exception. Liu Bowen swallowed and said: "Don't do this. With the monk's intelligence, you don't know what I asked you to do?"

"What are you doing?" Dao Yan said vaguely, "I really don't know."

"Then forget it." Seeing him taking Qiao, Old Liu said lightly: "Please come back."

"Hey, hey, don't, don't," Daoyan quickly swallowed the egg yolk, beat his chest, and said with a smile on his face: "You are kidding, this poor monk knows that something good must happen, isn't this Dian Dian'er here?"

"How do you know there's something good going on?" Liu Ji glanced at him.

"I didn't do anything bad." Dao Yan said calmly.

"Isn't it a bad thing to teach a wise king?" Liu Bowen sneered.

"It's been so many years, and Mr. Xen doesn't look like someone who wants to settle old scores." Dao Yan said with a smile, "Besides, even if the incident comes to light, it will be the government that takes the person, not Mr. Xen who is looking for me."

"Haha..." Liu Bowen smiled and said, "I'm not looking for you."

"Is it...King of Chu?" Dao Yan's heart skipped a beat. Over the years, he has been trying to get close to the person he thinks is the best person to disrupt the world - the "Gone with the Wind" for short, but unfortunately he has been blocked by Liu Bowen. no chance.

Unexpectedly, the opportunity came inadvertently.

"Yes." Liu Bowen nodded and said calmly: "Your Highness asked me to talk to you first and ask if you are willing to go abroad for development? If you are not willing, there is no need to see him..."

"Uh, go abroad for development?" Dao Yan was stunned. This was something he really didn't expect.

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