"Nani?!" The Japanese naval forces were all shocked for a while.

It wasn't until a ship directly hit the red lanterns behind them that they discovered that those lanterns were hung on the masts of dozens of small sampans.

The mast of the sampan was not high enough, so the Ming army added a bamboo pole and used the other end of the bamboo pole to lift the red lantern.

The height of the bamboo pole and mast is consistent with the height of the lanterns hung on real Ming army warships. The sea is calm again tonight, and the sampan is basically floating. From a distance, it is indeed difficult to find any flaws.

But the small sampan, which could only accommodate two or three people, was less than one percent the size of a normal battleship, so it was certainly difficult to be hit.

Looking at those empty sampans with hanging lights, the Japanese navy once again fell into doubts about what the hell they were doing.

They were already on tenterhooks, but now they were even more suspicious. The three naval forces unexpectedly stopped at the mouth of the bay, and the three commanders quickly gathered on Dayou's boat for emergency consultations.

"What do you think?" Otomo held a bamboo pole taken from the sampan in his hand, with a red lantern hanging on the other end of the bamboo pole.

Looking at the slightly dancing light in the red gauze lantern, Matsuura Heishin said solemnly: "I was a little scared at first, worried that it was a trap by the Ming army. But when I thought about it, I was ecstatic because I realized that this was nothing at all. A trap, but..."

He thought about it and made an analogy: "A scarecrow made by a farmer!"

"Scarecrow?" Shimazu's eyes lit up and he said, "That's right, it's a scarecrow!"

"The farmer was annoyed by the sparrows that kept coming back from the field, so he tied it into a human shape with straw and put a hat and clothes on it, so that the sparrows mistakenly thought that he was always in the field and did not dare to leave." Matsuura Nobunobu nodded. road:

"In my opinion, the same is true for the Ming army. They sent warships to patrol the mouth of the bay every night. They were too tired, so they used this method to scare us away."

"Are you sure it's not a trap?" Dayou asked in a deep voice.

"If we don't do this at the mouth of the bay, we will still go in. If we do, it might scare us away," Matsuura Heinobu said confidently: "If it is a trap, this is too clumsy."

"It makes sense! It must be what you said." Shimazu praised Matsuura Hisanobu: "I didn't know that Heinobu-kun was such a wise man before."

"No, I'm still far from it." Matsuura Heinobu hurriedly showed humility, and then asked Otomo's biological name: "How do you judge the biological name-san?"

"I also agree." Dayou nodded and said: "Think about it for a moment, we have been harassing the Ming army for several days. They send fleets to expel them over and over again, which is really annoying. Using this method is to think It didn't take much effort to scare us away, since we never dared to get close anyway, we just knocked on it from a distance without seeing any flaws."

"Doesn't this mean that our paralysis operation has worked?!" Shimazu said ecstatically.

"It should be like this!" Otomo spit out his own name, and his whole eyes changed. "I didn't expect the Ming army to relax so quickly. Gentlemen, I'm so excited!"

"Yes, farmers use scarecrows so that they can be lazy, and the Ming army uses 'scarecrows' so that they can rest peacefully!" Matsuura Heishin said solemnly.

"Then why are you hesitating? Change the plan!" Shimazu said excitedly: "Since the Ming army is so entrusted, we don't need to be so careful."

In recent years, the Jiuzhou Navy has suffered too many losses in front of the Sea King's Ming Navy. When Japanese pirates are no longer as popular as they were in the past, but have become a high-risk industry, every time they go to sea and come back alive, they are thankful to God and do not ask for any profit...

Now, an opportunity to severely damage or even eliminate the Ming Navy suddenly appeared in front of them, and the Japanese's hopeless adventurism took over again.

The three of them threw away their previous thoughts of conserving their strength and running away as soon as they touched the ground, and finally decided to attack with all their strength!

After Matsuura Heinobu and Shimazu returned to their respective ships, the three of them summoned their subordinates and announced the change of plan, which was unanimously supported by their subordinates!

The previous pessimistic atmosphere was swept away and replaced by feverish excitement!

This is how this nation is. When they can't see hope, they are submissive and groveling. Once they see hope, they immediately change their face and strike hard!

During this process, there was no movement from the Ming fleet in the bay. The people on board were obviously sleeping peacefully as they expected.

At the fourth watch, the three sailors rowed at full speed at the same time. With the rushing sound of rushing water, the Kyushu Navy quickly approached the anchorage of the Ming Navy in the center of the bay.

The tactics used by the Japanese navy in this era were the same as those during the Baijiangcun naval battle in the Tang Dynasty, which consisted of a three-piece set of arrows, fire attacks, and side-to-side warfare.

During the battle, they paddled as hard as they could, taking advantage of their speed to quickly approach the enemy. They first threw sulfur, which was abundant in Japan, and then set fire to it with rockets.

If it can cause a fire, ignore it. If the fire is not strong enough to burn the enemy ship, they will take advantage of the chaos of the enemy's busy putting out the fire, take the opportunity to pick up the ship, jump on the enemy ship and engage in hand-to-hand combat!

Their ships were all built with illegal construction-like towers, just to make it easier to jump onto enemy ships during battle!

With the sailors rowing with all their strength, the densely packed Japanese ships swooped like locusts toward the Ming army anchorage several miles away.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and the Japanese army has already seen the lanterns and torches on the Ming army's warships.

There would be no scarecrows this time, because they could clearly see the outlines of those Ming army warships, as terrifying as prehistoric behemoths on the dark sea. If it weren't for the giant beast sleeping, they would never dare to approach it.

At the thought of being able to sneak attack such a behemoth and inflict heavy damage on it, the Kyushu naval forces breathed heavily with excitement, holding the bows and arrows and throwing ropes tightly in their hands, just waiting to get into shooting range!

Three hundred feet, two hundred feet, one hundred feet...

Just when the two sides were hundreds of feet apart, flames suddenly burst out from a Ming army warship, and an earth-shattering sound of cannons was heard. Two rows of black muzzles fired at the same time!

A stream of fire snakes spurted out from the muzzle, and the shells roared and smashed into the Japanese fleet. This sound of gunfire was another signal of attack, completely awakening the sleeping bay!

A long row of Ming warships lined up, and then fired simultaneously. The continuous sound of cannons was deafening, covering up all the sounds in the world, and making the Kyushu navy stop thinking.

When they came back to their senses, they saw that the sea in all directions was full of broken warship wreckage, as well as countless broken limbs. Countless officers and soldiers who fell into the water were crying for help...

The Kyushu navy, which was in high spirits just now, suffered heavy losses in the blink of an eye.

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