Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 809 There are many tricks in Beijing, I want to go back to the countryside

In the Wenhua Hall, the atmosphere was a little subtle.

"Aren't you as stupid as me?" the prince looked at the fourth child and asked.

"That's not true. Don't you always teach me how important it is for people to know themselves?" The fourth child quickly apologized and said with a smile:

"Not only compared to Xie Lai, but also compared to Lao Liulai, I am far behind in terms of civility and governance."

Lao Liu almost burst into laughter when he heard this. The majestic Emperor Yongle said that he was not as good as others in martial arts. He was really too modest.

Busy suppressed his laughter and said, "Brother, everyone has their own ambitions, so don't force me on my fourth brother."

"Okay." The prince nodded slowly, and then showed his face to the fourth son: "Then we will arrange for you to join us after a while."

"Hey, thank you so much, brother!" The fourth child said happily as if he had received an amnesty: "My brother has gone to the north, and I will not embarrass you!"

"Yes. I believe it." The prince smiled and nodded, and added: "I am drafting the list of commanders of the Twelve Guards. In this case, the commander of the Jinyi Guards will be replaced by someone else."

Lao Si and Lao Liu knew about going to the Twelve Guards. It was Boss Zhu who planned to take advantage of this time to set up five palaces and change the bodyguards from the direct army back to the direct jurisdiction of the emperor.

Preliminary preparations have been made to set up twelve guards to protect the personal army, and the Jinyi Guards are one of them.

"It should be so." The fourth child smiled and nodded: "This Jin Yiwei will be too important in the future. Big brother still has to find a long-term and reliable candidate."

"Yes." Lao Liu also agreed: "We brothers can't work together for a long time, so we still need to find someone who will be long-term."

"Yeah." The prince thought for a moment and asked the two of them, "How is Mao Xiang?"

"Who?!" Lao Si almost jumped up and said, "Isn't that kid a rebel? I almost chopped him into pieces that day."

"Haha, he is not a rebel." The prince shook his head and smiled: "He was raised by his father and will not betray his father."

"Fuck, it's a conspiracy..." The fourth child couldn't help but cursed: "Then, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"How should I say..." The prince hesitated.

"Haha, I already told you it was inappropriate." Lao Liu came to his rescue with a smile.

"I understand." Lao Si's heart was clear and clear. At that time, if Boss Zhu admitted that Mao Xiang was one of his own, wouldn't it be obvious that he was fishing for law enforcement and deliberately luring Hu Weiyong to rebel?

Now that Zhongshu has been withdrawn and the overall situation has been decided, Boss Zhu doesn't care about mere lies. Of course, he must give Mao Xiang fair treatment.

"..." The fourth child didn't ask any more, but his heart was in turmoil as ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped past.

It is now clear that Hu Weiyong's rebellion had long been anticipated by his father, and was even deliberately promoted by his elders.

In fact, the latter is more likely. After the review, it can be clearly seen that the father made up his mind to depose the prime minister and withdraw the Central Secretary last year when he bombarded the Ji'an Marquis Mansion and Hu Weiyong led the ministers to force the palace.

But things like deposing the prime minister and withdrawing the Central Committee requires sufficient and irrefutable reasons. Perhaps the most appropriate one is that the prime minister conspired to rebel.

Therefore, the father not only killed Hu Tianci, but also asked Hu Weiyong to supervise the execution in person, which was to force him onto the path of rebellion.

After that, whether Chen Ning was transferred to Zhongshu Province, or Ding Yu was appointed as the left governor, or he instigated Mao Xiang to pretend to accept Hu Weiyong's win over, they were all to create conditions and build confidence for Hu Weiyong.

It is estimated that my father, a workaholic, suddenly went to Tangshan to soak in the hot springs, and even took his eldest brother with him, just to make Hu Weiyong feel that the opportunity was too late and not come back, so that he could take action as soon as possible.

Father's routine is so deep, no wonder Lao Liu talks about an old thief when he is angry, it is really appropriate...

Of course, he could only think about these malicious speculations by himself, and he would not dare to tell Lao Liu.

However, this once again verifies the correctness of what the princess said: "Hide your humbleness, bide your time, and become a vassal as soon as possible."

The fourth child finally firmly determined not to wade through the muddy waters of the capital...


When the three brothers came to Qianqing Palace, Zhu Yuanzhang was still busy.

When he saw his sons arriving, he happily put down the work at hand, stretched his arms and stood up and said:

"Come on, I'm really happy today. Let the four of us have a good drink!"

"Okay." The brothers hurriedly responded and invited their father to the table.

"Remove the wine cup, it's sour, replace it with a wine bowl!" After Zhu Yuanzhang sat down, he felt that the wine cup was too small to hold his happiness tonight.

Eunuch Wu quickly brought the wine bowls and filled four of them for the master.

"Come on, let's go first!" Zhu Yuanzhang happily picked up the bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

The three brothers also quickly drank it all. Zhu Yuanzhang wiped his lips, looked at Lao Liu who was sitting next to him triumphantly and said:

"Hahaha, Lao Liu, are you convinced? What does it mean to be ginger or old to be spicy? You are still too young, learn from it..."

"Yes, yes." Lao Liu rolled his eyes secretly, knowing that this was going to happen.

After finishing three bowls of wine, Boss Zhu boasted more and more proudly. The problem is that he just brags about it, and he also disparages Lao Liu from time to time.

"Those three reforms in Chun Li made a man hang himself. If Hu Weiyong hadn't had other ideas at the time, you would have been beaten to death."

"Ah, yes, yes," Lao Liu said angrily.

"If you are not modest, you will not make progress..." Boss Zhu said with a loud tongue:

"Look at your father, these two things are much more difficult than your three reforms, right? Look at how beautifully I have done it. I have been hiding for thousands of miles, but I have not made any moves. Once I take action, I will not give them any chance to fight back!" He was beaming. He patted his chest and said:

"This is the real strategist. You are still young, boy."

"Ouch, ouch, ouch." Lao Liu said perfunctorily, but he was speechless. Why do you want to belittle others when you brag about yourself? Even if you want to belittle someone, you can't just shine a light on someone.

The prince couldn't stand it anymore, and to be fair, he said: "This time, the fourth and sixth brothers also made great efforts. Without them having done enough work in advance, today's court meeting would not have gone so smoothly."

"Hey, you three guys, why don't you blame me for committing such crimes and end up in jail?" Boss Zhu smiled happily and said, "You were so embarrassed when you argued with me a few days ago."

Lao Si and Lao Liu said to themselves, we don't have the courage. If we say something unpleasant, the soles of our shoes will be thrown in our faces. It's still noisy...

"It was the son who contradicted the father, not the two of them." The prince said with a wry smile: "Actually, even now, the son still feels that this reform 'abolition of the Zhongshu and the division of power into six departments' has greatly upgraded the status of the six departments, and the power of the six ministers is definitely A rising tide lifts all boats, and they don’t resist it from the bottom of their hearts, and even welcome it.”

He sighed softly and said: "Maybe they will agree without using that method."

"No." Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head decisively and said: "You tell them carefully, they will definitely not agree. Officialdom is not a battlefield, it is about human relations, and the party is the same and the party is different. They have to consider the interests of their fellow parties. And they are also counting on themselves. One day I will be able to pay homage to the prime minister. Even if I can't eat for a while, I won't let you smash the pot."

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