Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 824 The King of Double Swords

After Lao Liu learned about the situation in Japan, he knew that he could not rely solely on naval battles to solve the problem.

However, both his commercial fleet and Yu Tongyuan's Japanese navy were good at water warfare but not at land warfare. The three guards of the King of Chu were trained by their two uncles and were skilled in both land and water. They can be regarded as the earliest marines in the Ming Dynasty.

Lao Liu was still worried, so he took one of his future father-in-law, Wang Bi, the Marquis of Dingyuan, with him.

Although Wang Bi was a naughty official and sold his daughter to seek peace, his position as Dingyuan Marquis did not come from selling his daughter. The reputation of the 'King of Two Swords' is not gained by chopping tofu.

At that time, he was the pioneer of Chang Yuchun, the most powerful man in the Ming Dynasty. Even King Kaiping admired his fierce general brother. It was the can opener that Lao Liu was preparing to use to attack the city. Unexpectedly, he would use it in this first battle...

Wang Bi was also very excited. After all, the stone wall was a line of defense that even Kublai Khan's Yuan army could not break through. If I win it, I can definitely brag about it for the rest of my life.

So he happily accepted the order and quickly discussed the specific division of labor with Hu Quan and Hu Bo. The troops participating in the war also started preparations for the war in full swing. Although the Three Guards of the King of Chu have not officially opened yet, from the officers to the soldiers, they are all veterans who have been on the battlefield, and the general does not need to worry about these things.

At noon, fifty warships carrying 10,000 landing troops left the anchorage of the main fleet at the mouth of Hakata Bay and slowly approached the pier that had been burned to ashes.

Yu Tongjiang's reconnaissance ship has previously proven that Hakata Bay is a deep-water port. There is no need to worry about whether the warship will run aground if it gets too close to the shore.

Under the command of the officer, the sailors shouted trumpets together and pushed the rudder to turn the warship, forming a battle line and facing the enemy sideways.


Seeing the Ming warships lined up on the shore, with their broadsides facing them, this made the Japanese soldiers on the stone wall a hundred feet away confused... After the Ming army discovered the sulfur they had buried in the houses in the port area, they hid it again There was no point anymore, so the Japanese troops rushed to the top of the city and prepared to defend the city.

Guarding this sacred mountain that protects the country are the three major tycoons of Kyushu, known as the Kyushu Trio: Yaicheng, the family governor of the Chizen Shoer family, the family governor of the Bungo Otomo family, and Ujihisa, the family governor of the Satsuma Shimazu clan.

These three families are native Kyushu daimyo, and they have the unshirkable responsibility to defend their hometown. They were the main force against the Yuan army a hundred years ago. The commander who resisted the Yuan army for the first time was Shaoer Jingzi, the great-grandfather of Shaoer Laicheng.

A hundred years later it will still be these three families standing on this stone wall.

But the actions of the Ming army made them confused. Why did they set up this formation? Was it just for the convenience of docking? But the boat didn't really dock. It was still several feet away from the shore.

Fortunately, the Ming army did not let them wonder for too long. After arranging the formation, the navy officers skillfully opened the cannon window, pushed out the cannon, loaded the gunpowder pellets, inserted the fuse, and prepared to ignite the cannon.

"It's artillery!" The distance between the two sides was less than one mile, and the movements of the Ming army could be seen clearly with eyesight. The three of them were not unfamiliar with Honshu daimyo. Although they had not seen it with their own eyes, they had heard of such large firearms from merchants and Japanese pirates.

But Japan in this era didn't even have artillery, let alone artillery. Therefore, they had no intuitive feeling about the power of artillery. They just looked at the densely packed gun barrels on those battleships and instinctively felt their scalp numb.

"There are so many." Young Master Laicheng exclaimed. Now they understood why the Ming army had to face them sideways, just to use as many cannons as possible.

"How can their artillery hit such a long distance?" Shimazu Ujihisa was the only one who had seen artillery with his own eyes. It was when the Ming Dynasty pirates showed off their firepower to him and performed an artillery bombardment demonstration, but in his impression, the cannonballs It started to fall before it could fly more than a hundred feet.

"You'll know after you take a look." Dayou said calmly.

So the three of them stood on the stone wall, watching helplessly as the Ming army fired and fired.

I saw the Ming army lighting the fuse with a torch, and the fuse sparkled, quickly igniting the gunpowder in the gun barrel, and spitting out fire snakes from the muzzle. Immediately afterwards came the earth-shattering rumble of cannons, and large iron balls the size of melons roared towards them with thunderous force.

Facts have proved that the Ming army's artillery shells can not only fly over, but also come with fierce force. Many Japanese soldiers stood on the wall watching the scene. Before they could react, their hands and feet were bitten off by the spinning shells, their heads were eaten, and their chests were smashed open.

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere on the wall, and stumps flew everywhere. The injured Japanese soldiers fell to the ground screaming in pain, and fell off the wall like dumplings.

The three of them were lucky. The shell closest to them only smashed the head of their guarding warrior and splashed the brains of the young boy, Laicheng, who had a white face.

The three of them hurriedly lay down to hide in embarrassment. Seeing that the samurai and ashigaru beside them were still standing there and being shot, they quickly yelled at them to get down too.

More cannonballs hit the stone wall, each shot throwing up countless gravel chips and leaving a crater as big as a bowl. Dozens of artillery shells came up at the same time, shaking the stone wall slightly. It feels like it will collapse at any time...

Many ashigaru were so frightened that they jumped off the stone wall and hid several feet away, lest the stone wall collapse and crush them.

The samurai quickly drew out their swords and drove the ashigaru back to their positions with hoarse voices. The scene was extremely chaotic.

At this time, the three of them discovered that the Ming army was beginning to land. They rowed small boats and transported soldiers to the shore in waves from the big ships.

This wave of artillery fire was obviously to cover the landing. Sure enough, under the unexpected bombardment, the Japanese troops at the Stone Wall Defense Line were in chaos. They had no time to organize an attack and could only watch the Ming troops come ashore...

When the bombardment ended, the three men calmed down the chaos and restored control of the army. More than 2,000 Ming troops landed, and established a solid defense line, passing through the most chaotic and dangerous stage of the landing.

The three of them were all experienced generals. Knowing that it was useless to attack again at this time, they quickly ordered their subordinates to inspect the fortifications, count the losses, and replenish their troops to meet the Ming army's attack.


In that compartment, Wang Bi also came ashore in a small boat, and Hu Bo, who was the vanguard, hurried to greet him. "Master Hou."

"Well, Nanchang Bo is very agile in his movements, and his sword is still young." Wang Bi was very satisfied with Hu Bo's ability to establish a good defense line in such a short time.

"The Marquis is joking. You can't do this well and you still have the nerve to lead troops?" Hu Bo was wearing armor and didn't show his iconic pigtails. He felt very uncomfortable. "We have agreed that I will be the first to attack later."

"Don't worry, I'll definitely make you stand out. But we won't attack today." Wang Bi shook his head and stared at the long stone wall in front of him and said:

"I didn't expect this broken wall to be quite strong. I thought that the burst of cannons just now could at least destroy one or two sections."

"It's too far." Hu Bo said in a dull voice: "Our cannons can kill people, but if we want to blow down the city wall, we don't have the ability."

"This is not our kind of city wall." Wang Bi handed the binoculars to Hu Bo and asked him to look at the wall carefully and said, "I believe it can be blown down. It's just a matter of firing a cannon at a closer distance."

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