Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 827 The bloody battle inside the wall

The first to cause damage to the Ming army were the Japanese archers on the stone wall.

These archers grew up in the war. They have superb shooting skills and very good tactics. When they saw the Ming army wearing armor and carrying shields, they shot at their feet. Ming soldiers kept screaming and falling. land.

Upon seeing this, the Ming army in the rear hurriedly retrieved the injured, and at the same time shot at the top of the city with fire blunderbuss, bowl-mouth blunderbuss, and crossbows to suppress the Japanese archers.

For a time, arrows and rocks were flying across the wall, and arrows from Japanese archers continued to fall down the stone wall. However, they were very tenacious. They kept resisting the rain of bullets from the Ming army and fired arrows into the gap, trying to kill the attacking Ming army as much as possible. .

But the Ming army was more tenacious and brave. They held their shields, arrows, and gravel on the ruins of the wall. They rushed forward and attacked the Japanese archers at both ends of the stone wall.

The Japanese archers had no choice but to fight and retreat, and the attack on the gap came to an abrupt end. The Ming army took the opportunity to rush through the gap, and saw Japanese soldiers all over the mountains and plains, already in full formation.

The Japanese army was divided into clearly defined square formations, flying various military flags. During the pre-war training, the generals of the Ming army suddenly learned the badges and flags of the major daimyo of Kyushu, and they could vaguely identify the Shaoer Army, Otomo Army, Shimazu Army, Usuki Army, Toji Army, Matsuura Army, Kikuchi Army, and Harada Army. , Xiaoyujun... The local tycoons from Kyushu gathered together.

If nothing else, there are tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers standing in front of them. The nearest forward is only a hundred steps behind them, and the sense of oppression is still very strong.

Facing an enemy force several times their own, the Ming army did not panic at all. The leading troops used shields to form a defense line to cover the array of follow-up troops that continued to arrive.

Seeing that the Ming army no longer came forward, Shao Er Lai Pi, the general of the Shao Er family who served as the vanguard officer, waved his folding fan and commanded the elite troops of the Shao Er family to take the initiative to attack the Ming army, trying to kill them before their forces could be deployed. Destroyed beneath the stone wall.

The elite soldiers of the Shaoer family, wearing bamboo hats and simple breastplates, armed with Japanese knives and spears, launched a fierce attack on the Ming army.

The soldiers of the Ming army calmly responded to the challenge, first using muskets and bows and arrows to inflict a round of casualties on the Japanese pirates. Then the Ming soldiers in the front row used shields to resist the Japanese pirates' attacks.

However, the elite troops of the Shaojia family were not afraid of death. Their intensive charges also put great pressure on the Ming army's defense line.

The Japanese pirates grabbed the shield of the Ming army and pulled it out with all their strength. The Ming army soldiers quickly held the shield tightly and pulled it back with all their strength.

The Ming army was so powerful that one Japanese pirate couldn't pull it back, but it couldn't hold back the large number of Japanese pirates. Two or three of them rushed forward and tore the shield apart together.

This flaw was quickly exploited by other Japanese pirates, who pierced the spear through the gap between the shield and directly penetrated the Ming army's armor and penetrated his body.

And those Japanese pirates holding shields were all killed by the spearmen behind the Ming army.

After stabbing the Japanese pirate holding a spear to death, a spearman released his spear, stepped forward to pick up the shields of his teammates, and filled the gap in the defense line...

Everywhere along the defense line was fiercely contested. The shouts of killing in both languages ​​were deafening, and many soldiers died every moment.

The soldiers of the Ming Army on the first line of defense were struggling to hold up a cup of tea when they suddenly saw many gourds flying above their heads, landing in the Japanese formation, and exploding in all directions. The Japanese soldiers in the back row were blown to the ground one after another, and everything was in chaos.

That's when the Ming army behind him finally captured both ends of the wall and began to throw 'gourd flying thunder' down from the wall.

This is not a grenade from Laoliu's cottage, but one of the many throwing firearms that have appeared since the late Tang Dynasty. The specific method of making it is to remove all the seeds from the dried gourd, then put gunpowder in it, and then stuff tinder into the neck of the gourd as a lead.

During combat, first put the gourd in a net bag, light the fuse, and then swing it up and throw it out. It can easily fly a hundred steps away. Experienced throwers can also time it to explode above the enemy's heads, causing damage.

Lao Liu just made some small suggestions after watching the demonstration of the gourd Feilei, such as changing the gourd shell to a ceramic one. For example, mixing sharp debris such as lead and iron pieces into gunpowder...

The Ordnance Bureau of the Ministry of Industry tried it and found that, damn, although the power of the explosion remained unchanged, the lethality increased by more than ten times? A flying thunder exploded, and the enemies within five feet were riddled with holes and instantly lost their fighting ability. Even if they were wearing armor, they could not stop it.

Moreover, this method is simple and affordable, just use coarse porcelain, and it is even cheaper than using a gourd. The most important thing is the large quantity. It is not easy to make 100,000 gourds, but to make 100,000 coarse porcelain jars, it is just a matter of finding a few small workshops and opening a few kilns.

Therefore, the gourd flying thunders produced by the Ming Army are all upgraded and refueled versions of the old sixth version.

Amidst the continuous explosions, coarse porcelain jars exploded in the Japanese formation. Although the explosion range was not large, lead fragments were scattered everywhere. All Japanese soldiers within the explosion range were blown into gourds of blood.

His face was covered with debris, and he was rolling crazily on the ground in pain.

How could the Japanese in this era have so many tricks in fighting? They had never seen this posture before, and thought that the Ming army had used some evil magic. They were so frightened that they all dodged and retreated, fearing that they would be affected by the falling 'Flying Demonic Pills'.

Not to mention the Japanese, even the Japanese horses had never seen this posture before, jumping and neighing in shock from the explosion smoke. The commanders on horseback tried their best to comfort him, but it was of no avail.

Hu Bo on the wall could see clearly, and immediately ordered the thunder-throwers to focus on attacking the enemy generals who were riding horses or wearing bright armor.

This time the Japanese generals suffered a disaster. They were bombed wherever they stood. If they changed places, the explosions would still follow them. Even ordinary soldiers noticed it and stayed away from them for fear of being harmed.

Several Japanese generals were led back by their frightened horses and left the battlefield yelling and cursing...

The chaotic effect caused by this gourd flying thunder is far greater than the killing effect caused.

"Kill the Japanese slaves and take revenge!" Wang Bi saw this and roared, waving his swords.

"Kill the Japanese slaves and take revenge!" The soldiers roared in unison and took the opportunity to advance. The vanguard of Shao Er's army was the most damaged and frightened by the gourd flying thunder. It could not withstand the oppression of the Ming army on the opposite side. A long time of anger.

Shao Er Lai Pi shouted desperately but could not stabilize his position. Seeing that there was nothing he could do, he directly led a dozen warriors and launched a desperate attack on the Ming army.

But desperate efforts cannot bridge the gap in strength, not to mention that the Ming army is also desperate. After a while, Shao Erlai Pi's warriors were all killed by the Ming army's spears. He himself was wounded and captured...

Seeing that the officers were wiped out, the Shao Er family's vanguard army completely lost their will to resist and fled in all directions.

It also broke up the formations of the Huji Army and Kikuchi Army that followed closely behind. The Ming Army followed suit and directly defeated these two armies...

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