Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 803 Kill the person first and kill the heart first

Boss Zhu never stays overnight if he wants to kill people. From this perspective, Hu Tian was indeed given a favor to Hu Xiang when he was sentenced to be executed after the fall of the Qiu Dynasty.

Soon after Hu Weiyong was taken back to the prison, the Jin Yiwei sent him a beheading meal.

Jin Yiwei placed four dishes, one soup and a pot of wine on the table, and removed the shackles for him. Hu Weiyong sat down at the table, moved his neck and said with a smile:

"Everyone eats dinner at night, but the emperor changed his lunch. He is really impatient."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Do you want to eat?" Qianhu, who took the lead, said angrily: "If you don't eat, you will be as hungry as your son."

"Of course..." Hu Weiyong picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick up a piece of meat when he froze. "What did you say?"

"I said your son didn't get to eat the rice that was decapitated." Qianhu said with a smile: "Don't you know, Mr. Hu? I heard that your son kept talking about it on the way to the execution ground."

"I don't know!" Hu Weiyong suddenly lost all his appetite and asked angrily: "Why don't you give him food without decapitating him, are you deliberately letting Tianci starve to death?!"

"Hu, please don't bite anyone you catch." Qianhu glared and said, "Your son started working in the Ministry of Punishment, and our Jin Yiwei had not yet been established at that time!"

"..." Hu Weiyong thought so and stopped having the attack. After thinking about it again, I roughly understand what is going on. The people from the Ministry of Punishment were not willing to deliberately torture his son, so most likely his son was replaced after the fool was decapitated.

The people in the Ministry of Punishment didn't know what was going on, and of course they would not give a person two meals to be decapitated. As a result, Hu Tianci could only starve to death...

"This is killing people first, killing your heart first..." Hu Weiyong burst into tears when he thought that his son was traveling on an empty stomach. At this time, even the delicacies from the mountains and seas were placed in front of him, and he couldn't take a bite.

As a result, for half an hour, he didn't move a single chopstick and only drank all the wine in the pot. Because the other party told him that his son drank the farewell wine.

"Hu Xiang really loves his son as much as his life." Qianhu said with a smile: "Hey, actually it's not like that. Anyway, in the blink of an eye, I saw your damn son."

"What do you know?" Hu Weiyong said even more worriedly after drinking wine: "How can a father eat if he knows his son is hungry?"

Qianhu was about to speak when suddenly another Jin Yiwei came over from outside and whispered a few words to him. Qianhu then smiled at Hu Weiyong and said, "Congratulations to Prime Minister Hu. Although I won't be able to see my son before going on the road, the Emperor has mercy. You can Meet your wife.”

"I don't want to..." Hu Weiyong shook his head.

"No, you think." How could Qianhu listen to him? "You have to see him if the emperor asks you to."

"Alas..." Hu Weiyong sighed and saw Mrs. Li wearing the clothes of a female prisoner being taken into the cell.

This was the first time the couple met after Mr. Li returned to her parents' home last year.

Hu Weiyong committed a serious crime of treason, and his wife's family would definitely be implicated, so she and her family were captured and brought back to Beijing.

The two of them had long lost any emotion, only indifference, resentment, and disgust.

As soon as Mrs. Li came in, she pointed at him and yelled: "Hu Weiyong, you beast, it's not enough to kill my brother, you also want to kill my whole family. Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

"Your father was just a basket weaver back then. The whole family has enjoyed prosperity and wealth with me for so many years, and we have already earned enough."

Hu Weiyong lost all dignity at this time and retorted: "I wish I didn't ask you to compensate my son."

"Compensate for your son?" Mrs. Li smiled coldly and said with infinite sarcasm: "Why are you so sure that he is your son? After so many years, you have never doubted whether he is your son?"

"What do you mean?!" Hu Weiyong immediately became furious.

"What I said is clear enough." Mrs. Li also ignored everything and loudly said in front of everyone: "Back then, you couldn't give birth to a son, and you called me a chicken that couldn't lay eggs all day long. I was so angry when you scolded me. I looked for a wild man outside to see if it was my problem, and it turned out right away!"

"What did you say?!" Hu Weiyong was furious and roared in the cell: "Say you lied to me on purpose! The emperor sent you here just to make my life uneasy, right?!"

"Yes or no." Everyone was on death row, and Mrs. Li was no longer afraid of him. She could finally say with all her strength: "The emperor deliberately sent me to disgust you! But I didn't lie to you. My son is not your son." !”

"You're talking nonsense!" Hu Weiyong violently overturned the table, roaring like a wounded beast.

"Why are you so excited? You haven't figured it out yet? From appearance to temperament, how does your son resemble you? Besides, I won't stop you. Why haven't you taken concubines all these years? Don't you just know that you don't have the ability?! "Li's output does little damage, but is extremely insulting.

"You fart!!" Hu Weiyong collapsed completely and went crazy to rush forward and tear Ms. Li alive. The two powerful Jinyi guards behind him barely managed to hold him down.

It wasn't until Li was taken away that Hu Weiyong gradually calmed down. Then, as if his strength had been drained, he collapsed on the ground and cried loudly.

"Woo... ow, you are so ruthless, superior! Didn't you say you want me to go on the road with a smile? How can you make me laugh?"

If God gave him another chance to come back, he would definitely talk to Boss Zhu well earlier.

"Oh, if I had known it, I would have had my head cut off." Looking at the mess on the ground, Hu Weiyong regretted it.

"Let me tell you." Qianhu sighed and said, "I don't have anything to eat anymore. Let's go on the road with an empty stomach."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Jin Yiwei came in and began to make preparations before the execution.

After all, Jinyiwei was just established, and it was not as standardized as the Criminal Department, and the process was not that cumbersome. Without the step of verifying his true identity, he was tied up directly, a red flower was placed on his head, and he was taken to the statue of the prison god to kowtow incense.

For his pity sake, Qianhu brought him another bowl of farewell wine. Then they put the shackles on him again, pushed him out of the cell door, and put him in the prison car.

Hundreds of heavily armed government officers and soldiers escorted the prison van out of the Jinyiwei Yamen and arrived at the bustling West Chang'an Street.

However, he was not escorted to the execution ground immediately. Instead, he was paraded along Chang'an Street along the Qinhuai River.

The Jin Yiwei waved flags, beat gongs, and shouted at the top of their lungs: "Hu Weiyong, the traitor and traitor, is being escorted to the execution ground!"

The common people soon heard the commotion, and thousands of people came to watch.

In the late autumn of last year, they saw with their own eyes Mr. Hu, who was running rampant in Nanjing, being led to the execution ground. Unexpectedly, less than a year later, I would see Hu Weiyong on the execution ground again.

This eye blessing is absolutely amazing!

The treatment Mr. Hu enjoyed at the beginning was not the same as his father. Nanjing citizens regarded all kinds of garbage and feces as "parting gifts" and threw them like raindrops at Hu Weiyong.

In fact, Hu Weiyong himself is not that hateful, but people hate him so much that he is Hu Tianci's father?

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