"There's even better news!" When the crowd's cheers subsided, Dai Liang continued loudly:

"The emperor also agreed to rectify the Guozi University and immediately rebuild the Confucian Temple on the campus."


"Bless the saint..." The civil servants cried bitterly, hugged each other, danced and celebrated with each other.

The scene of forgetful celebration is enough to show how strong their sense of accomplishment and joy is at this moment.

If they hadn't knelt for a long time and couldn't stand up, they would have swarmed up and threw the older ones into the air to celebrate.

Song Lian and Hu Han watched this scene with smiles until someone suddenly asked: "By the way, have those three reforms been abolished?"

"..." Seeing the smiles on the four people's faces stagnant, the laughter in Fengtianmen Square also gradually became smaller.

"Why, could it be that all the work has not been completed?" Zheng Jiucheng looked at Song Lian eagerly and said with a smile: "There is one and a half things that have not been abolished, so there is no need to demand full blame."

"Yes, we have to save face for the emperor." Xue Xiang and others also nodded and said: "Which reform was left in the end?"

"It's not one of them." Su Boheng said with difficulty.

"Ah, two items?" The smiles of the civil servants disappeared completely, and the air in the square began to freeze. "No way, there are only three reforms in total, and the price is too high."

"No," Hu Han said quietly, "It's not two, it's three."

"What?!" The civil servants exclaimed in unison, unable to believe their ears. Zheng Jiuzheng stammered: "Three, all three reforms have not been abolished?"

"Yes." Song Lian and the other four nodded.

"No, how could you agree?!" Zheng Jiucheng stood up in a hurry, and then fell to the ground with a thud. "We talked about it, and all the reforms were unscathed. What a waste of time?!"

The dignified Minister of Rites was so anxious that he was furious.

"That's right, what we oppose is reform. If we don't change a single thing, where are you from?!" Many civil servants yelled.

Their positions are different from those of the great Confucian scholars. The great Confucians wanted more to rectify the status, but the civil servants wanted to abolish the three reforms by rectifying the status.

Although they are all disciples of Confucius and Mencius, their identities are different and their demands are naturally different. This is also the reason why the prince waited for Song Lian to come to Beijing to talk, instead of talking to Zheng Jiuzheng and Xue Xiang.

"Why are you talking?" The great Confucians were not happy to hear this. We spent so much time protecting our religion and rescuing you, why not only did we not appreciate it, but we even scolded us?

"The emperor is so arbitrary and arbitrary. If he can win two out of five things, what else can he be dissatisfied with?"

"Exactly! Are you going to ignore the status of Confucius and Mencius and solve your own problems first? How can you be called a disciple of Confucius and Mencius?!"

"Don't keep saying that you are doing justice for the sake of the two saints, but when things come to pass, you only make your own calculations. We can't say this kind of thing, you are shameless, and we still want it!"

"..." Faced with the reprimands of the great scholars, the civil servants were speechless.

Because it is a great principle to restore the status of Confucius and Mencius. The three reforms affected the interests of civil servants. Therefore, opposing the three reforms requires caution.

Confucius taught them, "A gentleman is understood by righteousness, and a villain is understood by benefit." Therefore, in the context of Confucianism, the petty thoughts of civil servants cannot be expressed at all, and they can only be suppressed by the great principles of the great Confucianists.

Of course there is definitely resentment...


The festive atmosphere in Fengtianmen Square disappeared, leaving only sighs.

At this time, Hu Weiyong and Cao Guogong led the other court officials into the Meridian Gate and stood in front of Fengtian Gate.

I saw that the great scholars and the civil servants were actually at odds with each other, like an angry father and a stubborn son. Hu Weiyong quickly asked Song Lian: "What's going on?"

Song Lian sighed and told Prime Minister Hu what had happened. Hu Weiyong then said seriously to the officials: "I have to tell you two things about this truth - you have to eat food one bite at a time and do things one by one. There is no big deal." It can be accomplished overnight, but if you always want to rush for success, how can you achieve great things?"

"..." After a moment of silence, Xue Xiang said in a muffled voice: "What Mr. Hu taught you is, but we kneel down this time with the determination to die and to turn everything over. Before the emperor agrees, we He won’t get up…”

Before Xue Butang could finish his words, he heard a "pop" sound and received a heavy slap from Hu Weiyong.

Xue Xiang was stunned, covering his face and looking at the angry Hu Weiyong. The civil servants were also stunned and looked at Prime Minister Hu in shock.

"A bunch of countless people, do you think your kneeling at the door is of much use?" Hu Weiyong's angry shouts echoed throughout Fengtianmen Square:

"I might as well tell you the truth clearly. It will be of some use, but not much. On the contrary, in order to save the lives of you people, the Crown Prince, the truth, and everyone from Zhongshu Province, Mr. Song and Mr. Dai all tried their best. Solution!”

"Mr. Song came here from his hometown in Dongyang day and night. After arriving in Beijing, he started running for you non-stop. He hasn't eaten a grain of rice since yesterday and hasn't even closed his eyes. What is he in a hurry? We people are here Why are you so anxious? Aren’t you just worried that you will die here?!”

Hu Weiyong's level was higher than that of the great Confucians, and his words dispelled the arrogance of the civil servants.

No matter how shameless a person is, he cannot act arrogantly in front of his ‘saviour’.

"Yes, you are not afraid of death. Are you afraid of the emperor? Even if you die a thousand times or ten thousand times, you will not shake the will of the emperor who walked out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood." Hu Weiyong said seriously:

"Only Xiaozhi's emotion and reason can make the emperor change his mind. Now, out of the five things, it is already very good that the emperor can agree to two.

"Listen to the truth and let's stop here this time. You have restored your status as the Second Saint. You have been very successful. Everyone in the world will praise you. But if you push further, the two things you have promised may not be counted. , then you will become a laughing stock!"

"..." The expressions of the civil servants gradually relaxed, and many people began to nod involuntarily. After kneeling for a day and a night, they had indeed reached their limit. It’s especially easy to listen to advice at times like this.

Moreover, the great Confucians had already voted first. If they persisted, they would not even be able to shout slogans for the two sages Confucius and Mencius. If you lose your noble cloak, how can you still win the sympathy of the public?

Once they lose the support of the public, they are just a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of Boss Zhu. If you continue to toss, you will only lose your life in vain, and as Hu Xiang said, you will become a laughing stock.

The civil servants quickly figured out the pros and cons, and apologized to Song Lian and other great scholars one after another: "Gentlemen, don't blame me, we were too impatient."

"Yes, we listen to Mr. Song. If you say it's okay, that's fine."

"Okay, anyone who has been kneeling for a day can understand their emotions." Song Lian walked down the slope and said: "Don't worry, we are just not opposed to the three reforms now. If they do anything wrong in the future, reverse the principles and insult our holy religion, we will You can still speak out."

"Okay everyone," Hu Weiyong said with a smile: "Hurry up and put the quilt away and tidy up your appearance. It's time to welcome the emperor."

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