Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 776 I’m afraid that my brother will have a hard time

In order to save face, Ge Si asserted: "This is a deliberate invitation for a chef to entertain us. Ordinary students will definitely not be able to eat it."

"But, the students in the cafeteria all eat the same food as us." The officials under his command had already been paying attention.

"This is an illusion created by them. They are really good at appearances!" Ge Si sneered: "But there are several canteens in Guozi University, and it is definitely not like this elsewhere. Otherwise, even if the King of Chu has a golden mountain, it will be empty. ”

In order to prove his guess, Hesi didn't eat any food and led people to conduct a surprise inspection on several other canteens of Guozi University. As a result, they found good news and bad news.

The good news is that the food in other cafeterias is indeed different from the dishes in the first cafeteria.

The bad news is that although the dishes are different, the Chunlan Qiuju and Chunlan Qiuju are good at each and the quality is the same.

For example, the Dongpo Pork and Braised Fish Head in the Second Canteen are more honest and honest; the Roasted Rabbit Nuggets with Carrots and Cucumber Chicken Meatballs in the Third Canteen are fresher and more refreshing, and more in line with the taste of Mr. Hao.

After swallowing his saliva, Nesi had to admit that the food in every canteen was equally good.

This made him despair. Officials who have lived through troubled times know very well what this means——

This means that the financial resources of Guozi University are completely beyond imagination, which means that the loyalty of Guozi students to the royal family will be unbreakable and there is no possibility of being coaxed over.

A few years later, when this group of enthusiastic and fanatical royalists poured into the officialdom, their skinny Confucian officials simply couldn't resist, okay?

Ge Si finally realized that today's compromise was a big defeat... But it was hard to recover. If they dared to overturn the compromise just reached, the emperor could really knock down the memorial tablets of Confucius and Mencius.

Moreover, the civil servants were exhausted, many of them fell ill directly, and they no longer had the ability to cause trouble in a short time...

Standing at the foot of Jilong Mountain, Nesi looked back at the brightly lit Guozi University, as if he saw a giant dragon about to rise into the sky, which was already unstoppable.

"Alas..." Ge Si sighed deeply and said to his left and right, "The more I think about it, the more I feel that the Confucian Temple at Guozi University is pretty good."

"Yes, it is unique and unique." All officials from the Ministry of Etiquette agreed. Obviously everyone understands the psychology of Shi Lang.

Although the Ministry of Etiquette is the superior government office of Guozi University, the wine ministers of Guozi University are the two princes, and they will only be the ones to suffer if there is a dispute.

On the contrary, if we open the door a little more conveniently and improve the relationship between the two parties, there will definitely be a lot of benefits. If nothing else, it’s because they have a meal card in their hands that they can use for free at any time. If it’s too rigid, how can they be embarrassed to come for free?

Therefore, the Ministry of Rites reached a tacit agreement and decided to only mention the cost of the Confucian Temple in the memorial, without mentioning the size...


After seeing off the inspecting officials from the Ministry of Rites, Song Ne and Luo Guanzhong walked side by side on the quiet campus.

As he walked, Song Ne shook his head and sighed.

"What's wrong? Are you not used to giving gifts for the first time?" Luo Guanzhong asked with a smile, "Do you think you are dirty?"

"It's a bit. But I didn't give gifts before because I was too poor." Song Ne sighed: "Besides, Guozi University has made too many enemies, so it is necessary to have a good relationship with the local government."

"I never expected that an unruly celebrity like Mr. Guanzhong would be so good at giving gifts. I want to learn from you." After saying that, he glanced at Luo Guanzhong and couldn't help but smile:

"A meal card is not considered a bribe. It is given naturally and received calmly. What's even better is that once they accept it, they subconsciously want to have a good relationship with us. Otherwise, why would they bother to pay for it?"

"Haha, I just think you are complimenting me." Luo Guanzhong also smiled and said: "It's nothing. After being treated like a child for a long time, you will learn to be a child."

"..." Song Ne actually understood the meaning of 'piyouai', and was obviously deeply affected by it. He nodded with deep understanding and said: "I hope I can learn that shit soon..."

"I was actually sweating this afternoon, worried that you would have an attack when you saw that small Confucian Temple." Luo Guanzhong said happily:

"But Si Ye still takes the overall situation into consideration."

"What can I do? I've already boarded the pirate ship, so I can only do evil." Song Ne said with a wry smile:

"It's just that His Highness built this small temple. No matter how much money he spent or how nice he said it, his intentions are clear."

"It's just to reduce the influence of Confucianism on students." No outsider, Luo Guanzhong did not mince words.

"Yes, no matter how much emphasis is placed on the importance of Confucian classics. Your Highness's tendency is so obvious, I am afraid that the officials trained by Guozi University in the future will not follow the rules and follow the rules of the monarch and his ministers." Song Ne said worriedly:

"Don't His Highness know the usefulness of Confucianism to his old Zhu family?"

"How could you not know? He and Liu Bowen have been thinking about it all day long, and their intestines have emptied out countless times. How could they not have thought of such a simple truth?" Luo Guanzhong shook his head and said seriously:

"Do you know why he treats me so badly, but I still follow him without complaint?"

"He can write a book for you." Song Ne said.

"No..." Luo Guanzhong almost choked on his spit, and said helplessly to Song Ne: "It's because he has a big enough structure, and he has not only the old Zhu family in mind, but also the entire Ming Dynasty."

"Well, that's true." Song Ne nodded and said with deep understanding: "Historical books mention that emperors of all dynasties all have the phrase 'rarely ambitious, but with the world in mind', but in fact they still want to turn the world into the private property of one family and one surname. , people like His Highness can truly have the world in mind."

"It feels so numb." Luo Guanzhong suddenly shuddered.

"Indeed." Song Ne also felt like vomiting, so the two of them tacitly changed the topic and instead scolded the sixth man for not being a good person.

Well, it’s still so satisfying…


Under the protection of officials from the Ministry of Rites, this small Confucian temple on Jilong Mountain finally caused no more disturbances.

Although many civil servants criticized the Confucian Temple that was built in one day, the previous energy had been released and they were really unable to bother with it.

We have to admire the flexibility and resourcefulness of civil servants. Seeing that he was unable to change the size of the Confucian Temple, he changed his mind and began to promote the miracle of "a temple built in one day", in order to prove that there must be a Confucian Temple in Imperial College, and it is God's arrangement...

No matter what, the 'February Wave' caused by Lao Liu finally passed without any danger.

Teachers and students also put their hearts back in their stomachs. With the warmth of spring and the flowers blooming, various teaching tasks began to be carried out in an orderly manner.

The giant ship full of hope, Guozi University, finally set sail slowly but firmly on Jilong Mountain amid the sound of reading.

"It's not easy..." In the Arctic Pavilion, His Royal Highness King Chu looked down at the campus he had built with his own hands, feeling full of accomplishment.

"Sure enough, the fruits of hard work are the sweetest."

"Shit, it's all the old man and eldest brother who have suffered, not you..." Lao Si curled his lips. He thought that Lao Liu would shed his skin this time even if he didn't die, so he thought of all kinds of ways to comfort him. It even included giving him a few beauties. Unexpectedly, Lao Liu was not injured at all, and did not suffer at all. In the end, none of his moves were used.

This is really infuriating. It’s also called ‘I’m afraid that my brother will have a hard time, but I’m also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover’.

Especially since it was his turn to take the blame again, the fourth child's feeling became even stronger.

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