Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 756 Absolute refusal

Lao Liu originally planned to write a big article on the theme of "Proving that the Earth is Round". The hype has become a hot topic of national concern, thus establishing the status of scientific authority in one fell swoop, making Guozi University a beacon guiding the progress of human civilization.

When he saw this record, Zhu Zhen felt relieved. Damn, is this different from what they said? Didn’t the ancient people know nothing except philosophy?

Lao Liu doesn't understand. Is this someone fooling us, or has this king traveled to the Ming Dynasty in a parallel world?

Now that the big article was ruined, I had to think of other ways to establish authority.

But there are advantages. At least this way, he doesn't have to explain why the earth is round. You can also display the globe in a generous manner and teach astronomy and geography directly in universities.

In fact, Zheng Zhangjun, the lieutenant of the Qintian Prison of the Ming Dynasty, was a disciple of Mr. Zhao Youqin, the governor. He had been hired by Zhu Zhen as a lecturer at Guozi University to teach the "New Book of Gexiang" to students.

Because in addition to astronomy, "The New Book of Gexiang" also has in-depth research on mathematics and optics, it was designated by the King of Chu as one of the required books in Guozi University. Not only science students must learn it, but also students in the other five studies and one library. .


Dao Yan pressed his broad palm on the globe, and the ball stopped spinning instantly.

"Confucianism is afraid of the theory that the earth is round, because it directly falsifies their theory that the sky is round and the earth is round." The monk, who had eaten and drank enough, said angrily:

"Then destroying their theory of 'response between heaven and man', making the theories they established since the Western Han Dynasty no longer able to withstand scrutiny."

"So after the Song Dynasty took over the dominant position, under their crazy suppression, the development of astronomy and mathematics has been stagnant. It was not until the Yuan Dynasty, when the status of Confucian scholars was low and they could no longer stop it, that astronomy and mathematics showed a spurt of development. , with these improvements.”

He said with a mocking smile: "In this dynasty, they succeeded in the restoration, and they are going to do their old tricks again. This time they have branded our Han people's achievements in astronomy and mathematics as the Hui Hui people's strange skills and crooked ways. , and also asked the court to ban private practice. It is like facing a powerful enemy! Your Highness knows how afraid they are."

"I thought the master was on good terms with Confucianism, but I didn't expect to have such a big opinion of them." Lao Liu looked at Dao Yan carefully, wondering whether he really thought so or said it deliberately to suit his own liking.

"A poor young monk studied Confucianism, but because it was empty, he gave up studying Taoism. However, the Taoism was also vague and unconvincing, so he turned to Buddhism." Daoyan said with a self-deprecating smile:

"I didn't expect that the three religions are all the same. I really don't know where to go. I can only live in Buddhism and muddle along."

As he spoke, he looked at Lao Liu eagerly, and said with sincerity in his magnetic voice:

"The poor monk has been wandering for half his life and has never met the enlightened master. If His Highness does not give up, the poor monk is willing to worship you, follow His Highness to the death, and create a new knowledge that can truly benefit the world!"

"Oh..." Lao Liu's pupils shrank suddenly. He didn't expect Dao Yan to know him so well. It seems that he really worked hard on himself.

If someone else had said this, Lao Liu would have taken him as a confidant, stayed by his side, and taken the bait... He would be a high ginseng.

It's a pity that the opposite person is Dao Yan, and Lao Liu knows him far better than others. Even to a certain extent, he understands Daoyan better than himself.

This is not an exaggeration, because at this time, the poor middle-aged monk Daoyan, who was trapped in the capital and had only become a junior monk, never dreamed that he could surpass his idol Liu Bingzhong in this life and single-handedly contributed to the Jingnan War. , assisted Lao Si to achieve the only successful miracle of a feudal king's rebellion in Chinese history.

And then he helped Lao Si to create martial arts and martial arts, and the unprecedented Yongle era established the peace of the Ming Dynasty for two hundred years...

So Lao Liu Tai knew that this fat monk who looked like a useless monk contained such destructive energy.

Although he didn't summon Dao Yan until today, in fact, from the beginning, it was impossible for Lao Liu to ignore this fat monk with triangular eyes.

It's just that Lao Liu has never been able to figure out how to deal with Dao Yan before. Did he just cut his head off without saying anything? Or should we grab him before the fourth brother? Or should he let it go and let him achieve the fateful reunion with his fourth brother after his mother's death?

Different choices are likely to lead history in completely different directions. How could Lao Liu be too cautious?

It wasn't until last winter that he finally made a choice, clarified his direction, and knew how to launch this life-threatening time nuclear bomb.


After Dao Yan finished speaking, he looked at Zhu Zhen calmly, and Zhu Zhen looked at Dao Yan calmly.

The two looked at each other for a while, and then Lao Liu sighed softly and said: "I asked Master to suppress you for five years, why didn't Master teach me a lesson? Do I have to suppress you for another ten years?"

When Dao Yan heard this, his expression finally changed. He always thought that Liu Bowen was causing trouble because he could not see the King of Chu. Unexpectedly, His Highness King Chu actually said it was his own intention.

Regardless of whether King Chu's words are true or false, his prejudice against himself cannot be false - King Chu believed that he would bring disaster to the country and the people, so how could he act like a fool in the Ming Dynasty?

No matter how much you jump around, you will be slapped to death...

Daoyan thought clearly about the pros and cons in an instant, and knew that he had no other choice but the path arranged by King Chu.

Even though he had already cultivated to an advanced level, he still couldn't hide his disappointment. His triangular eyes wrinkled into two points, and he almost cried: "Actually, I just want to follow His Highness and do something in my career. I really have nothing else." beg……"

Zhu Zhen nodded, knowing that what he said was not false. What Lao Liu admires most about Dao Yan is that after he succeeded in assisting Zhu Di in Jingnan, he was able to retreat bravely and showed no nostalgia for power.

It can only be said that some people rebel for power, some people rebel for revenge, and Daoyan rebels purely to display his abilities and not let this life be wasted...

Such a pure villain, free from vulgar taste, is truly unprecedented.

"I know the master's heart, but have you ever thought about it," Lao Liu said lightly: "Does the Ming Dynasty have room for you to show off?"

"Nothing at the moment..." Dao Yan said sincerely: "The emperor is at his peak in the Spring and Autumn Period and controls all directions. The prince is highly respected and stable as a mountain. This is not the time for a poor monk to show off."

"Neither will you in the future," Lao Liu said solemnly: "As long as I am here, no one can even think of causing trouble in the Ming Dynasty!"

"Yes..." Dao Yan no longer disagreed, but he didn't dare to say anything nonsense. If he talks too much at this time, His Highness can really make his bald head go away.

"Believe me, go to Annan. There is a stage for you there, and you can show off whatever abilities you have!" Lao Liu patted him on the shoulder and said in a deep voice.

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