Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 829 You provoked someone you shouldn’t have provoked

In fact, there was no need for the three men to give the order to retreat. Seeing the god-like "five hundred people" being swallowed up by the Ming cavalry with almost no resistance, all the local tyrants in Kyushu were frightened. How could they still have the will to fight?

As soon as they heard the gong of retreat, all the troops rushed towards Shuicheng two miles away, as if they had received an amnesty.

Although their short legs could not outrun the Ming cavalry behind them, no one was willing to slow down. Because as long as you run faster than your friendly forces, you have a chance to escape.

Hu Quan led his cavalry, killing the defeated soldiers like chopping melons and vegetables, and chased them all the way to the water city before stopping outside the moat. He shot the Japanese pirates who were escaping in a hurry with bows and arrows, forcing them to jump into the river to escape, but they drowned again. I don’t know how many people...

It was almost dusk, the setting sun was like blood, the underground river was full of dead Japanese soldiers, and the moat was stained red with blood.

Hu Quan then led his men to withdraw their troops and return to the camp.


Prince Huai Liang and the Guan Bai sect of the Southern Dynasty stood on the water city, looking at the dead bodies all over the mountains and plains, their faces were as pale as dirt and their hearts were as cold as ice.

Unexpectedly, the Hakata defense line, which they had painstakingly prepared for half a year and gathered most of the southern country's strength, was breached after only holding on for one day. Moreover, they were defeated so miserably. If this water city hadn't been blocking them, the Ming army would have been able to break into Dazaifu in one go.

Speaking of which, this water city was built after the first war between Japan and China - the Battle of Baicunjiang River, out of fear that the Tang army would attack Japan.

Although the Tang army did not attack, it was later used on the Mongols.

During the first Yuan-Japanese War, nearly 100,000 Kyushu Japanese troops were defeated by 10,000 Mongolian cavalry. It was only thanks to this city that the Yuan army was able to withdraw.

Unexpectedly, a similar scene would happen again a hundred years later. But this time, would they still have the same luck as their ancestors?

"The strength of the Ming army has far exceeded that of the Yuan army, right?" Nijiao Jiaoyori sighed.

"Of course, the Yuan army attacked the National Protectorate for a whole month and was still unable to do anything." Prince Huailiang said dejectedly: "The same Protector of the National Monument seemed like paper in front of the Ming army."

"No wonder the Ming army was able to destroy the Yuan Dynasty." Nitiaojiao Lai said submissively: "Your Highness, you have provoked an enemy that you shouldn't have provoked."

"How did I know this would happen?!" Prince Huailiang said incompetently and furiously: "The envoy of Hu Weiyong swore that the two disastrous defeats of the Yuan Dynasty made the Ming army afraid of fighting across the sea. Even if the emperor was angry again, his ministers would If we persuade him, no Ming army will attack us!"

"It stands to reason that this is indeed the case." Nijo Jiaoyori agreed. After all, Huai Liang had killed an envoy from the Ming Dynasty before. Wasn't he just an apology and a minister?

Therefore, everyone in the Southern Dynasty unanimously believed that they would not suffer retaliation from the Ming army this time. Only then did the local tyrants of Kyushu send warriors to carry out Prince Huai Liang's adventure.

Even if the assassination failed and the Ming Dynasty sent envoys to deliver an ultimatum, they still did not believe that the Ming army would really attack.

And even if they fight, they are not afraid. After all, the Yuan army has lost twice, and the Ming army will definitely be no exception.

The characteristics of the Japanese are not only stubborn and fond of gambling, but also an excessive belief in successful experiences.

Thinking that this was the case in the past, this should be the case now, never realizes that the world will change.

The result is the current situation...

The most amazing thing is that even now, they don't think there is a problem with their judgment, but think it is fate.

Nijo Jiaoyori sighed: "Everything can be done once or twice, not twice. Maybe the gods will not bless us this time."

"Don't be so pessimistic! We still have hope of making a comeback." Prince Huairiang was not as negative as Nijo Jiaorai, and Nijo Jiaorai did not have the qualifications to be negative.

After losing the battle to the Ming army, Nijo Koyori could at most take the blame and resign from Guan Bai's post, and he could still go home and be his daimyo. However, Huai Liang was taken to the Ming Dynasty to accept the punishment of the Ming Emperor.

As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, he has to give it a try. What's more, in his opinion, the hope of a comeback is not small...

"Your Highness is talking about our navy, right?" Nijo taught Nori to understand what he meant.

"Yes." Huairiang nodded and said: "Kyushu is famous all over the world for its navy. Before the war, I ordered more than 2,000 warships from the Goto Navy, Hirado Navy, Ouchi Navy, and Shimazu Navy. The purpose of sailing to the waters of Iki Island to hide is to launch a surprise attack on them after the Ming army lands and the warships are unable to move ashore!"

"The Ming army is coming across the sea. Once the navy is wiped out, the army on land will inevitably be demoralized. We have already fortified the wall and cleared the country. As long as we hold on for a while, they will be defeated without a fight, and they will have no choice but to surrender." Prince Huailiang raised his voice. , waving his hands to Nijo Korayi, and also cheering him up:

"Even if we can't eliminate their naval forces, as long as we continue to harass them and make them uneasy day and night, it will still greatly affect their morale, disrupt their arrangements, and prevent them from attacking the water city with all their strength. The moment they are exhausted, they will naturally withdraw their troops!”

"Your Highness is right." Nijojiao nodded. This was their plan. But the original plan was to use both land and water to trap the Ming army in Hakata Bay.

As a result, Hakata Bay was lost only on the second day of the war. The entire Dazaifu area is protected only by the water city, the only barrier.

'At least this strong city shouldn't be afraid of bombardment...' Nijō Lai secretly rejoiced.

This also gave them the courage to persevere, but if they wanted to make a comeback, they could only count on the Kyushu navy in the vast sea.

"Let's go and express condolences to the three of them." Prince Huai Liang heard countless curses from the city and knew that the defeated Kyushu army had finally entered the city. "Although they fought poorly and lost the sacred wall that protects the country, they should commit seppuku. However, the country is employing people, so I decided to forgive them this time."

"Your Highness is really a bodhisattva." What else can Nijoujiao say? In fact, he felt that Huairang was the one who should commit seppuku.


On the other side, when Hu Quan led his army back to the camp, Wang Bi was discussing with Hu Bo on the 'Sacred Wall to Protect the Country', using the stone wall to expand the camp to the entire Hakata Port.

"Install an archery tower and a camp gate into the gap in the middle, then tear down the city wall on the north and south sides for a mile or two, and use the removed stones to build it to the seaside. A perfect water city will be built." Wang Bi was full of energy in the dusk. road:

"I don't know how the Mongols would feel if they knew that the stone wall that they couldn't knock down in a month was knocked down by us in one day and then used as a camp."

"That must be very refreshing." Hu Bo smiled from ear to ear. The two brothers had a great time today. Wang Bi was really interesting enough to give his brothers the task of showing off.

So he reciprocated the favor and said: "This is all due to the good command of the Marquis!"

"Hey, it's all thanks to you and Uncle Wuchang." Wang Bi said humbly. He is not usually so polite, scoring points against anyone.

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