Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 792 The Last Night

Zhongshu Province, Zuo Prime Minister's office.

Hu Weiyong and Chen Ning played chess under the lamp.

In the past, when the rain was hitting the banana trees outside the window and the lights were dancing inside, playing a game at this time would be the ultimate enjoyment in life.

But today, Chen Ning felt restless. He played chess purely to distract his attention, otherwise it would be too painful.

"Isn't it time to break into the Hot Spring Palace now?" Chen Ning couldn't help but ask.

"Who knows?" Hu Weiyong shook his head and said calmly: "I have no regrets, I can only wait for the result."

"Oh, this night has been so long." Chen Ning said depressedly, "I really hope the results will come out soon, so I can recognize whether they are good or bad."

"You should think from another angle." Hu Weiyong said steadily: "If the result is not good, this will be the last night for us to look bad. Thinking about it this way, shouldn't we enjoy the moment?"

"It's true." Chen Ning nodded and tried to calm down, but he quickly gave up and said: "Forget it, I don't have that ability..."

"Haha, I haven't reached home yet in practice." Hu Weiyong smiled slightly, set an example, and picked up a white seed, waiting for it to fall steadily.

At this moment, there was a sudden 'bang' sound, and the door was pushed open violently. Hu Weiyong shivered in fright, and the chess piece in his hand fell on the chessboard, smashing his big dragon into pieces.

Then they saw Hood running in in a panic, as if he had seen a ghost, and kept looking back. As a result, he tripped on the threshold and fell heavily to the ground.

"What are you doing, so flustered?!" Hu Weiyong glanced at the chessboard and felt very unlucky.

"Uncle, uncle is not good, the sixth man is here!" Hu De said with a calm face: "As soon as you enter the Yamen, you will arrest anyone you see, and you will not let anyone go."

"Ah?" Chen Ning was so shocked that he overturned the chessboard and was about to run away.

"Where else can we escape?" Hu Weiyong smiled bitterly and said without moving, "Save some dignity."

How could Chen Ning listen? A gust of wind blew into the heavy rain.

However, in the blink of an eye, he stumbled back again, still soaked like a drowned rat.

"They are all soldiers, soldiers are everywhere." Chen Ning wiped the water on his face. He didn't know if it was rain, snot, or tears.

Hu Weiyong glanced outside the door and saw that the rain curtain outside was glowing with yellow light, which was reflected by countless lights and torches. Apparently the entire Zhongshu Province has been surrounded.

"I thought you were a cruel person, Old Chen..." He looked at Chen Ning again and sighed in disappointment: "I didn't expect you were so cowardly at heart."

"I..." Chen Ning didn't bother to defend himself and asked: "You really won't recruit us?"

"I keep what I say." Hu Weiyong said and gave Hu De a wink, and Hu De pulled out his knife and stabbed Chen Ning through the back.

Chen Ning was just about to breathe a sigh of relief and say thank you when he felt a chill on his vest. He lowered his head in disbelief and saw the bloody tip of the knife piercing the golden pheasant patch on his chest. Blood gurgled out, and his consciousness and strength disappeared quickly... …

"伱, you lied..." Chen Ning pointed at Hu Weiyong with his last strength.

"I didn't lie. I only promised not to betray you, but I didn't say I wouldn't kill you." Hu Weiyong looked at Chen Ning who was slowly collapsing expressionlessly and said, "I didn't intend to kill you. I must have a few accomplices. Otherwise, how useless would it be?"

"But looking at how cowardly you are, you will definitely not be able to survive the torture of Old Sixth. You know too much, so just shut up forever." Hu Weiyong sighed softly, and Chen Ning could no longer hear the rest of the words.

At this time, dense footsteps sounded outside, and King Chu's soldiers and horses were approaching Zuo Prime Minister's Office.

"Uncle, is this over?" Hood asked sadly.

"Yes." Hu Weiyong nodded and sighed: "Lao Liu's coming at this time shows that all our actions are under the control of the emperor."

Hu De thought about it. The news from Tangshan hadn't come back yet, and Lao Liu moved here first, which only meant that he had been targeted for a long time.

"How could this happen?" Hood murmured. He admitted that there were a few moments when he dreamed of becoming a prince.

"Normally, victory or defeat is a matter of military strategists. What's more, our opponent is the Hongwu Emperor who can rival the Qin Emperor and the Han Dynasty." Hu Weiyong said with a clear face: "Besides, the outcome of my victory or defeat will not be known until long after my death." Woolen cloth."

"..." Hu De was confused, but he could understand Hu Weiyong's next sentence:

"De'er, are you afraid of pain?"

"Not afraid..." Hood shook his head, but his voice was trembling.

"Think about it again. If you think you can't survive the extra punishment from Lao Liu, give yourself a break." Hu Weiyong stuffed something into his hand, and after saying that, he walked to the door and shouted loudly to Hu Bo who led the team in. road:

"Uncle Nanchang, do you have any wishes?"

"Of course!" Hu Bo said coldly: "I'll announce it to you when we get in."

"It's better to declare it first before arresting people, otherwise the rules will be broken." Hu Weiyong said calmly: "Uncle Nanchang must remember the lesson of losing your virginity if you don't keep secrets."

"I remember you big-headed devil!" It's a pity that a rough guy like Hu Bo can't appreciate such fine words. He spat at Hu Weiyong, waved his hand and said, "Take them all down!"

The guards of the Prince of Chu's Mansion swarmed forward and first held Hu Weiyong down. The others rushed into the official building, but they were all stunned when they saw two dead bodies lying on the ground... To be precise, they were a dead man and a half-dead man.

The person who died was a high-ranking official wearing a scarlet robe, probably Chen Ning, Zuo Cheng, Zhongshu.

The half-dead one was so terrifying. His whole body was twitching violently, his body was weirdly bent backwards, and his head and feet even tended to touch each other...

But even though he was suffering unimaginable pain, that man had a weird smile on his face...

The sudden sight of such a valuable thing in the middle of the night frightened the soldiers to their cores.

There was a crack of lightning, and someone screamed in horror.

He received a heavy kick from Hu Bo on the buttocks and said: "You are worthless and have no knowledge. You are so scared that you are so scared."

"..." The soldiers came to their senses in shame, and some quickly called for a military doctor.

"No need, it's hopeless." Hu Bo shook his head. People are like this, and even gods can't save them.

"Xiang Hu's men are quite ruthless. This is the first time I've seen someone commit suicide with Qian Ji Powder." Hu Bo glanced at Hu Weiyong and teased: "Just wipe the neck with a knife, wouldn't it be pleasant?"

"I tricked him into eating it." Hu Weiyong said calmly: "He made me kill my son with my own hands, so he deserves this punishment."

"Good guy..." Hu Bo was speechless.

Sure enough, after struggling for another twenty breaths, the man died, and his feet and head actually connected, forming a zero.

"What are you doing standing still? Everything with words must be sealed. No word is allowed to be missed!" Hu Bo gave the order.

"Yes!" The soldiers responded in unison and began to carefully search Hu Weiyong's room.

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